FedAuth cookie does not display expiry date in Firebug - asp.net-mvc

I have an ASP.Net MVC site secured with SSL and am using System.IdentityModel.Services and am creating the token like this:
SessionSecurityToken token = new SessionSecurityToken(myClaimsPrincipal, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
SessionAuthenticationModule sam = FederatedAuthentication.SessionAuthenticationModule;
When I access the site in the browser, Firebug does not display the expiry date as expected. Instead the expiry date is shown as Session:
Can anyone explain why this is please? I assume that ASP.Net can still see the actual expiry date internally when it reads the cookie? More so, where is the cookie expiration time actually set?

You're mixing two different things here:
Token Expiration is determining until when the token is valid. After that time, even if the token is attached to a request, it is considered invalid and will not be honored. Usually the expiration time is encrypted within the token itself and that means that it's controlled solely by the token issuer.
Cookie Expiration is something that is controlled by the client (your Web-Browser in this case). Once the Cookie is expired it is no longer being attached to the request. But, should the Browser decide to send it, it will work until the Token expiration has reached.
In your particular case, the Token expiration is set to 1 day, but since the Cookie expiration is set to 'Session' it means that if you were to end the session (typically by closing your Browser window) at some point before the Token expires, the Cookie will not be sent and you'll be required to login again.
After 1 day (when the Token expires), even if you're still in session, you're always required to login again.
Update (as per your comments):
Ticket expiration and Cookie expiration can be set separately simply because sometimes the ticket is not necessarily contained in a Cookie. It may be sent to the server using other methods (QueryString, custom HTTP header etc). Yet, indeed the natural thing to do is have them both set to the same expiration time.
This is also the case in your SessionSecurityToken, if you'll set its IsPersistent flag to true you'll notice that Cookie expiration is now the same as the Ticket:
SessionSecurityToken token = new SessionSecurityToken(myClaimsPrincipal, TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
token.IsPersistent = true;


Azure AD Easy Auth headers are empty after expiry

My web app checks for access token expiry from this header value "X-MS-TOKEN-AAD-EXPIRES-ON", and then it invokes the /.auth/refresh endpoint when the token expiry < DateTime.Now.
This has been working until now...
The problem now is that the "X-MS-TOKEN-AAD-..." headers are empty after expiry. Same with accessing the /.auth/me page which shows [].
Is there a change in Azure AD that would have caused this new behaviour?

Salesforce access token get refreshed then how long it will expired again

I have session timeout setting as 1 hours, and my initial access_token seems timeout around this time. This is excepted.
And after it timeout, i did token refresh and get a new access_token, then i observed this refreshed access_token seems not timeout in 1 hours, even 5~6 hours after, it still not expired.
So is there refresed access_token never expire? Can someone explain more about this?
Refresh token policy is managed from admin side usually and is different from the initial access token. From what you say the setting you have right now for Refresh token is probably 'Refresh token is valid until revoked'.
When you go to your Salesforce org go to Setup -> Manage Connected Apps - find the connection you are looking for and see what policy you have set. You can set it to expire in number of days, based on usage or Immediately.

WIF session token set through SessionAuthenticationModule lifetime

Please help me to understand the concept of expiry time for sessiontoken.
Below is the way I am setting the session token after receiving the token from STS.
var principal = validationfunction();//returns claimsprincipal
if (principal != null)
var token = new SessionSecurityToken(principal.ClaimsPrincipal)
IsReferenceMode = false
//this makes sure that the identity and claims are written to the cookie.
FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SetPrincipalAndWriteSessionToken(token, true);
Please confirm if this is true or not:
if the token lifetime is 10 mins. if user is inactive for 10 mins and doesnt send any request to
website it the session token expires and its redirected to STS login page.
if user is active and keep refreshing the page/visits different page the sessiontoken lifetime gets
refreshed . it means everytime the user visits the page the token gets new expiry value. So user will not be redirected to login page every 10 mins.
if user requests a STS protected resource (web api) , the life time of token is treated absolute. Meaning regardless user is active or not, after 10 mins of token generated if the user requests web api , the token will be invalid and redirected to STS login page.
are the above concepts correct?
You need to set the token lifetime yourself. The default is IIRC - 10h. When the token has expired and you are accessing a protected resource, the application will emit a 401. If you have the WsFed modue - this will result in a roundtrip to the STS
Session security tokens are absolute expiration by default
You wouldn't use a cookie to secure a Web API - a redirect does not make sense for APIs (nor does cookie authentication).

Google OAuth's access token's expiry timezone

I recently switched to the Google+ Sign in OAuth2 hybrid approach.
When the request code is exchanged for the access token, the expiry time and created time is sent back along with the access token in seconds.
I need to know the sent timezone is. I need this to make comparison with my server's time and be able to deduce if access token has actually expired.
What's the timezone or how do I determine it?
The token bundle sent back does not include an actual expiration time, but it does contain the number of seconds for the expected life of the token. If a time is being attached to it, it is being attached by the local library.
That said - you can't necessarily trust this number. There are a number of reasons why the token may have been revoked or is treated as no longer valid. So while you can use it as an estimate of when you'll need to get a new one - you should also handle the case where you use a token and you get an authentication error, forcing you to refresh the token and try again.
My bad.
I just went through the Google PHP APi client library. Only to realize the created field was set within the library (on my server) in Google_Auth_OAuth2's authenticate method.
So it is safe to use $client->isAccessTokenExpired() instead to try to do one's computation. Works with local time (I guess :))
Thank you.

Session that never expires like on stackoverflow.com, unless the user clicks logout

I am building a asp.net mvc application.
I want session to never expire, once the user login, unless the user clicks on logout.
Whats the best way of doing it?
I have used
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie);
and set createPersistentCookie to true, but still I get logged out after sometime.
Implement sliding expiration. Leave the expiration time to some reasonable value - day, two, week max; renew the cookie on each request (simplest) or at certain intervals.
FormsAuthentication cookies use the timeout value to determine expiration. The createPersistentCookie flag just tells the API to set an expires value, rather than allowing the cookie to expire when the browser is closed. To prevent expiration, increase the forms authentication timeout value in the web.config. That value is in minutes, so to force the cookie to last one year, use 525600.
