Using Lua as script on Windows Embedded Compact 2013 - lua

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and I have a Virtual Computer with Windows Embedded Compact 2013.
I already have tested some simple C++ applications, just to see if they work on WEC2013 - they do.
Now I am looking for a way to use Lua as a scripting language.
I guess it would work if I embed the right libraries to my project, unfortunately I could not find any libraries that work with the WEC2013-platform.
I have already embeded Lua into a C++ application on win32-platform succesfully.
Now my question is:
Are there some Lua-libraries for WEC2013 or is there any software I could use to reach my aim?
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, thanks.

I generated my own Lua-library with Visual Studio, by using the latest sources of Lua, which I have downloaded.
Then I just had to add the library-path and the include directory to my project to make it work.


Debug f# script file (fsx) in Visual Studio Code

Seems like a simple thing but I cannot find it anywhere online.
If you have any guide on debugging F# script file (fsx) in Visual Studio Code, please share, thank you.
It seems that debugging of F# scripts (fsx) is currently not supported in VS Code, and unfortunately also not in Rider or the standard VS (which has a setting to enable it, but even then debugging does not work with .NET 6 fsi).
Check these github issues for more info (hopefully I did not misunderstand them):

How integrate lua in visual studio 2017?

I'm a student and I wanna start learning this language, I have some experience with C++ projects, it's very easy create, debug you project, add some files. How i can do all of this stuff with lua? Highlighted syntaxes, debug tools, very useful.
I know that on official site you can use lua53.exe file and compile in console, but may be exist more easy way to do it in studio? Also i know that exist a lot of other IDE that can accomplish that kind of stuff, but i get used to VS.
You can use visual-code,
or IntelliJ (with lua extensions).

Is it possible to develop f# using Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop?

I have been doing some programming in VB.NET on Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop. I recently started looking into F# and like the functional paradigm. As a result I have been trying to find a way to use VSE2015 as my IDE for F#. However, I have hit some problems. First of all, it has been difficult to find out if it is officially supported. The .NET blog suggests that it is (at least version 3.1.1, and the announcement for 4.0 RTM does not mention otherwise), but when I try to install F# Tools (4.0) it seems to choke on some components called VWD and WD(?). 3.1.1 seems to install OK, but then I still can't open any F# projects (fsproj). When I try to install FSharpVSPowerTools, it tells me that my platform is not supported.
Am I trying to do something that is not possible? Have I missed some steps? Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
(Incidentally, I can't use the Community edition because of the licensing restrictions)
Edit: I have tried VS Code, but it works differently from VSE, and I would have to do a whole more learning. In addition, I want to use the VS template for creating XLL's. Edit 2: it has been pointed out that you can reference excel-dna in VS Code, but setting it up is not as straightforward as in VSE2015 (at least for VB.NET and C#.NET.

Metro style Apps with F#?

In the Build 2011 keynote and demos, they were always talking about C++, C#, Visual Basic and JavaScript. Can't I build Metro style Apps with F#? Or is it safe to say that if it works with C#, then it works with F# as well?
Or is it eligible to say if it works with C# then it works with F# as well?
Yes, that's how it is supposed to work. In addition to javascript and C/C++, any CLS compliant language that runs on top of the CLR will have access to the WinRT API.
Unfortunately in the VS 2011 Express edition you don't get tooling support but I guess this will be added progressively or to other editions:
Don talks about this a little around 7:40 into his talk.
I had the same question and created a blog post: Create a Metro App in F# (NOT)
There are a few issues:
You cannot reference ordinary .NET dll’s (even in C#). They have to
be have recompiled with a “reference” to the WinRT. Because of this
you cannot reference the F# dll. I think this will be solved when F#
3.0 get released (source: Understanding F# slide from Don Syme at
The ability from F# to create Metro apps. This has to be
built by the F# team. This is an open question. This is the all-F#
approach (In WPF it is today possible but not recommended).
Tool support for creation Metro front-end projects. This will be not the case for the
F# 3.0 release. (source: Understanding F# slide from Don Syme at
Using Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview (Full, not Express), I was able to reference and run F# code from a C# Metro style application with the following caveats:
You will get a build warning saying that the project can't be referenced, even though Visual Studio will still allow you to add it.
You must remove all references to all DLL's in the F# project, including FSharp.Core.
By following these steps it is possible to run F# code from a C# Metro style application, but it is nearly impossible to write any useful code in F# without references to the core language libraries. Let's hope they update the libraries to be WinRT compatible soon.
The question has been answered here:
Windows 8 and F#
Although you cannot create and design Metro apps directly in F#, you can still create so called Portable library in F# with all Models and ViewModels and use it in another Metro projects. It's not ideal, but it works.
I ported my stock chart library for .NET3.5-4.0 to Portable library,it works quite well on Metro with C# Metro application and some my Metro UI bridge.
I'm convinced that I can use F# to make Metro application in many parts.

Can you use Visual Studios instead of Web Matrix for orchard 1.0?

I installed orchard through the MS web platform installer. It listed web matrix as a dependency and once finished installing it loaded up web matrix.
I am wondering if I can just use VS 2010 instead or does orchard have some setting set for web matrix or something that would require me to do some configuration in VS 2010(ie some iis stuff)?
I tried going to the path where the orchard files are located(that was listed in web matrix) and load up the cs project file into Vs but it seems to be missing folders such as the "Themes" folder.
Yes you can use VS2010 only if you like, and that's the way I prefer it myself, but you should use the full source for Orchard. Go to the Download page download the full source code.
After that you got many good tutorials on the Documentation page.
Good luck!
This page from the Orchard Documentation shows that you can create a module using just a text editor. I would think that using Visual Studio would also be doable, though I can't find an explicit example using VS 2010.
The documentation has full instructions to enlist in the source code and use Visual Studio 2010 to build Orchard.
