Optional binding succeeds if it shouldn't - ios

This is what I posted as a possible solution to Traverse view controller hierarchy in Swift (slightly modified):
extension UIViewController {
func traverseAndFindClass<T where T : UIViewController>(T.Type) -> T? {
var currentVC = self
while let parentVC = currentVC.parentViewController {
println("comparing \(parentVC) to \(T.description())")
if let result = parentVC as? T { // (XXX)
return result
currentVC = parentVC
return nil
The method should traverse up the parent view controller hierarchy and return the first
instance of the given class, or nil if none is found.
But it does not work, and I cannot figure out why. The optional binding
marked with (XXX) always succeeds, so that the first parent view controller is returned
even if it is not an instance of T.
This can easily be reproduced: Create a project from the "iOS Master-Detail Application"
template in Xcode 6 GM, and add the following code to viewDidLoad() of the
MasterViewController class:
if let vc = self.traverseAndFindClass(UICollectionViewController.self) {
println("found: \(vc)")
} else {
println("not found")
self is a MasterViewController (a subclass of UITableViewController), and its
parent view controller is a UINavigationController.
There is no UICollectionViewController in the parent view
controllers hierarchy, so I would expect that the method
returns nil and the output is "not found".
But this is what happens:
comparing <UINavigationController: 0x7fbc00c4de10> to UICollectionViewController
found: <UINavigationController: 0x7fbc00c4de10>
This is obviously wrong, because UINavigationController is not a subclass of
UICollectionViewController. Perhaps I made some stupid error, but I could not find it.
In order to isolate the problem, I also tried to reproduce it with my own class
hierarchy, independent of UIKit:
class BaseClass : NSObject {
var parentViewController : BaseClass?
class FirstSubClass : BaseClass { }
class SecondSubClass : BaseClass { }
extension BaseClass {
func traverseAndFindClass<T where T : BaseClass>(T.Type) -> T? {
var currentVC = self
while let parentVC = currentVC.parentViewController {
println("comparing \(parentVC) to \(T.description())")
if let result = parentVC as? T { // (XXX)
return result
currentVC = parentVC
return nil
let base = BaseClass()
base.parentViewController = FirstSubClass()
if let result = base.traverseAndFindClass(SecondSubClass.self) {
println("found: \(result)")
} else {
println("not found")
And guess what? Now it works as expected! The output is
comparing <MyApp.FirstSubClass: 0x7fff38f78c40> to MyApp.SecondSubClass
not found
Removing the type constraint in the generic method
func traverseAndFindClass<T>(T.Type) -> T?
as suggested by #POB in a comment makes it work as expected.
Replacing the optional binding by a "two-step binding"
if let result = parentVC as Any as? T { // (XXX)
as suggested by #vacawama in his answer also makes it work as expected.
Changing the build configuration from "Debug" to "Release" also makes the
method work as expected. (I have tested this only in the iOS Simulator so far.)
The last point could indicate that this is a Swift compiler or runtime bug. And I still
cannot see why the problem occurs with subclasses of UIViewController, but not
with subclasses of my BaseClass. Therefore I will keep the question open for a
while before accepting an answer.
UPDATE 2: This has been fixed as of Xcode 7.
With the final Xcode 7
release the problem does not occur anymore. The optional binding
if let result = parentVC as? T in the traverseAndFindClass() method
now works (and fails) as expected, both in Release and Debug configuration.

If you try to conditionally cast an object of type UINavigationController to a UICollectionViewController in a Playground:
var nc = UINavigationController()
if let vc = nc as? UICollectionViewController {
} else {
You get this error:
Playground execution failed: :33:16: error: 'UICollectionViewController' is not a subtype of 'UINavigationController'
if let vc = nc as? UICollectionViewController {
but if instead you do:
var nc = UINavigationController()
if let vc = (nc as Any) as? UICollectionViewController {
} else {
it prints "No".
So I suggest trying:
extension UIViewController {
func traverseAndFindClass<T where T : UIViewController>(T.Type) -> T? {
var currentVC = self
while let parentVC = currentVC.parentViewController {
println("comparing \(parentVC) to \(T.description())")
if let result = (parentVC as Any) as? T { // (XXX)
return result
currentVC = parentVC
return nil


Find a uiviewcontroller from uinavigationcontroller

I am trying to figure out a generic way to find a uiviewcontroller which is auto type casted. Currently, I do have this.
extension UINavigationController {
func contoller(ofType type:AnyClass) -> UIViewController? {
for controller in self.viewControllers {
if controller.isKind(of: type) {
return controller
return nil
Calling will be like:
if let controller = self.navigationController?.contoller(ofType: MyController.self) as? MyController{}
That's how I am able to get controller object and I need to type cast it also.
I am trying to figure out a way to do this like as:
if let controller:MyController = self.navigationController?.contoller(ofType: MyController.self){}
So that I will not need to do any type casting.
For this, I may need to do some changes in UINavigationController extension function.
Need some suggestion for this.
Use Generics:
extension UINavigationController {
func controller<T: UIViewController>(ofType _: T.Type) -> UIViewController? {
for controller in viewControllers where controller is T {
return controller
return nil
EDIT 1: I would return also the VC as type we requested.
And recommend to use first in the name, cause there might be more than one. And you might want to introduce lastController(as:) in the future
extension UINavigationController {
func firstController<T: UIViewController>(as _: T.Type) -> T? {
for case let controller as T in viewControllers {
return controller
return nil
Then usage could be:
let nav = UINavigationController()
nav.viewControllers = [UIViewController(), UITabBarController()]
let tabVC = nav.firstController(as: UITabBarController.self)
EDIT 2: You can shorten the extension body:
extension UINavigationController {
func firstController<T: UIViewController>(as _: T.Type) -> T? {
viewControllers.first(where: { $0 is T }) as? T

how to unit test UIApplication extension

Suppose I use this code that extracts the top most viewController
import UIKit
extension UIApplication {
class func topViewController(_ base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let navigationController = base as? UINavigationController, navigationController.viewControllers.count > 0 {
return topViewController(navigationController.visibleViewController)
if let tabBarController = base as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tabBarController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(selected)
if let presentedViewController = base?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(presentedViewController)
return base
How do I facilitate unit testing of this code? I would need to use an instance of UIApplication.shared. Any tips would be appreciated.
If instead this was an extension to UIViewController, you could omit the parameter (base) altogether.
The call would then change to
let top = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController.topViewController()
In order to unit test this, we can simply create a ViewController and perform our tests.

What is the Use of Returning the Same function itself in Swift

Well I see some syntax in the following function which returns the topMostViewController. This function is defined in AppDelegate
func topViewController(controller: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let navigationController = controller as? UINavigationController {
//***A topViewController which is Returning itself
//***This is where I got Confusion
return topViewController(controller: navigationController.visibleViewController)
} else if let tabController = controller as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tabController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: selected)
} else if let presented = controller?.presentedViewController {
return topViewController(controller: presented)
return controller
And it's used as
if (self.topViewController() as? SomeViewController) != nil {
if orientation.isPortrait {
return .portrait
} else {
return .landscape
I understood that the code is trying to set orientation based on the currently visible View Controller but I don't understand what is the necessity of returning the same function itself in topViewController. Also I see some syntax like
extension UIApplication {
/// The top most view controller
static var topMostViewController: UIViewController? {
return UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.visibleViewController
extension UIViewController {
/// The visible view controller from a given view controller
var visibleViewController: UIViewController? {
if let navigationController = self as? UINavigationController {
// *** Here it's returning Same variable i.e visibleViewController
// *** a function could call itself recursively. But how can a Variable calls itself recursively?
return navigationController.topViewController?.visibleViewController
} else if let tabBarController = self as? UITabBarController {
return tabBarController.selectedViewController?.visibleViewController
} else if let presentedViewController = presentedViewController {
return presentedViewController.visibleViewController
} else {
return self
That is called recursion. There is a condition in the recursion that cause t end the cycle :
Not in the navigationController, because it has another visible controller
Not in the tabBarController, because it has another visible controller
Not presenting another controller, because the presented one is visible
if one of these appears -> we go down one level and call this function again until none of these true.
It is a recursive function. The topViewController function calls itself to find the top most controller which is visible. The function will exit when controller?.presentedViewController returns nil (Which means that the value held by controller is the top most visible controller). You can also achieve the same without a recursive function as mentioned here: How to find topmost view controller on iOS, but it looks much more cleaner than the looping implementation.

Conditionally cast of generic view controller fails

Say I have the following:
class ContentSelectableViewController<T: NSManagedObject> : UIViewController { //... }
class PersonSelectionViewController: ContentSelectableViewController<Person> { // ... }
class PlaceSelectionViewController: ContentSelectableViewController<Place> { // ... }
Then in an instance of one of these subclasses, I have some code:
if let navCtrl = self.navigationController {
for viewController in navCtrl.viewControllers.reversed() {
if viewController is ContentSelectableViewController {
log.info("Worked for \(viewController.description)")
if let vc = viewController as? ContentSelectableViewController {
// This should be equivalent to the above.
My question is, when I have a stack full of subclasses of this generic baseclass, it doesn't always return true (go into the if statement) when checking if they are of type ContentSelectableViewController and I don't understand why. They inherit from the same baseclass.
I'm guessing it's because of the generic nature of the class. The if statements evaluate to true for the subclass that calls it.
So, it does in fact have something to do with trying to type check a generic class. It would work for the one and not the other because the one making the call implicitly adds its type.
i.e. (Pseudo-Swift)
if viewController is ContentSelectableViewController<Person> { //... }
What I did instead was to define a protocol that ultimately makes these ContentSelectableViewController<T> selectable:
enum ContentSelectionRole: Int {
case none = 0 // no selection going on right now.
case root // i.e. the one wanting content
case branch // an intermediary. think of a folder when looking for a file
case leaf // like a file
enum ContentSelectability: Int {
case noSelections = 0
case oneSelection = 1
case multipleSelections = 2
protocol ContentSelection {
var selectedObjects: [NSManagedObject] { get set }
var selectionRole: ContentSelectionRole { get set }
var selectionStyle: ContentSelectability { get set }
func popToSelectionRootViewController() -> Bool
func willNavigateBack(from viewController: UIViewController)
Making the definition:
class ContentSelectableViewController<T: NSManagedObject> : UIViewController, ContentSelection { //... }
And then, refactored the original post, to get:
#discardableResult func popToSelectionRootViewController() -> Bool {
if let navCtrl = self.navigationController {
for viewController in navCtrl.viewControllers.reversed() {
if let vc = viewController as? ContentSelection {
if vc.selectionRole == .root {
vc.willNavigateBack(from: self)
navCtrl.popToViewController(viewController, animated: true)
return true
return false
I still don't quite understand the aspect of the language that makes it fail, but this solution works.
Protocol-based Programming seems to be more Swifty anyway...

Prevent runtime crash for function instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:)

Swift 3.0
From what I found here is UIStoryboard always return non-optional instance in function instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:).
open class UIStoryboard : NSObject {
open func instantiateViewController(withIdentifier identifier: String) -> UIViewController
The crash happen if we adding wrong identifier value, without noticed.
This case might happen in complex projects which have large number of controller in many storyboards, and a controller StoryboardId is missed.
The only solution I found is making a function to temporary create all controllers when start app delegate (this function should be called in debugging mode only).
func validateControllers() {
guard let _ = xyzStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ABC") as? ABCViewController else {
fatalError("fail in init controller ABC from storyboard XYZ")
But I wonder if we could have another way to handle this situation. Or should I raise this issue to Swift team? Thanks!
as far as i know there is no solution for preventing crashes like this. but this is a good thing and it's meant to crash like this to show you there is something wrong with your code and you need to fix them!
Writing this answer to just to let you know how we handled the accidental typo(s) of a View Controller Identifier, which could lead to error when you try to create an ViewController from Storyboard(s) using view controller's identifier.
We had a complex project which had almost 15-20 ViewControllers, we didn't put them in a single storyboard instead we shared these VCs across multiple story boards and then we created an object called StoryBoardManager, which would create an VC from various storyboard(s) and hand it over to us.
We also created couple of enums to represent various storyboard(s) and viewController(s) inside.
It somewhat looks like this,
enum Storyboards : String {
case main = "Main"
case signup = "SignUp"
case discover = "Discover"
case utility = "Utility"
case event = "Event"
enum ViewControllers : String {
case login = "login"
case onBoard = "on_board"
case signup = "signup"
case signupNavigation = "signupNavigaitonVC"
case discoverNavigation = "discoverNavigation"
case individualProfileSetUp = "individualProfileSetUp"
case organizationProfileSetUp = "organizationProfileSetUp"
case discover = "discover"
case imagePickerMenuVC = "imagePickerMenuVC"
case eventDiscoverMapNavigation = "eventDiscoverMapNavigationVC"
case eventDiscoverMapVC = "eventDiscoverMapVC"
case event = "event"
class StoryboardManager {
static func storyboard(name:Storyboards) -> UIStoryboard {
let aStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: name.rawValue, bundle: nil)
return aStoryboard
static func viewController(storyboardId:Storyboards, viewControllerId:ViewControllers) -> UIViewController {
let storyboard = StoryboardManager.storyboard(storyboardId)
let viewcontroller = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(viewControllerId.rawValue)
return viewcontroller
We mainly did this to avoid the typo mistakes for the ViewController identifier(s), which would lead to an runtime error. You will add all the viewController(s) identifiers to ViewControllers enum and storyboard(s) names to the Storyboards enum as a enum case. We updated both the enums whenever we introduced a new storyboard or a new ViewController in any of the storyboards and this helped all the team members not to make the typo for ViewController identifier.
Then we created ViewController(s) using the below code,
let loginVC = StoryboardManager.viewController(.main, viewControllerId: .login)
HTH :)
Short brief
Currently, I have a complex project that have 5 storyboards, with 20 controllers. In my case, using storyboard segue seems not a good idea. Therefore, creating controller's instance from storyboard and make a transition by code is much better.
But the problem is that instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:) always return non-optional instance, and it will be crashed if we put an invalid identifier (which didn't define in storyboard).
Solution (Swift 3.0)
There are steps to prevent this problem.
In *.storyboard, use controller class name as StoryboardID
Create UIStoryboard+Ext.swift to define all storyboards & controllers belong
Create BaseViewController.swift to define the initialization from storyboard
Create function to init all storyboards & controllers, to prevent crashing in runtime.
Download sample code from if you want to try yourself: https://github.com/nahung89/StoryboardPattern
Detail (TL;DR)
Step 1:
Step 2:
extension UIStoryboard {
enum Identifier: String {
case main = "Main"
case explore = "Explore"
case search = "Search"
case profile = "Profile"
static func name(for controller: UIViewController.Type) -> String? {
var identifier: Identifier?
switch controller.className {
case HomeViewController.className:
identifier = .main
case ExploreViewController.className:
identifier = .explore
case SearchViewController.className:
identifier = .search
case ProfileViewController.className:
identifier = .profile
return identifier?.rawValue
extension UIStoryboard {
static func instanceFromIdentifier(_ identifier: Identifier) -> UIStoryboard {
return UIStoryboard(name: identifier.rawValue, bundle: Bundle.main)
static func instanceFromName(_ name: String) -> UIStoryboard? {
guard let identifier = Identifier(rawValue: name) else { return nil }
return instanceFromIdentifier(identifier)
Step 3:
extension UIViewController {
var className: String {
return String(describing: type(of: self))
class var className: String {
return String(describing: self)
class BaseViewController: UIViewController {
static var controllerId: String {
return String(describing: self) // return slass name, i.e "ExploreViewController"
static func instanceFromStoryboard() -> Self? {
guard let storyboardName = UIStoryboard.name(for: self) else { return nil }
return instantiateFrom(storyboardName: storyboardName)
private static func instantiateFrom<VC: UIViewController>(storyboardName: String) -> VC? {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: storyboardName, bundle: nil)
let controller = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: controllerId) as? VC
return controller
Step 4
extension AppDelegate {
func validateStoryboards() {
let _ = UIStoryboard.instanceFromName(UIStoryboard.Identifier.main.rawValue),
let _ = UIStoryboard.instanceFromName(UIStoryboard.Identifier.explore.rawValue),
let _ = UIStoryboard.instanceFromName(UIStoryboard.Identifier.profile.rawValue),
let _ = UIStoryboard.instanceFromName(UIStoryboard.Identifier.search.rawValue)
else {
fatalError("fail to init storyboard by name")
guard let _ = HomeViewController.instanceFromStoryboard(),
let _ = ExploreViewController.instanceFromStoryboard(),
let _ = ProfileViewController.instanceFromStoryboard(),
let _ = SearchViewController.instanceFromStoryboard()
else {
fatalError("fail to init controller from storyboard")
