Action Menu in IOS 7 - ios

I'm looking for the menu that pops up when you want to set a photo as wallpaper, where you have a series of options. I'm going to link this to a Action BarButtonItem in a ToolBar and was wondering if you know of any good tutorials for this or have got some code if it's a short and easy thing to do?
I know this is a short question but I really need answer to this, at least to know what the menu is "officially" called ;)

Assuming you are looking for UIActionSheet. These guys have pretty good tutorials. I watched all their tutorials and I think this one will help you out with that.
This is what UIActionSheet Looks like in iOS 7


Instagram pop up feature alike in swift

I was wondering if anyone have any idea how to work out something similar to Instagrams's feature that when you keep pressed a picture in a profile, it pops up until you release the screen. I have been looking around and haven't really found an answer. I was trying to work with popovers but they're not allowed in iphone and most of the alternatives use storyboards. Basically the difference from what im looking for and a popoverpresentation is that I want the new screen to cover most of the screen, not from it to come from the button itself, if that makes sense, while I have the screen pressed. So basically does anybody know how to do this in swift using no storyboards? Thank you!

Push a side view controller

I am a bit new in iOS programming. I want to add view controllers in side view when click on the menu button as many apps already have. I searched in net and found 2 APIs one is PPReavealSideViewController and other is SWReavelSideController. but i don't know how to use. I downloaded the Sample project of PPReavealSideViewController but it is showing many errors. please help me I have many questions in my mind..
Which one is better to use PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController?
Is there any other way to achieve my target??
I am uplaoding a image, please help me
I would suggest to use step-by-step tutorial:
PPReavealSideViewController or SWReavelSideController are good but always nice to do it yourself

How to style uitableview to create pretty menu

I've been working on app, that has side-menu. I've been inspired by other apps, and I want my menu to look similar to theirs. Here are some examples (steam app menu, fb menu)
Basically my question is, what kind of outlets are used in this menu? My first thought was, that those are tableviews with sections and static cells. However, even if they are tableviews, I've got no idea how to style my tableview that way. All I came up with, was this crappy design :D
I would be very glad, if someone could show me right way :) Thank you guys
There are alot of similar open source controls available.
Please check the below links:
You look on the right path. Unfortunately it is simply down to design aspects and the assets you use.
This project recreates the menu in a very similar way to Facebook's.

iPhone Share Button

How can I recreate this, something found throughout native iPhone apps such as Safari and Photos.
I'm assuming it is pretty simple, I just don't even know what it is called so I'm having trouble finding out how.
It is usually reached using an action (or export or something) button.
The same functionality is called as UIActionsheet. You can get plenty of examples for the same on SO itself.
you are looking for whats called a UIActionSheet
check this out for more info
you have to create action sheet

Styling the UIPopOverViewController

I've seen a few apps on the iPad recently adding a bit of design to the pop overs.
Does anyone have any pointers on how you would go about changing the pop overs design without writing your own?
I'm hoping to achieve something like the pop overs in iBook or Calcbot.
I don't believe there is any way to really customize the UIPopoverController. You can write your own pretty easily though.
