iOS- Get referral code from appstore if app is installed from an ad - ios

I am not able to find a way in order to recieve referral code from the Google Conversion Tracking. What are the steps that need to be followed? It is simpler in android, while I couldnt find a direct way to implement it in iOS.
In case of Android play store link look like this:
As you can see referrer parameter at the end of url. Once app is installed in device then play store will send this parameter to app using INSTALL_REFERRER broadcast receiver. We can use this parameter.


How does YouTube and Netflix push content to Roku?

Using a mobile app, it is possible to "Cast" media from your mobile app to a Roku device on the same network. I do not understand the mechanism being used which allows a remote device (YouTube Android app for example) to cause the selected Roku to open the YouTube channel and start playing the video.
I have looked though the Roku developer documentation and am unable to locate any way to launch a channel without the user choosing that channel.
This is one way of doing it:
Use the External Control
to discover the Roku device(s).
Use the
command to ensure that the app you're targeting is installed
and/or to obtain the app id. You could also use the
command if you know the app id and you discovered that the app is
not installed.
Use the
to open the app and deep link to specific content. The url should
look something like this
Quick note, the install/appID command also launches the app after
it's installed the same way the launch/appID command would.
Handle the deep link in your Roku app.
sub main(args as dynamic)
contentID = args.contentID
mediaType = args.mediaType
if contentID <> invalid and mediaType <> invalid
// Either store the parameters for later use in the app, or make the
// requests to your content API right here.
end if
end sub
More details on Deep Linking here.
Adding to the Alejandro Cotilla answer, You can check some simple implementation of the External Control API here on this repo.

How do apps access your username / device name without the user explicitly providing it? (Example in description)

For example, the VLC app was able to somehow get my username (or device name?) without me ever giving it this info. Here is a screenshot that shows the VLC app greeting me by name in the app switcher. How is this possible if I never gave the app this information? Which API could it be using to obtain this info?
This is possible due to UIDevice class. It doesn't require permissions in order to get some basic system information, after all it's just your name (if you were to ask for location/health data/contacts/etc that would be something else and thus user permission is mandatory).
For more information refer to official documentation here
That's not VLC but rather iOS.
iOS suggests apps based on time and location of your device. The name is taken from your iCloud Account. VLC is not aware of that banner.

Delete dial call number from recent call list in ios

I have a some special requirement to delete dial call number from call list. I research a lot on SO but not able to get any answer for this. Is it possible in iPhone?
Apple doesn't allow developers to modify call list or history, since it will violate user's privacy policy. It is not possible to achieve in iOS with iOS public framework, used to submit apps to appstore. It is only possible by using private frameworks... or you can say jailbreaking the device. But you won't be able to submit app to store. It will be rejected.
Simple answer: No you cannot. Apple iOS doesn't allow you to access some of the applications such as Phone and Messages - So it is not possible for you directly access the call log, read messages or whatsoever. What you can do is, you can open the Messages/Phone app with a pre-defined number to call or a message to send for performing user verification actions.
Take the example of Uber app; you can call the driver by tapping on the Contact button, but there is no way that app can access your phone log and delete the recent numbers from the record - unlike Android devices.
It may be possible by jailbreaking, which on the other hand won't let you put your app on the App Store.

IOS Deeplinking- Pass msg from email to your app

Existing user of the app will send email to other user.
Other user may have app installed or not installed on their device.
The email will contain some token. Now I want to pass that token to my app. I have read that by deep-linking, its possible. But how will I handle the case when other user have not installed my app yet in their IOS device.
Any help is appreciated.
What you're describing is called Deferred Deep Linking (Deep Linking refers to using a link to open your app, even directly to a specific piece of content, and Deferred means that it works even if the app isn't installed first).
Unfortunately there's no native way to accomplish this yet on either iOS or Android. URL schemes don't work, because they always fail if the app isn't installed. Apple's new Universal Links in iOS 9 get closer, but you'd still have to handle redirecting the user from your website to the App Store
A free service like (full disclosure: they're so awesome I work with them) can handle all of this for you though. Here's the docs page covering exactly how to create email links like you described:

iOS Conversion / installation Tracking

Objective: i want to fetch my custom parameter(referrer) from iTunes link upon installation of my application in device.
iTunes links look somethings like this:
If i append my parameter say(&referrer=xyz)at the end and i open this url in ios safari browser then it will prompt to download the application.
Confusion: will app store send my parameter(referrer) to my application on launch so that i can fetch it in my application and use it.
In case of Android play store link look like this:
As you can see referrer parameter at the end of url. Once app is installed in device then play store will send this parameter to app using INSTALL_REFERRER broadcast receiver. We can use this parameter.
What i tried OR Other people doing for conversion tracking: Other people are simply sending static data to their server at the first time opening of app and maintain a flag in NSDefault to make sure that app does not send same data again. I can also do the same as well as alternate ways suggested in below links but i want to do something with custom parameter.
I have already seen below links:
iOS - track which ad campaigns my installs are coming from
Tracking iOS installs from multiple marketing sources
Please help me out.
As #Aditya said, for now, Apple is not sending any referrer (or params) from iTunes to installation.
The only way you have it's to use a third party sdk to get your installations.
I have been working on a own sdk to get this but the way to get any info it's really hard and not really confident to use it. So endly we used some third party which are using many techniques to getting this (as fingerprint data, App2App methods, etc...)
I have tested appsflyer sdk and facebook sdk, they work as expected, use this or any else you prefer.
Hope this helps
