I want to redeploy a multiple tenants using powershell. We have 100+ tenants in UIT and I don't want to do this manually. In order to redeploy, I have to use a specific link and log in. My question is, if it is possible to do this in an automated way using powershell. Here is what I have so far:
Function SendRequest($tenantName)
$url = "http://<machine-name>/$tenantName/Account /LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2f$tenantName%2fadmin%2fdeploytenant%3fsyncmetadata%3dtrue&syncmetadata=true"
$req = [system.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
$req.Credentials = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::($username, (ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -force))
$res = $req.GetResponse()
catch [System.Net.WebException]
$res = $_.Exception.Response
$int = [int]$res.StatusCode
$status = $res.StatusCode
Write-Host $status
return "$int $status"
The status that is returned is "200 OK" but it does not redeploy. Maybe I need to log in first and then send another request with the redeployment parameters. So what would be the best way to accomplish this?
Maybe this is just a snippet of your code, but I'm seeing you reference $username and $pwd without actually feeding in a username and password.
Perhaps that could that explain the lack of a successful redeploy.
I’m calling the Microsoft graph restful api in powershell to receive users from my organisation and all works splendidly when i want to use a full import. But when I try /users/delta I receive a large number of duplicates.
In my test environment it’s not an issue (the script runs for a couple of seconds long for a thousand users) but in the production environment of 70k users it returns 160k records. I need to use delta so that I can store the delta token somewhere and for future delta not require reading all 70k users again needlessly.
I have tried adding /users/delta?$Filter=&$distinct(UserPrincipalName) also with id and it still returns the duplicate users. Does anyone have a clue about how I can filter out the duplicates in the api call?
$Version = ‘Beta’
$BatchSize = 500
$Uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/$Version/Users/delta?top=$BatchSize"
$users = $null
do{#read all pages into a single array
{ #Get api data
$response2 = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $Uri -Headers $Global:AuthHeader
Log -ExtraLogging $Global:Debug -LoggingLevel 1 -ErrorCode 2 -Message "$($_.Exception). terminating run profile"
if($response2 -ne $null) #if multiple pages read all pages at once
$Uri = $response2.'#odata.nextlink'
$users = $users + $response2.value
}until ($Uri -eq $null -or $Uri -contains 'Error')
How are you returning all the users? since there is a 999 return limit per page for the users graph endpoint. I have a feeling that your own code is causing duplicates and not the graph endpoint. I tried running the command on a huge tenant and I don't get duplicates at all, but then again it only shows max 999 at a time. then you have to use the nextlink to get the next batch of users. most likely somewhere in your powershell logic you ended up returning the same thing twice somewhere.
But you would have to give more details about your script if you want more help.
I need to check if URL is working properly or not using "PowerShell Version 2.0"
I found this script over internet, but it is not wokring fine for wrong URL's. It should go in else loop for wrong URL's as well as print website code. And I am not able to pass credentials in this script.
e.g. for www.google.com(correct URL) status code should be 200but
for www.gfjgugy79rt9(Wrong URL) status code should be something like 404
script I found over internet for powershell version 2.0:
# First we create the request.
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('http://google.com')
# We then get a response from the site.
$HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()
# We then get the HTTP code as an integer.
$HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode
If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) {
Write-Host "Site is OK!"
Else {
Write-Host "The Site may be down, please check!"
# Finally, we clean up the http request by closing it.
In PowerShell higher than 2.0 you should use try ... catch ... finally because this code fire exception when the URI is no conform or when the adress part is not solvable by the DNS :
try {
# First we create the request.
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('http://google.com')
# We then get a response from the site.
$HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()
# We then get the HTTP code as an integer.
$HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode
If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) {
Write-Host "Site is OK!"
Else {
Write-Host "The Site may be down, please check!"
catch {
Write-Verbose $_.ScriptStackTrace
Write-Verbose "Ligne $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) : $($_.exception.message)"
finally {
# Finally, we clean up the http request by closing it.
In PowShell 2.0 you just have to put a Trap code at the beginnig of the scope (function, script) where you want to catch these exception :
Write-Verbose $_.ScriptStackTrace
Write-Verbose "Ligne $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) : $($_.exception.message)"
Write-Verbose ([datetime]::Now)
I have a Jenkins server running on Windows. It stores a username:password in the credentials plugin. This is a service user that gets its password updated regularly.
I'm looking for a way to run a script, preferably Powershell, that will update that credential in the Jenkins password store so that it's always up to date when I use it in a build job script.
The password is managed by a Thycotic Secret Server install so I should be able to automate the process of keeping this password up to date, but I have found almost no leads for how to accomplish this, even though the blog post by the guy who wrote the credentials api mentions almost exactly this scenario and then proceeds to just link to the credentials plugin's download page that says nothing about how to actually use the api.
The accepted answer works perfectly, but the rest method call example is using curl, which if you're using windows doesn't help much. Especially if you are trying to invoke the REST URL but your Jenkins server is using AD Integration. To achieve this you can use the following script.
Find the userId and API Token by going to People > User > configure > Show API Token.
$user = "UserID"
$pass = "APIToken"
$pair = "${user}:${pass}"
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair)
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64"
$headers = #{ Authorization = $basicAuthValue }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-uri "http://YourJenkinsServer:8080/scriptler/run/changeCredentialPassword.groovy?username=UrlEncodedTargetusername&password=URLEncodedNewPassword" `
-method Get `
-Headers $headers
Jenkins supports scripting with the Groovy language. You can get a scripting console by opening in a browser the URL /script of your Jenkins instance. (i.e: http://localhost:8080/script)
The advantage of the Groovy language (over powershell, or anything else) is that those Groovy scripts are executed within Jenkins and have access to everything (config, plugins, jobs, etc).
Then the following code would change the password for user 'BillHurt' to 's3crEt!':
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl
def changePassword = { username, new_password ->
def creds = com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
def c = creds.findResult { it.username == username ? it : null }
if ( c ) {
println "found credential ${c.id} for username ${c.username}"
def credentials_store = Jenkins.instance.getExtensionList(
def result = credentials_store.updateCredentials(
new UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl(c.scope, c.id, c.description, c.username, new_password)
if (result) {
println "password changed for ${username}"
} else {
println "failed to change password for ${username}"
} else {
println "could not find credential for ${username}"
changePassword('BillHurt', 's3crEt!')
Classic automation (/scriptText)
To automate the execution of this script, you can save it to a file (let's say /tmp/changepassword.groovy) and run the following curl command:
curl -d "script=$(cat /tmp/changepassword.groovy)" http://localhost:8080/scriptText
which should respond with a HTTP 200 status and text:
found credential 801cf176-3455-4b6d-a461-457a288fd202 for username BillHurt
password changed for BillHurt
Automation with the Scriptler plugin
You can also install the Jenkins Scriptler plugin and proceed as follow:
Open the Scriptler tool in side menu
fill up the 3 first field taking care to set the Id field to changeCredentialPassword.groovy
check the Define script parameters checkbox
add 2 parameters: username and password
paste the following script:
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl
def changePassword = { username, new_password ->
def creds = com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
def c = creds.findResult { it.username == username ? it : null }
if ( c ) {
println "found credential ${c.id} for username ${c.username}"
def credentials_store = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getExtensionList(
def result = credentials_store.updateCredentials(
new UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl(c.scope, null, c.description, c.username, new_password)
if (result) {
println "password changed for ${username}"
} else {
println "failed to change password for ${username}"
} else {
println "could not find credential for ${username}"
changePassword("$username", "$password")
and click the Submit button
Now you can call the following URL to change the password (replacing the username and password parameter): http://localhost:8080/scriptler/run/changeCredentialPassword.groovy?username=BillHurt&password=s3crEt%21 (notice the need to urlencode the parameters' value)
or with curl:
curl -G http://localhost:8080/scriptler/run/changeCredentialPassword.groovy --data-urlencode 'username=BillHurt' --data-urlencode "password=s3crEt!"
Printing a list of credentials and their IDs
Create UserPrivateKeySource Credential via Groovy?
credential plugin source code
Scriptler plugin
Search engine tip: use keywords 'Jenkins.instance.', 'com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials' and UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl
Decided to write a new answer although it is basically some update to #Tomasleveil's answer:
removing deprecated calls (thanks to jenkins wiki, for other listing options see plugin consumer guide)
adding some comments
preserve credentials ID to avoid breaking existing jobs
lookup credentials by description because usernames are rarely so unique (reader can easily change this to ID lookup)
Here it goes:
credentialsDescription = "my credentials description"
newPassword = "hello"
// list credentials
def creds = com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
// com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernameCredentials to catch all types
// select based on description (based on ID might be even better)
cred = creds.find { it.description == credentialsDescription}
println "current values: ${cred.username}:${cred.password} / ${cred.id}"
// not sure what the other stores would be useful for, but you can list more stores by
// com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.all()
credentials_store = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getExtensionList(
// replace existing credentials with a new instance
updated = credentials_store.updateCredentials(
// make sure you create an instance from the correct type
new com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl(cred.scope, cred.id, cred.description, cred.username, newPassword)
if (updated) {
println "password changed for '${cred.description}'"
} else {
println "failed to change password for '${cred.description}'"
I never found a way to get the Groovy script to stop updating the credential ID, but I noticed that if I used the web interface to update credentials, the ID did not change.
With that in mind the script below will in effect script the Jenkins web interface to do the updates.
Just for clarification, the reason this is important is because if you are using something like the Credentials binding plugin to use credentials in your job, updating the ID to the credential will break that link and your job will fail. Please excuse the use of $args rather than param() as this is just an ugly hack that I will refine later.
Note the addition of the json payload to the form fields. I found out the hard way that this is required in this very specific format or the form submission will fail.
$username = $args[0]
$password = $args[1]
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
#1. Log in and capture the session.
$homepageResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -uri http://Servername.domain.com/login?from=%2F -SessionVariable session
$loginForm = $homepageResponse.Forms['login']
$loginForm.Fields.j_username = $username
$loginForm.Fields.j_password = $password
$loginResponse = Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri http://Servername.domain.com/j_acegi_security_check `
-Method Post `
-Body $loginForm.Fields `
-WebSession $session
#2. Get Credential ID
$uri = "http://Servername.domain.com/credential-store/domain/_/api/xml"
foreach($id in [string]((([xml](Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -method Get -Headers $headers -WebSession $session).content)).domainWrapper.Credentials | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name -split ' '){
$id = $id -replace '_',''
$uri = "http://Servername.domain.com/credential-store/domain/_/credential/$id/api/xml"
$displayName = ([xml](Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -method Get -Headers $headers -WebSession $session).content).credentialsWrapper.displayName
if($displayName -match $username){
$credentialID = $id
#3. Get Update Form
$updatePage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://Servername.domain.com/credential-store/domain/_/credential/$credentialID/update" -WebSession $session
$updateForm = $updatePage.Forms['update']
$updateForm.Fields.'_.password' = $password
#4. Submit Update Form
$json = #{"stapler-class" = "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl";
"scope"="GLOBAL";"username"="domain\$username";"password"=$password;"description"="";"id"=$id} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri "http://Servername.domain.com/credential-store/domain/_/credential/$credentialID/updateSubmit" `
-Method Post `
-Body $updateForm.Fields `
-WebSession $session
I am new to gerrit. I am using gerrit V. 2.6 . I want to use gerrit REST APIs in my python script. But not able to figure out how to use it. I tried below code but getting errors.
curl --digest --user user:password http://server/a/changes/path/to/project~branch~change_id/rebase
getting error :
401 Authorization Required
Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you
are authorized to access the document
requested. Either you supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
browser doesn't understand how to supply
the credentials required.
Am I missing something.??
Are you using the correct username:password combination? This isn't your network password - it is the HTTP password that gerrit generates. You can find it by going to Settings->HTTP Password. If the password box is blank, click the button to have Gerrit generate a new password.
You may try using pygerrit. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygerrit/0.2.1
I think it has some APIs to easily access gerrit.
As #Ramraj mentioned, you can try using pygerrit or pygerrit2.
And I provide some examples that how I use gerrit REST APIs in my python script.
Here is the code.
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
rest = GerritRestAPI(url='http://review.xxxxxx.com:8080', auth=auth)
Query changes by change number.
info = rest.get("/changes/?q=change:{}".format(change_number))
change_id = info[0]['change_id']
subject = info[0]['subject']
Query changes by commit id.
info = rest.get("/changes/?q=commit:{}".format(commit_id))
change_id = info[0]['change_id']
subject = info[0]['subject']
Revert a change.
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
query = "/changes/" + str(change_number) + "/revert"
my_data = {"message": "{}".format("Revert "+str(subject))}
rest.post(query, data=json.dumps(my_data), timeout=30, headers=headers)
Review a change
headers = {'content-disposition': 'attachment', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
query = "/changes/" + str(change_number) + "/revisions/current/review"
my_data = { "labels": {"Code-Review": "+2", "Verified": "+1"} }
rest.post(query, data=json.dumps(my_data), timeout=30, headers=headers)
I am trying to create and iOS app that takes a users credentials and verifies it with the AD server. Is there some built in library in xCode to do that, or is it third party?
Any advice on direction to look would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so this was the PHP i used to make the connection to the ldap server. i am not 100% sure what is happening here, i got this code from IT Coordinator at my company. I understand all the binding and searching parts, but i dont get the the ldap_set_option part of this whole thing. Anyway after setting it up this way, you can then call the URL of the php script and pass it parameters. take a look at the PHP, and the url example with be below.
//Connection parameters
$dn = "DC=network,DC=net";
$host = "ldap://ldap.network.com";
$port = 1111
$user = $_GET['user'];
$pass = $_GET['pass'];
//$user = "user#network.net";
//$pass = "pass";
$filter = "memberof";
$keyword = "CN=USSC_ALL,CN=Users,DC=network,DC=net";
$filter = "objectclass";
$keyword = "user";
$filter = "objectcategory";
$keyword = "CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=network,DC=net";
//The real thing with PHP
if (!empty($keyword) and !empty($dn)) {
//Connect to the AD
$adConn = ldap_connect($host, $port) or die("Could not connect!");
//Set protocol verison
ldap_set_option($adConn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) or die ("Could not set ldap protocol1");
//Set referrals... Won't work without this...
ldap_set_option($adConn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0) or die ("Could not set ldap protocol2");
//Bind the user
$bd = ldap_bind($adConn, $user, $pass) or die ("Could not bind");
echo $bd;
//End binding
} else {
echo "<p>No results found!</p>";
Ok so now all you have to do is pass a username and password to the script and it will return the bind. that will give you either true or false. meaning if it bound successfully it is a correct combination of username and password.
this is how i am calling it: here)&pass=(password here)
This is the approach that i took, and i think it is a very simple answer.
So what I have been able to find out is that i need to use PHP to do this. By creating a php file on the server, i can use built in ldap protocol to take a user name and password to the ldap server for verification. The query should then return true or false. As soon as i get this working ill post my code