Delphi Chromium Embedded DCEF3 - rendering problems - delphi

I'm using Delphi Chromium Embedded DCEF3 in a application, and I have a strange behaviour installing the application on different PCs, in particular in rendering of web page when program executes instruction
On all PCs where we installed it works correctly (page is rendered correctly) except on a PC where browser's window is not rendered (it remains blank) after LoadUrl (but the URl is correct).
What may be the reason ?

Just turn off "Accelerated Compositing" in Chromium Options.


Intraweb 14.1.5 TIWTabControl and TIWfileuploader component not working in IE browser

I am using intraweb 14.1.5 version in delphi XE5, Using TIWTabControl in web page but while running web page in IE browser page is getting stuck also getting issue while using TIWFileUploader file is not uploading when running through IE browser.
Both component work properly if I run same web application in Mozilla or Chrome.
so is there any property of them need to set ?

Delphi7 - TWebBrowser does not load web, IE or Chrome correct

Using Delphi 7 on Win7, all updates.
The TWebBrowser component (or TEmbeddedWebBrowser) does not load correctly. Until recently, everything was ok. I think it happened after deploying multilingual websites. However, in IE or Chrome, everything is ok.
Setting Internet Feature Controls was unsuccessful.
Do you know the answer?

TWebBrowser Cannot Open Blogspot Website

I'm using Delphi XE2 in Windows 7 64 bit, I put TWebBrowser component in a Form. I navigate it to a blogspot website, e.g:
it shows JavaScript Error (HTML Parsing Error), then I turn Silent properties to True as follow:
Webbrowser1.Silent := true;
But the browser cannot open the page properly (only show background image). I tried other blogspot websites and got same problem. Any solution to display blogspot website correctly in TWebBrowser?
Twebbrowser uses IEFRAME
IEFRAME depends on the version of internet explorer you are running on that computer
You can deploy IEFRAME.DLL (in c:windows/system32 )with your application so you can be sure the same version is used everywhere so you wont get inconsistencies between computers.
However newer ones wont work on XP and there are some directx requirements.
A good alternative is
Delphi Embed chromium, it makes your deployed application a lot bigger (+-15MB) but you can be very sure it works everywhere and always (windows 8 to XP) and it will always produce the same page
Also if you have to manipulate the DOM or insert javascript (to communicate with the page)
this will be easier and will work more consistently.
Here is a link for the latest version:

Delphi using Microsoft’s Shell Doc Object and Control Library (SHDOCVW.DLL)

Can someone provide some background on the TWebBrowser component with regards to HTML/CSS standards? I am puzzled why it is that despite the fact that I am using Windows 7, with IE 8 installed, that I get different rendered results when displaying a HTML file in IE8 versus what I see when the same HTML file is displayed within TWebBrowser. For instance, pseudo elements p:before and p:first-letterare totally ignored in the CSS file when the HTML file is viewed in TWebBrowser (Delphi 7), yet they are honored when the same HTML file is viewed in IE8.
Is the SHDOCVW.DLL perhaps so old that I am in affect getting IE3 rendering? I'm trying to wrap my head around why IE8 frequently renders HTML considerably different than what one gets when using TWebBrowser.
IE8 renders pages running within instances of the WebBrowser control in IE7 Standards Mode by default. The difference that you see is therefor based on the difference of the IE8 & IE7 standard.
When an executable loads an instance of the WebBrowser control it scans the registry to check whether the executable wants IE7 Standards or IE8 Standards mode.
WebBrowser Control Rendering Modes in IE8(deprecated)
WebBrowser Control Rendering Modes in IE8(Updated)
To run a WebBrowser control in IE7 Standards Mode, insert the following values into the registry:
[(HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION]
"MyApplication.exe" = dword 7000 (Hex: 0x1B58)
To run in IE8 Standards Mode insert the following registry value:
[(HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION]
"MyApplication.exe" = dword 8000 (Hex: 0x1F40)
In both of these instances, MyApplication.exe should be replaced with the name of the executable that will be running WebBrowser controls in a specified mode.
That much said, you can avoid fiddling with the registry all together.
Pages hosted in a WebBrowser control can override rendering settings by using the X-UA-Compatible meta tag to specify a rendering mode.
for example, to force IE8 TWebBrowser control to render site in IE8 standard use:
<META http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">
This can be done globally via a host-header or as a per-document edit.
the Meta tag solution might be deprecated, I would suggest you follow the registry steps.

Loading/launching activex control using NPAPI

I have a mozilla browser(this browser is developed for windows based mobile handsets).I have used NP plugin for rendering flash content on my browser.There are NPAPIs which can be used for controlling the flash window properties.I have used NPAPIs for getting the flash contents from the browser and rendering it on the browser.
Now I want to launch activeX control using the NPAPI.This is required for rendering flash in wince platform which uses activeX to render flash content on nay web page.Does any one know how to launch an activeX control using NPAPI so that the NPPlugin which is implemented for windows phone also works on wince platform.
Thanks in advance,
Check out:
Most APIs probably work the same on WinCE, but you'll have to do some tweaking, I'm sure.
