Creating parallell timeline in Xcode [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to create a schedule in xcode, preferably Objective-C. Basically I will have some sessions over specific times that are going to be distributed over some locations/rooms and I want to have a parallell timeline for each of these rooms.
What I am looking for to create is something like the app Magine (
I figure I will probably need to create a UICollectionViewLayout, but that is pretty much how far my knowledge goes. Any level of guides ot help is greatly appreciated. Maybe there is even an open source class somewhere that accomplishes just what I am looking for?

What I am looking for is obviously something like MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout. Hopefully I'll be able to modify the source code to better fit my needs.


How may I customize app suggestions in iOS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to customise App Suggestions in iOS programatically.
It usually says Good Morning and my app name.
Is it possible that I configure it to say something other than "good morning"?
Can I control when and where it appears?
I couldn't find much information in this regard.
You can't modify App Suggestions from an application, as that content is outside of the scope of an app's sandbox.
"Good Morning" appears there because the App Suggestion feature detected that you usually use a particular app in the morning and greets you with an according message. Those strings come directly from this feature and are not app-dependent; therefore, they can't be changed as of now.

What does “consume an API” means? With details, please [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know what "consume an API" means in a less technical language possible and would like too some simple example in git and, if possible, using Ruby. I understand that I may be asking a lot, sorry for that, but I can not understand 100% of the examples I found.
I can not go on, because I have not yet been able to fully understand the subject.
I have a application, a CRUD simple and a API isa JSON that extract the results this CRUD?
Sorry for my limited understanding. I would very much like details with code example, just something basic.
It means that you take in data from an external source/url and do something with it. Here is an example:

Rails best practices [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anyone help me with few indication about best way to do few things.
At this point I am in a situation where I have a task(.rake), and the code become so ugly that I need to split it out. So if I will create another file, probably a module with multiple classes and methods or just methods, where should I put the file (libs probably?)? (this file may be used by models as well). Also if I want to do the same or a module?
Any books, tutorials, articles, and opinions are welcomed.
Thank you
Check out the Rails Guides for an introduction - beyond that, there are many different [opinionated] resources on the matter, ie:

How can you automatically translate a page on load? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Google Translate. Bing Translate. You can add a widget. You can select "Spanish" and the page will translate to Spanish.
I do not want to user to have to select "Spanish". I want the page to load in Spanish automatically. Never mind why I want these things. They are necessary parameters.
You could start by looking at navigator.UserLanguage in javascript. It's not entirely foolproof, but it's a good starting point, and provided the users aren't messing with what the navigator object actually pulls (fairly easy to fake) it should give you a reasonably good don't really have what language(s) you're using on your page tagged, so it's sorta hard to provide specific help.
Reading the documentation might help

Building a Code Generator in ruby.. Where to start? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been thinking about starting an open source admin panel for rails using the cappuccino JavaScript / Objective-J web framework..
How would I get started?
Are there any resources you can point me to, that explain dynamic scaffolding like code generation?
Thanks and looking forward to collaborating if anyones interested?
You may want to take a look # rails_admin. It is a port of Merb Admin. It's still pretty young, but may give you ideas on the approach.
ActiveScaffold has been around for a while too which may be another good reference project.
