Uploading files in my Rails app via Carrierwave / MiniMagick. Trying to create previews of the first page of PDFs. Ran into a few issues:
1) Some PDFs convert but the background is all black. Images and comments are visible
2) Some PDFs result in this error:
ImageProcessing::Error - Source format is multi-layer, but destination format is single-layer. If you care only about the first layer, add `.loader(page: 0)` to your pipeline. If you want to process each layer, see https://github.com/janko/image_processing/wiki/Splitting-a-PDF-into-multiple-images or use `.saver(allow_splitting: true)`.:
My codes looks like this:
version :thumb do
process :convert => 'jpg'
process :resize_to_limit => [50, 50]
def full_filename (for_file = model.file.file)
Not clearly understanding which MiniMagick command line arg to add and how to add them.
I have the following model:
class ScreenshotUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
storage :file
convert :jpg
version :thumb do
process resize_to_fill: [50, 50]
def extension_whitelist
%w(jpg jpeg gif png)
version :print do
process border: ['black']
process quality: 80
The upload of the image happens via pasting an image from the clipboard via https://github.com/layerssss/paste.js and is saved as a base64 encoded string into a <textarea>, then uploaded using the https://github.com/y9v/carrierwave-base64 gem:
class Finding < ApplicationRecord
mount_base64_uploader :screenshot, ScreenshotUploader
In the HTML form, it looks like this:
After uploading, the result is the following files:
screenshot.png it's a PNG, not a JPG!
But I need the original file to be also converted to JPG, as I need to save disk space. How can I achieve this?
You can do it like it written on the carrier wave documentation
Just replace system("mogrify -resize '1200\>' #{file.file}") with system("mogrify -format jpg #{file.file}") and then remove original file.
Adding to Vasiliy's answer, I came up with the following:
after :store, :convert_original_to_jpg
def convert_original_to_jpg(new_file)
if version_name.nil?
system("mogrify -format jpg -quality 80 #{file.file}")
system("unlink #{file.file}") # Remove the old PNG file
model.update_column mounted_as, "#{mounted_as}.jpg" # The filename in the DB also needs to be manually set to .jpg!
While this works for creating the file, it does not when updating the file, as the new_file parameter then is nil, and thus all images are removed.
I think this is some quirk that has to do with the carrierwave-base64 gem, and I don't have any motivation to dig into this any further. So the proposed solution might not be too useful, but for the sake of documentation I wanted to post it here.
In my special case, I decided to let go of the idea of saving disk space by converting PNG to JPG. Instead, I simply set process quality: 80 to save at least some space on the versions.
For the original PNG (which is saved in lossless state by carrierwave-base64 gem), I simply use the following code to shrink its quality:
after :store, :optimise_images
def optimise_images(new_file)
return if Rails.env.test? # Optimising consumes quite some time, so let's disable it for tests
if version_name.nil?
image_optim = ImageOptim.new pngout: false,
svgo: false,
pngcrush: false,
optipng: false,
pngquant: {allow_lossy: true}, # Everything disabled except pngquant, to keep the performance at a good level
advpng: false
I've tried with
system("convert -strip -thumbnail '100x>' #{org_file.file}[0] #{thumb}.png")
but this is not working on Heroku..
Is there any way to create a thumbnail?
You would need to define it in your uploader
#Create different versions of your uploaded files:
version :thumb do
process :resize_to_fit => [50, 50]
checkout this
Ruby 2.2.3
Rails 4.2.4
mini_magick: 4.2.10
Carrierwave 0.10.0
I am trying to create a watermarker for a small gallery using CarrierWave as uploader.
I want the watermark to be sized compared to the current image. Therefore I am trying to use a .svg-file with different opacities and a transparent background.
I am using a watermarker based on Carrierwave add a watermark to processed images
require 'mini_magick'
class Watermarker
def initialize(original_path, watermark_path)
#original_path = original_path.to_s
#watermark_path = watermark_path.to_s
def watermark!(options = {})
options[:gravity] ||= 'SouthEast'
image = MiniMagick::Image.open(#original_path)
watermark = MiniMagick::Image.open(#watermark_path)
result = image.composite(watermark, 'png') do |c|
c.gravity options[:gravity]
result.write #original_path
And calling this as a process from my uploader.
My problems:
I cannot get the watermarker to input the picture with transparent background. I played around with:
But no progress.
I cannot adjust the size of the overlay image properly. There is a lot of settings for the geometry command but I'm stuck.
Any ideas and help would be great.
I'm using carrierwave-vips (with ruby-vips) to upload and process 16 bit tiff. The 16 bit tiff will get save (not a problem for carrierewave alone), but I also want to process a thumbnail (jpeg). The problem is that the resulting thumbnail is completely blown out. What can I do?
The problem is that the 16 bit digtals that represents your band levels aren't getting scaled down. Add the following method to your uploader:
def convert_to_8bit
manipulate! do |image|
#vips specific
and then process: :convert_to_8bit in your version.