Xcode / Why do we need to copy ~/Library/MobileDevice/ to /Library/MobileDevice/? - ios

While running the command cordova run ios, or ionic run ios, I came across this error:
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “31e9e9bb-8da1-48c6-9256-ec365145a0ac”, however, no such provisioning profile was found.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1'
At first glance, I decided to refresh my provisioning profiles, ensuring that they were valid and reachable.
However, same issue occurred.
I'm pointing out that running the app from Xcode directly worked/works great.
Until I ... came across this post, suggesting to run this command:
cp -r ~/Library/MobileDevice/ /Library/MobileDevice/
Tried it and...the whole works!
I found that very...ugly and totally non-intuitive.
May anyone explain the essence of this kind of copy?
Isn't Xcode smart enough to handle that automatically?
That works, indeed, but I never want to admit things I don't figure out ;)
I don't understand what I've done.


can't build for adhoc distribution appcelerator

I`m having lots of trouble with this one. I tried compiling an app for adhoc distribution and started with this error:
Failed to export archive to ipa
[ERROR] : The selected provisioning profile "" is most likely not a valid Ad Hoc provisioning profile.
[ERROR] : Please ensure you are using a valid Ad Hoc provisioning that is linked to the signing identity, then try again.
I "solved that part" running appc run -p ios -T dist-adhocthrough console line, but then I got
Cannot find module '/Users/ggomez22/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/MODI-Express-Dashboard/undefined'
[ERROR] Alloy compiler failed
also solved that one running sudo npm install alloy -g which also resulted in an error related to my defaultIcon.png (solved that) but now I'm stuck with
Session invalid. Please log in again.
I already tried logging in and out several times but the problem persists, I also tried with appc logout -D and had to use the code sent to my email to log in again but that didn't solve the problem either.
I need help with this. Thank you.
I will advise you to download Appc Studio & setup everything there. It looks like you are trying things piece by piece. Solve one & move to other problem. so it's better to avoid this tedious process & use Appc Studio IDE to build your project.
It's merely of 400MB & everything should be working fine.
Studio can also report you errors if there are any other because you can't be sure what's stopping you from building app from command line.
Looking at that Session Invalid issue, I used to solve it using appc login without logout as it refreshes the tokens & necessary things.

"No code signing identities found" error building cordova app for iOS device

I am trying to build a cordova app for iOS here on my Mac, and I am plagued by the "No codesigning identities found" error. Based on other posts, the frequent resolutions include stopping and restarting Xcode and rebooting, and redownloading the provisioning profile. None of that has worked for me.
It is odd because I reference the provisioning profile by GUID in my build.json, but the error mentions the profile by name. This indicates to me that something somewhere is successfully locating the profile. So I am not sure why it isn't able to use it.
I get the error when I build at the command line using:
cordova build ios --device --buildConfig="build.json"
I would think I should be able to reproduce the issue by building in Xcode, but when I load the cordova project in Xcode and build it, it seems to be fine. But perhaps I am not doing the equivalent step in Xcode. I am just choosing to "Build" in Xcode. Perhaps there is another way to do the equivalent in Xcode?
This same codebase does build successfully on our build box, so this is undoubtedly a config issue here on my Mac. What do I need to do besides download and install the provisioning profile? I have done this both by downloading from Apple Developer and by directly installing through the Xcode preferences.
Below is the exact error I am getting:
Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) that match the provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“[the name of our profile]”) were found.
I am a relative novice building an app developed by someone else. I have tried everything near the top of the Google search results for this error, but not much else. I am likely missing something obvious. Pointers and help would be greatly appreciated.
I had not installed the Enterprise distribution certificate with the private key here on my Mac. Once I did that it worked.

Xcode's Bot always returns error

I got an issue with Xcode's Bot. It always returns the "User canceled the operation. Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1" error string after running the command below:
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign <MY_PRIVATE_KEY> --entitlements /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Integrations/Caches/2cdd321641e8c114e4eba9819b017479/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates/MyApp.build/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.build/MyApp.app.xcent /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Integrations/Caches/2cdd321641e8c114e4eba9819b017479/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.app
I can run this command in Terminal with sudo. I'm using Xcode 6.3.1 and OS X Server 4.1.53 in my Mac 10.10.4.
Thank for your help.
This looks like a code signing error. There are a few different reasons for this to happen so you will need to do some troubleshooting. Can other bots build on your server? If so then its probably a build settings issue in this specific project.
In the Xcode Project go to the Project Target that your trying to build, and then Build Settings, and Code Signing. Under the Provisioning Profile you can either choose Automatic or explicitly choose the correct provision, and then under the Code Signing Identity choose iOS Developer. This is probably where your issue is if its related to the project. Do you have a proper provision setup for the project on the Apple Developer Portal?
If you can't get any bots to run on your server then the issue could be with how you set up Xcode Server. Have you added the server to your team? Here is the blog post that I used to get mine up and running, although you don't need to do all of those steps in the post. Focus specifically on the Setup Certificates section and Setup Provisioning Profiles section.
I fixed the issue by copying the missing provisioning file from my local directory "/Users/phuongle/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles" to "/Library/Developer/XcodeServer/ProvisioningProfiles". Do not use the downloaded provisioning file from developer.apple.com directly.
I just want to note here for everyone having the same issue with me.

NativeScript CLI fail when running "tns run ios"

I'm practicing with this new programming framework called NativeScript, which allows creating native apps using JS. However, when I started working on the Hello World tutorial, I got this error:
The error occurred when I tried running command "tns run ios" on Terminal, which basically allowed NativeScript to run HelloWorld app on my phone.
I also looked at the error log, and it seemed that the error might have something to do with my Xcode device settings, as explained here:
Check dependencies Code Sign error: No code signing identities found:
No valid signing identities (i.e. certificate and private key pair)
matching the team ID “(null)” were found. CodeSign error: code signing
is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 8.4'
I'm not sure what this means, though.
I was able to figure this out after posting a thread on {N} Google group. Here's how:
Generate the Certificate and Provisioning Profile, following this tutorial: http://seventhsoulmountain.blogspot.no/2013/09/ios-code-sign-in-complete-walkthrough.html
Go into the iOS section of your {N} project (under platforms/ios), and run the .xcodeproject file. You can also make a copy of this folder, to be sure that you don't accidentally change something in the source code.
When the Xcode project is opened, go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, and click on View Details.
Add the Provisioning Profile by clicking the + button.
That's all. Took me a while to figure this out since I'm not all that familiar with Xcode, but your project should run on your iOS device now.
Not sure, but I think the PATH variable "android / tools and android / platform-tools /" do not exist. You can use the android command in your shell?

Xcode Build Error - CodeSign

I am trying to test my iOS application on my iPhone. I keep getting the same error.
/Users/usrname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Navigation-abxszioyejjvsqfxzhvoyunubgef/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AppName.app: replacing invalid existing signature
/Users/usrname/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Navigation-abxszioyejjvsqfxzhvoyunubgef/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AppName.app: CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
-My provisioning profile and signing requests are good and valid.
-All certs/profiles/devices/App IDs are good and valid.
-I have tried deleting and re-creating the certs several times with no luck.
-The certs are set to use System Defaults instead of Always Trust
-My App ID is set to a xCode wildcard 123456.*
-I have set my Bundle Indentifer to justsometext, as from what I read in the docs, this doesnt matter because of the wildcard.
Can somebody please help me before I rip my hair out. Thanks!
I am using the latest version of Xcode and latest iOS on iPhone.
Have you correctly set the "Trust" section of Apple's WDRC certificate?
