Neo4j 2.1.1 concern - consistency check of community edition db - neo4j

Following on from the information found in the blog post titled 'Neo4j 2.1.2 – Maintenance Release', I thought I should check the consistency of a database that has been upgraded to Neo4j 2.1.1.
My set up: Neo4j community edition running on Windows Server 2012 R2 - the binary distribution running as a Windows service (NOT the windows desktop launcher executable).
In the blog post it talks about using the backup tool included with the enterprise version of Neo4j so I have downloaded an evaluation copy (2.1.4) so have access to Neo4jBackup.bat. I cannot however, get a backup to run. No matter what I try I get
Couldn't connect to ''
or a variation thereof.
I am running
.\bin\Neo4jBackup.bat -from localhost -to D:\DataBackups\Neo4j\check
I have tried specifying a port, specifying IP address, using single://localhost. After consulting the manual more closely I have also amended my config to add
# Enable online backups to be taken from this database.
# Port to listen to for incoming backup requests.
Still I receive the same error. I am clearly being a moron. What am I doing wrong? Help!
The question boils down to 'how do I back up a community edition database as alluded to in this Neo4j blog post?

OK so yes. I am a moron. It just came to me. You need to open the database with the enterprise edition!
For anyone who is overcome with a moment of stupidity, like me
Copy the database you wish to check (graph.db by default) to the data directory of your evaluation copy of Neo4j
Start up Neo4j (you may or may not need a store upgrade)
Run .\bin\Neo4jBackup.bat -from localhost -to [your desired backup location]
Sit back and await the results
Feel free to mock/throw rotten vegetables etc at me....! :)

Starting with the 2.1 line (somewhere around 2.1.5 I think) the consistency checker was moved from the enterprise edition to the community edition. It is therefore now possible to check a DB with the community edition too. In the root of the neo4j server directory run:
java -cp 'lib/*' org.neo4j.consistency.ConsistencyCheckTool data/graph.db
Note that this is not an offical API (it's undocumented).


How to start the Community Edition in Neo4j Desktop?

I would like to use Neo4j to learn how graph databases work and make some experiences with my own datasets. According to that and since Neo4j claims to be open source I've downloaded the Windows Neo4j Desktop version, but every project and database initialized shows the "Enterprise" attribute which means that I just initialized the Enterprise edition.
Any idea how to setup a project and a database based on the community edition?
Solved it. If you dont setup path variables you have enter the bin directory via cmd and type "neo4j.bat install-service" and then neo4j.bat to start the database-server. The officiall installation instructions should have those details.
just open a commandline in the bin folder. There you execute the command "neo4j.bat console" which creates a local server, that you then reach via localhost:7474.
The neo4j Download Center allows you to choose between downloading the Enterprise Edition, the Community Edition, and the Desktop.

Copy Neo4j Desktop Edition DB to cloud

I am trying to get the Paradise Papers running on an AWS cloud server. I installed Neo4j Desktop on my mac, and commissioned a server by deploying the AMI from
I then copied the data from the Desktop install to the cloud install, updated the neo4j.template file to point to the new directory, and restarted the service.
The problem is that I can no longer connect to the server. In the log files I can see the following lines (along with a lot of diagnostic information).
2018-09-30 07:41:59.920+0000 INFO [o.n.k.i.f.CommunityEditionModule] No locking implementation specified, defaulting to 'community'
2018-09-30 07:42:00.104+0000 INFO [o.n.k.AvailabilityGuard] Requirement makes database unavailable: Database available
I suspect that there may be some kind of licensing or version constraint that is preventing the database from running. Could this be possible? Or is it something else?
Your issue is not related with a licensing or version problem.
In your debug.log, I don't see any message that can explained your issue.
Is there something useful in the neo4j.log file ?
Can you try to start neo4j after after removing all your plugins (apoc) ?
Can you try to start Neo4j on an empty database ?

Neo4j community edition in read-only mode

I'm trying to make the config flag dbms.read_only=true working with Neo4j community edition (I know there are user roles in the enterprise, but I'm not wealthy enough for their expensive fees).
I've done this:
Created a database as read/write, using Neo4j Desktop (v1.1.8) under Mac and 3.4.5 as database engine.
Populated it with just a few nodes
Stopped, set dbms.read_only=true and restarted
At the last step, the server logs shows the error: "UnsupportedOperationException: Can't create index writer in read only mode" and shuts down. So, is that option really (still) working?
Neo4j Desktop is meant for usage with Enterprise Edition (you do get an individual license for usage for dev purposes only), not Community Edition.
I believe there's an issue with dbms.read_only=true and running via Neo4j Desktop, but there isn't any problem using the server deployment of Neo4j Community edition and using that setting.
My advice would be to download the community edition from Neo4j and use that directly rather than going through Neo4j Desktop.

Installation error with Neo4j enterprise edition 2.0.0

I am a developer at a company. We started using Neo4j recently. We have been using Neo4j community editions till now. We use Amazon as our cloud. We put up the neo database onto cloud and we are using ubuntu instance for this. I was able to put Neo4j community editions onto the cloud till now and put data on it. We have now bought the enterprise edition of Neo4j (Neo4j Enterprise edition 2.0.0) . I am trying to put the new enterprise edition onto the cloud using ubuntu.
I have downloaded the enterprise version and extracted the contents of it on ubuntu. Now I am trying to install Neo database using the command:
var/lib/neo4j/ neo4j-community-2.0.0 $ sudo ./bin/neo4j-installer install
This gives me output as:
WARNING: this installer is deprecated and may not be the optimal way to install Neo4j on your system.
Please see the Neo4j Manual for up to date information on installing Neo4j.
Press any key to continue
Graph-like power should be handled carefully. What user should run Neo4j? [neo4j] ubuntu
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/init.d/neo4j-service’: File exists
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/neo4j-service: file does not exist
This does not install neo database now. The same command was working fine with Neo4j community editions. Please let me know what should be done for this? I am stuck on this for several hours now. I have no clue what should be done.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
As you are a customer, probably best to open a support ticket, and then add an answer here, so that other people can learn about it?
Did you remove the community installation first? It could be a clash of the two versions.
Because the manual actually says the same thing here:

Cacti - after upgrade to 0.8.8a not graphing harddrive space on Windows servers

I have upgraded Cacti from 0.8.7g to 0.8.8a. (We use poller not spine).
I followed the upgrade instructions here -
Cacti Server; Linux RedHat server RHEL4connect to mysql
Not using custom scripts basically inbuilt server (index) scripts.
What doesnt graph is hard drive usage (hdtotal/hdfreespace) on windows or linux boxes
Windows servers will only graph network stats not hd/cpu.
I have confirmed that the OID in the Server script directory are correct. Went through the trouble shooting steps here -
Linux server are ok with recording and displaying cpu/network but not hard drive data.
I realise this post is a bit all over the place, but new to cacti and want to fix these issues. Any information/help is appreciated. Even if it is just to set up a windows server monitoring graph.
Did you rebuild the poller cache already ?
Go to Console -> System Utilities -> Rebuild Poller Cache
That rebuilds the cache which the poller is using. It sometimes get's not updated properly during an update leaving some graphs empty.
We had no luck with this upgrade and ended up rebuilding the server using packages available through redhat repositories.
Thanks for reading
