Avoid mutation in this example in F# - f#

Coming from an OO background, I am having trouble wrapping my head around how to solve simple issues with FP when trying to avoid mutation.
let mutable run = true
let player1List = ["he"; "ho"; "ha"]
let addValue lst value =
value :: lst
while run do
let input = Console.ReadLine()
addValue player1List input |> printfn "%A"
if player1List.Length > 5 then
run <- false
printfn "all done" // daz never gunna happen
I know it is ok to use mutation in certain cases, but I am trying to train myself to avoid mutation as the default. With that said, can someone please show me an example of the above w/o using mutation in F#?
The final result should be that player1List continues to grow until the length of items are 6, then exit and print 'all done'

The easiest way is to use recursion
open System
let rec makelist l =
match l |> List.length with
|6 -> printfn "all done"; l
| _ -> makelist ((Console.ReadLine())::l)
makelist []
I also removed some the addValue function as it is far more idiomatic to just use :: in typical F# code.
Your original code also has a common problem for new F# coders that you use run = false when you wanted run <- false. In F#, = is always for comparison. The compiler does actually warn about this.

As others already explained, you can rewrite imperative loops using recursion. This is useful because it is an approach that always works and is quite fundamental to functional programming.
Alternatively, F# provides a rich set of library functions for working with collections, which can actually nicely express the logic that you need. So, you could write something like:
let player1List = ["he"; "ho"; "ha"]
let player2List = Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> Console.ReadLine())
let listOf6 = Seq.append player1List list2 |> Seq.take 6 |> List.ofSeq
The idea here is that you create an infinite lazy sequence that reads inputs from the console, append it at the end of your initial player1List and then take first 6 elements.
Depending on what your actual logic is, you might do this a bit differently, but the nice thing is that this is probably closer to the logic that you want to implement...

In F#, we use recursion to do loop. However, if you know how many times you need to iterate, you could use F# List.fold like this to hide the recursion implementation.
[1..6] |> List.fold (fun acc _ -> Console.ReadLine()::acc) []

I would remove the pipe from match for readability but use it in the last expression to avoid extra brackets:
open System
let rec makelist l =
match List.length l with
| 6 -> printfn "all done"; l
| _ -> Console.ReadLine()::l |> makelist
makelist []


How to write efficient list/seq functions in F#? (mapFoldWhile)

I was trying to write a generic mapFoldWhile function, which is just mapFold but requires the state to be an option and stops as soon as it encounters a None state.
I don't want to use mapFold because it will transform the entire list, but I want it to stop as soon as an invalid state (i.e. None) is found.
This was myfirst attempt:
let mapFoldWhile (f : 'State option -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State option) (state : 'State option) (list : 'T list) =
let rec mapRec f state list results =
match list with
| [] -> (List.rev results, state)
| item :: tail ->
let (result, newState) = f state item
match newState with
| Some x -> mapRec f newState tail (result :: results)
| None -> ([], None)
mapRec f state list []
The List.rev irked me, since the point of the exercise was to exit early and constructing a new list ought to be even slower.
So I looked up what F#'s very own map does, which was:
let map f list = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.map f list
The ominous Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.map can be found here and looks like this:
let map f x =
match x with
| [] -> []
| [h] -> [f h]
| (h::t) ->
let cons = freshConsNoTail (f h)
mapToFreshConsTail cons f t
The consNoTail stuff is also in this file:
// optimized mutation-based implementation. This code is only valid in fslib, where mutation of private
// tail cons cells is permitted in carefully written library code.
let inline setFreshConsTail cons t = cons.(::).1 <- t
let inline freshConsNoTail h = h :: (# "ldnull" : 'T list #)
So I guess it turns out that F#'s immutable lists are actually mutable because performance? I'm a bit worried about this, having used the prepend-then-reverse list approach as I thought it was the "way to go" in F#.
I'm not very experienced with F# or functional programming in general, so maybe (probably) the whole idea of creating a new mapFoldWhile function is the wrong thing to do, but then what am I to do instead?
I often find myself in situations where I need to "exit early" because a collection item is "invalid" and I know that I don't have to look at the rest. I'm using List.pick or Seq.takeWhile in some cases, but in other instances I need to do more (mapFold).
Is there an efficient solution to this kind of problem (mapFoldWhile in particular and "exit early" in general) with functional programming concepts, or do I have to switch to an imperative solution / use a Collections.Generics.List?
In most cases, using List.rev is a perfectly sufficient solution.
You are right that the F# core library uses mutation and other dirty hacks to squeeze some more performance out of the F# list operations, but I think the micro-optimizations done there are not particularly good example. F# list functions are used almost everywhere so it might be a good trade-off, but I would not follow it in most situations.
Running your function with the following:
let l = [ 1 .. 1000000 ]
mapFoldWhile (fun s v -> 0, s) (Some 1) l
I get ~240ms on the second line when I run the function without changes. When I just drop List.rev (so that it returns the data in the other order), I get around ~190ms. If you are really calling the function frequently enough that this matters, then you'd have to use mutation (actually, your own mutable list type), but I think that is rarely worth it.
For general "exit early" problems, you can often write the code as a composition of Seq.scan and Seq.takeWhile. For example, say you want to sum numbers from a sequence until you reach 1000. You can write:
|> Seq.scan (fun sum v -> v + sum) 0
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun sum -> sum < 1000)
Using Seq.scan generates a sequence of sums that is over the whole input, but since this is lazily generated, using Seq.takeWhile stops the computation as soon as the exit condition happens.

formatting Composite function in f#

I have a recursive function in f# that iterates a string[] of commands that need to be run, each command runs a new command to generate a map to be passed to the next function.
The commands run correctly but are large and cumbersome to read, I believe that there is a better way to order / format these composite functions using pipe syntax however coming from c# as a lot of us do i for the life of me cannot seem to get it to work.
my command is :
let rec iterateCommands (map:Map<int,string array>) commandPosition =
if commandPosition < commands.Length then
match splitCommand(commands.[0]).[0] with
|"comOne" ->
iterateCommands (map.Add(commandPosition,create(splitCommand commands.[commandPosition])))(commandPosition+1)
The closest i have managed is by indenting the function but this is messy :
(splitCommand commands.[commandPosition])
Is it even possible to reformat this in f#? From what i have read i believe it possible, any help would be greatly appreciated
The command/variable types are:
commandPosition - int
commands - string[]
splitCommand string -> string[]
create string[] -> string[]
map : Map<int,string[]>
and of course the map.add map -> map + x
It's often hard to make out what is going on in a big statement with multiple inputs. I'd give names to the individual expressions, so that a reader can jump into any position and have a rough idea what's in the values used in a calculation, e.g.
let inCommands = splitCommand commands.[commandPosition]
let map' = map.Add (commandPosition, inCommands)
iterateCommands map' inCommands
Since I don't know what is being done here, the names aren't very meaningful. Ideally, they'd help to understand the individual steps of the calculation.
It'd be a bit easier to compose the call if you changed the arguments around:
let rec iterateCommands commandPosition (map:Map<int,string array>) =
// ...
That would enable you to write something like:
splitCommand commands.[commandPosition]
|> create
|> (fun x -> commandPosition, x)
|> map.Add
|> iterateCommands (commandPosition + 1)
The fact that commandPosition appears thrice in the composition is, in my opinion, a design smell, as is the fact that the type of this entire expression is unit. It doesn't look particularly functional, but since I don't understand exactly what this function attempts to do, I can't suggest a better design.
If you don't control iterateCommands, and hence can't change the order of arguments, you can always define a standard functional programming utility function:
let flip f x y = f y x
This enables you to write the following against the original version of iterateCommands:
splitCommand commands.[commandPosition]
|> create
|> (fun x -> commandPosition, x)
|> map.Add
|> (flip iterateCommands) (commandPosition + 1)

Is there a built-in F# function to perform a side-effect on an item and return the item [duplicate]

...or in FSharpx?
let tee sideEffect =
fun x ->
do sideEffect x
The usage could be something like
f >> tee (printfn "F returned: %A") >> g >> h
Or is there another simple way to do this?
The closest I've seen is actually in WebSharper. The definition is:
let inline ( |>! ) x sideEffect =
do sideEffect x
(x |>! printf "%A") |> nextFunc
ExtCore includes a function called tap which does exactly what you want. I use it for primarily for inspecting intermediate values within an F# "pipeline" (hence the name).
For example:
[| 1;2;3 |]
|> Array.map (fun x -> x * 2)
|> tap (fun arr ->
printfn "The mapped array values are: %A" arr)
|> doOtherStuffWithArray
As far as I know, a function like this isn't defined anywhere in the F# core library - though the library is missing many standard functions that are quite easy to define yourself, so my recommendation would be just to add it somewhere in your project - your tee seems like the best way to go.
That said, I'd probably prefer using less declarative style if I need side-effects and write something like:
let fResult = f fInput
printfn "F returned: %A" fResult
fResult |> g |> h
This is just a matter of style, but I prefer declarative style for fully declarative code and imperative style when there are side-effects involved. As a bonus, using local variables makes debugging easier. But using a function like tee is an equally good alternative that many people in the F# community would prefer.

Return item at position x in a list

I was reading this post While or Tail Recursion in F#, what to use when? were several people say that the 'functional way' of doing things is by using maps/folds and higher order functions instead of recursing and looping.
I have this function that returns the item at position x in a list:
let rec getPos l c = if c = 0 then List.head l else getPos (List.tail l) (c - 1)
how can it be converted to be more functional?
This is a primitive list function (also known as List.nth).
It is okay to use recursion, especially when creating the basic building blocks. Although it would be nicer with pattern matching instead of if-else, like this:
let rec getPos l c =
match l with
| h::_ when c = 0 -> h
| _::t -> getPos t (c-1)
| [] -> failwith "list too short"
It is possible to express this function with List.fold, however the result is less clear than the recursive version.
I'm not sure what you mean by more functional.
Are you rolling this yourself as a learning exercise?
If not, you could just try this:
> let mylist = [1;2;3;4];;
> let n = 2;;
> mylist.[n];;
Your definition is already pretty functional since it uses a tail-recursive function instead of an imperative loop construct. However, it also looks like something a Scheme programmer might have written because you're using head and tail.
I suspect you're really asking how to write it in a more idiomatic ML style. The answer is to use pattern matching:
let rec getPos list n =
match list with
| hd::tl ->
if n = 0 then hd
else getPos tl (n - 1)
| [] -> failWith "Index out of range."
The recursion on the structure of the list is now revealed in the code. You also get a warning if the pattern matching is non-exhaustive so you're forced to deal with the index too big error.
You're right that functional programming also encourages the use of combinators like map or fold (so called points-free style). But too much of it just leads to unreadable code. I don't think it's warranted in this case.
Of course, Benjol is right, in practice you would just write mylist.[n].
If you'd like to use high-order functions for this, you could do:
let nth n = Seq.take (n+1) >> Seq.fold (fun _ x -> Some x) None
let nth n = Seq.take (n+1) >> Seq.reduce (fun _ x -> x)
But the idea is really to have basic constructions and combine them build whatever you want. Getting the nth element of a sequence is clearly a basic block that you should use. If you want the nth item, as Benjol mentioned, do myList.[n].
For building basic constructions, there's nothing wrong to use recursion or mutable loops (and often, you have to do it this way).
Not as a practical solution, but as an exercise, here is one of the ways to express nth via foldr or, in F# terms, List.foldBack:
let myNth n xs =
let step e f = function |0 -> e |n -> f (n-1)
let error _ = failwith "List is too short"
List.foldBack step xs error n

While or Tail Recursion in F#, what to use when?

Ok, only just in F# and this is how I understand it now :
Some problems are recursive in nature (building or reading out a treestructure to name just one) and then you use recursion. In these cases you preferably use tail-recursion to give the stack a break
Some languagues are pure functional, so you have to use recursion in stead of while-loops, even if the problem is not recursive in nature
So my question : since F# also support the imperative paradigm, would you use tail recursion in F# for problems that aren't naturally recursive ones? Especially since I have read the compiler recongnizes tail recursion and just transforms it in a while loop anyway?
If so : why ?
The best answer is 'neither'. :)
There's some ugliness associated with both while loops and tail recursion.
While loops require mutability and effects, and though I have nothing against using these in moderation, especially when encapsulated in the context of a local function, you do sometimes feel like you're cluttering/uglifying your program when you start introducing effects merely to loop.
Tail recursion often has the disadvantage of requiring an extra accumulator parameter or continuation-passing style. This clutters the program with extra boilerplate to massage the startup conditions of the function.
The best answer is to use neither while loops nor recursion. Higher-order functions and lambdas are your saviors here, especially maps and folds. Why fool around with messy control structures for looping when you can encapsulate those in reusable libraries and then just state the essence of your computation simply and declaratively?
If you get in the habit of often calling map/fold rather than using loops/recursion, as well as providing a fold function along with any new tree-structured data type you introduce, you'll go far. :)
For those interested in learning more about folds in F#, why not check out my first three blog posts in a series on the topic?
In order of preference and general programming style, I will write code as follows:
Map/fold if its available
let x = [1 .. 10] |> List.map ((*) 2)
Its just convenient and easy to use.
Non-tail recursive function
> let rec map f = function
| x::xs -> f x::map f xs
| [] -> [];;
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
> [1 .. 10] |> map ((*) 2);;
val it : int list = [2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20]
Most algorithms are easiest to read and express without tail-recursion. This works particularly well when you don't need to recurse too deeply, making it suitable for many sorting algorithms and most operations on balanced data structures.
Remember, log2(1,000,000,000,000,000) ~= 50, so log(n) operation without tail-recursion isn't scary at all.
Tail-recursive with accumulator
> let rev l =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> loop (x::acc) xs
loop [] l
let map f l =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> rev acc
| x::xs -> loop (f x::acc) xs
loop [] l;;
val rev : 'a list -> 'a list
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
> [1 .. 10] |> map ((*) 2);;
val it : int list = [2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20]
It works, but the code is clumsy and elegance of the algorithm is slightly obscured. The example above isn't too bad to read, but once you get into tree-like data structures, it really starts to become a nightmare.
Tail-recursive with continuation passing
> let rec map cont f = function
| [] -> cont []
| x::xs -> map (fun l -> cont <| f x::l) f xs;;
val map : ('a list -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c list -> 'b
> [1 .. 10] |> map id ((*) 2);;
val it : int list = [2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20]
Whenever I see code like this, I say to myself "now that's a neat trick!". At the cost of readability, it maintains the shape of the non-recursive function, and found it really interesting for tail-recursive inserts into binary trees.
Its probably my monad-phobia speaking here, or maybe my inherent lack of familiarity with Lisp's call/cc, but I think those occasions when CSP actually simplifies algorithms are few and far between. Counter-examples are welcome in the comments.
While loops / for loops
It occurs to me that, aside from sequence comprehensions, I've never used while or for loops in my F# code. In any case...
> let map f l =
let l' = ref l
let acc = ref []
while not <| List.isEmpty !l' do
acc := (!l' |> List.hd |> f)::!acc
l' := !l' |> List.tl
!acc |> List.rev;;
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
> [1 .. 10] |> map ((*) 2);;
val it : int list = [2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20]
Its practically a parody of imperative programming. You might be able to maintain a little sanity by declaring let mutable l' = l instead, but any non-trivial function will require the use of ref.
Honestly, any problem that you can solve with a loop is already a naturally recursive one, as you can translate both into (usually conditional) jumps in the end.
I believe you should stick with tail calls in almost all cases where you must write an explicit loop. It is just more versatile:
A while loop restricts you to one loop body, while a tail call can allow you to switch between many different states while the "loop" is running.
A while loop restricts you to one condition to check for termination, with the tail recursion you can have an arbitrarily complicated match expression waiting to shunt the control flow off somewhere else.
Your tail calls all return useful values and can produce useful type errors. A while loop does not return anything and relies on side effects to do its work.
While loops are not first class while functions with tail calls (or while loops in them) are. Recursive bindings in local scope can be inspected for their type.
A tail recursive function can easily be broken apart into parts that use tail calls to call each other in the needed sequence. This may make things easier to read, and will help if you find you want to start in the middle of a loop. This is not true of a while loop.
All in all while loops in F# are only worthwhile if you really are going to be working with mutable state, inside a function body, doing the same thing repeatedly until a certain condition is met. If the loop is generally useful or very complicated, you may want to factor it out into some other top level binding. If the data types are themselves immutable (a lot of .NET value types are), you may gain very little from using mutable references to them anyway.
I'd say that you should only resort to while loops for niche cases where a while loop is perfect for the job, and is relatively short. In many imperative programming languages, while loops are often twisted into unnatural roles like driving stuff repeatedly over a case statement. Avoid those kinds of things, and see if you can use tail calls or, even better, a higher order function, to achieve the same ends.
Many problems have a recursive nature, but having thought imperatively for a long time often prevents us from seeing this.
In general I would use a functional technique wherever possible in a functional language - Loops are never functional since they exclusively rely on side-effects. So when dealing with imperative code or algorithms, using loops is adequate, but in functional context, they're aren't considered very nice.
Functional technique doesn't only mean recursion but also using appropriate higher-order functions.
So when summing a list, neither a for-loop nor a recursive function but a fold is the solution for having comprehensible code without reinventing the wheel.
for problems that aren't naturally recursive ones
just transforms it in a while loop anyway
You answered this yourself.
Use recursion for recursive problems and loop for things that aren't functional in nature.
Just always think: Which feels more natural, which is more readable.
