Is it the optimal way of expressing "go through all nodes" queries in Cypher? - neo4j

I have a quite large social graph in which I execute global queries like this one:
match (n:User)-[r:LIKES]->(k:User)
where not (k:User)-[]->(n:User)
return count(r);
They take a lot of time and memory, so I am curious if they are expressed in optimal way. I have felling that when I execute such query Cypher is firstly matching everything that fits the expression (and that takes a lot of memory) and then starts to count things. I would rather like to go through every node, check the pattern and update the counter if necessary. This way such queries would not require a lot of memory. So how in fact such query is executed? If it is not optimal, is there a way to make it better (in Cypher)?

If you used the query just as you wrote it, you may not be getting what you think you are. Putting labels on node "variables" can cause them to be treated as fresh (partial) patterns instead of bound nodes. Is your query any faster if you use
MATCH (n:User)-[r:LIKES]->(k:User)
WHERE NOT (n)<--(k)
RETURN count(r)
Here's how this works (not considering internal optimizations, which I don't begin to understand).
For each User node, every outgoing LIKES relationship is followed. If the other end of the LIKES relationship is a User node, the two nodes and the relationship are bound to the names n, k, and r and passed to the WHERE clause. Every outgoing relationship on the bound k node is then tested to see if it connects to the bound n node. If no such relationship is found, the match is considered successful. The count() function in the RETURN clause counts the resulting collection of relationships that were passed from the match.
If you have a densely connected graph, and particularly if there are many other relationships between nodes other than LIKES relationship, this can be quite an extensive search.
As a further experiment, you might try changing the WHERE clause to read
WHERE NOT (k)-->(n)
and see if it makes any difference. I don't think it will, but I could be wrong.


Cypher: Find any path between nodes

I have a neo4j graph that looks like this:
Blue Nodes: Account
Red Nodes: PhoneNumber
Green Nodes: Email
Graph design:
(:PhoneNumber) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
(:Email) -[:PART_OF]->(:Account)
The problem I am trying to solve is to
Find any path that exists between Account1 and Account2.
This is what I have tried so far with no success:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[:PART_OF]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account {accId:'1234'})-[*]-(a2:Account {accId:'5678'})) RETURN p;
MATCH p=(a1:Account {accId:'1234'})<-[:PART_OF*1..100]-(n)-[:PART_OF]->(a2:Account {accId:'5678'}) RETURN p;
Same queries as above without the shortest path function call.
By looking at the graph I can see there is a path between these 2 nodes but none of my queries yield any result. I am sure this is a very simple query but being new to Cypher, I am having a hard time figuring out the right solution. Any help is appreciated.
All those queries are along the right lines, but need some tweaking to make work. In the longer term, though, to get a better system to easily search for connections between accounts, you'll probably want to refactor your graph.
Solution for Now: Making Your Query Work
The path between any two (n:Account) nodes in your graph is going to look something like this:
Since you have only one type of relationship in your graph, the two nodes will thus be connected by an indeterminate number of patterns like the following:
So, your two nodes will be connected through an indeterminate number of intermediate (:Account), (:Email), or (:PhoneNumber) nodes all connected by -[:PART_OF]- relationships of alternating direction. Unfortunately to my knowledge (and I'd love to be corrected here), using straight cypher you can't search for a repeated pattern like this in your current graph. So, you'll simply have to use an undirected search, to find nodes (a1:Account) and(a2:Account) connected through -[:PART_OF]- relationships. So, at first glance your query would look like this:
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
(notice here I've used cypher parameters rather than the integers you put in the original post)
That's very similar to your query #3, but, like you said - it doesn't work. I'm guessing what happens is that it doesn't return a result, or returns an out of memory exception? The problem is that since your graph has circular paths in it, and that query will match a path of any length, the matching algorithm will literally go around in circles until it runs out of memory. So, you want to set a limit, like you have in query #4, but without the directions (which is why that query doesn't work).
So, let's set a limit. Your limit of 100 relationships is a little on the large side, especially in a cyclical graph (i.e., one with circles), and could potentially match in the region of 2^100 paths.
As a (very arbitrary) rule of thumb, any query with a potential undirected and unlabelled path length of more than 5 or 6 may begin to cause problems unless you're very careful with your graph design. In your example, it looks like these two nodes are connected via a path length of 8. We also know that for any two nodes, the given minimum path length will be two (i.e., two -[:PART_OF]- relationships, one into and one out of a node labelled either :Email or :PhoneNumber), and that any two accounts, if linked, will be linked via an even number of relationships.
So, ideally we'd set out our relationship length between 2 and 10. However, cypher's shortestPath() function only supports paths with a minimum length of either 0 or 1, so I've set it between 1 and 10 in the example below (even though we know that in reality, the shortest path have a length of at least two).
MATCH p=shortestPath((a1:Account { accId: {a1_id} })-[:PART_OF*1..10]-(a2:Account { accId: {a2_id} }))
Hopefully, this will work with your use case, but remember, it may still be very memory intensive to run on a large graph.
Longer Term Solution: Refactor Graph and/or Use APOC
Depending on your use case, a better or longer term solution would be to refactor your graph to be more specific about relationships to speed up query times when you want to find accounts linked only by email or phone number - i.e. -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_EMAIL]- and -[:ACCOUNT_HAS_PHONE]-. You may then also want to use APOC's shortest path algorithms or path finder functions, which will most likely return a faster result than using cypher, and allow you to be more specific about relationship types as your graph expands to take in more data.

neo4j for fraud detection - efficient data structure

I'm trying to improve a fraud detection system for a commerce website. We deal with direct bank transactions, so fraud is a risk we need to manage. I recently learned of graphing databases and can see how it applies to these problems. So, over the past couple of days I set up neo4j and parsed our data into it: example
My intuition was to create a node for each order, and a node for each piece of data associated with it, and then connect them all together. Like this:
MATCH (w:Wallet),(i:Ip),(e:Email),(o:Order)
WHERE w.wallet="ex" AND i.ip="ex" AND"ex" AND o.refcode="ex"
CREATE (w)-[:USED]->(o),(i)-[:USED]->(o),(e)-[:USED]->(o)
But this query runs very slowly as the database size increases (I assume because it needs to search the whole data set for the nodes I'm asking for). It also takes a long time to run a query like this:
START a=node(179)
MATCH (a)-[:USED*]-(d)
WHERE EXISTS(d.refcode)
RETURN distinct d
This is intended to extract all orders that are connected to a starting point. I'm very new to Cypher (<24 hours), and I'm finding it particularly difficult to search for solutions.
Are there any specific issues with the data structure or queries that I can address to improve performance? It ideally needs to complete this kind of thing within a few seconds, as I'd expect from a SQL database. At this time we have about 17,000 nodes.
Always a good idea to completely read through the developers manual.
For speeding up lookups of nodes by a property, you definitely need to create indexes or unique constraints (depending on if the property should be unique to a label/value).
Once you've created the indexes and constraints you need, they'll be used under the hood by your query to speed up your matches.
START is only used for legacy indexes, and for the latest Neo4j versions you should use MATCH instead. If you're matching based upon an internal id, you can use MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = xxx.
Keep in mind that you should not persist node ids outside of Neo4j for lookup in future queries, as internal node ids can be reused as nodes are deleted and created, so an id that once referred to a node that was deleted may later end up pointing to a completely different node.
Using labels in your queries should help your performance. In the query you gave to find orders, Neo4j must inspect every end node in your path to see if the property exists. Property access tends to be expensive, especially when you're using a variable-length match, so it's better to restrict the nodes you want by label.
MATCH (a)-[:USED*]-(d:Order)
WHERE id(a) = 179
RETURN distinct d
On larger graphs, the variable-length match might start slowing down, so you may get more performance by installing APOC Procedures and using the Path Expander procedure to gather all subgraph nodes and filter down to just Order nodes.
WHERE id(a) = 179
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(a, {bfs:true, uniqueness:"NODE_GLOBAL"}) YIELD path
WHERE d:Order

Neo4j and Cypher - How can I create/merge chained sequential node relationships (and even better time-series)?

To keep things simple, as part of the ETL on my time-series data, I added a sequence number property to each row corresponding to 0..370365 (370,366 nodes, 5,555,490 properties - not that big). I later added a second property and named it "outeseq" (original) and "ineseq" (second) to see if an outright equivalence to base the relationship on might speed things up a bit.
I can get both of the following queries to run properly on up to ~30k nodes (LIMIT 30000) but past that, its just an endless wait. My JVM has 16g max (if it can even use it on a windows box):
WHERE a.outeseq=b.outeseq-1
MERGE (a)-[s:FORWARD_SEQ]->(b)
WHERE a.outeseq=b.ineseq
MERGE (a)-[s:FORWARD_SEQ]->(b)
I also added these in hopes of speeding things up:
I can't get the relationships created for the entire data set! Help!
Alternatively, I can also get bits of the relationships built with parameters, but haven't figured out how to parameterize the sequence over all of the node-to-node sequential relationships, at least not in a semantically general enough way to do this.
I profiled the query, but did't see any reason for it to "blow-up".
Another question: I would like each relationship to have a property to represent the difference in the time-stamps of each node or delta-t. Is there a way to take the difference between the two values in two sequential nodes, and assign it to the relationship?....for all of the relationships at the same time?
The last Q, if you have the time - I'd really like to use the raw data and just chain the directed relationships from one nodes'stamp to the next nearest node with the minimum delta, but didn't run right at this for fear that it cause scanning of all the nodes in order to build each relationship.
Before anyone suggests that I look to KDB or other db's for time series, let me say I have a very specific reason to want to use a DAG representation.
It seems like this should be so probably is and I'm blind. Thanks!
Creating Relationships
Since your queries work on 30k nodes, I'd suggest to run them page by page over all the nodes. It seems feasible because outeseq and ineseq are unique and numeric so you can sort nodes by that properties and run query against one slice at time.
WHERE a.outeseq = b.outeseq-1
WITH a, b ORDER BY a.outeseq SKIP {offset} LIMIT 30000
MERGE (a)-[s:FORWARD_SEQ]->(b)
It will take about 13 times to run the query changing {offset} to cover all the data. It would be nice to write a script on any language which has a neo4j client.
Updating Relationship's Properties
You can assign timestamp delta to relationships using SET clause following the MATCH. Assuming that a timestamp is a long:
SET = abs(b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
Chaining Nodes With Minimal Delta
When relationships have the delta property inside, the graph becomes a weighted graph. So we can apply this approach to calculate the shortest path using deltas. Then we just save the length of the shortest path (summ of deltas) into the relation between the first and the last node.
WITH p AS shortestPath, a, b,
reduce(weight=0, r in relationships(p) : AS totalDelta
ORDER BY totalDelta ASC
MERGE (a)-[nearest:NEAREST {delta: totalDelta}]->(b)
RETURN nearest;
Disclaimer: queries above are not supposed to be totally working, they just hint possible approaches to the problem.

Cypher query optimisation - Utilising known properties of nodes

Neo4j and Cypher version 2.2.0.
I'm querying Neo4j as an in-memory instance in Eclipse created TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newImpermanentDatabase();.
I'm using this approach as it seems faster than the embedded version and I assume it has the same functionality.
My graph database is randomly generated programmatically with varying numbers of nodes.
I generate cypher queries automatically. These queries are used to try and identify a single 'target' node. I can limit the possible matches of the queries by using known 'node' properties. I only use a 'name' property in this case. If there is a known name for a node, I can use it to find the node id and use this in the start clause. As well as known names, I also know (for some nodes) if there are names known not to belong to a node. I specify this in the where clause.
The sorts of queries that I am running look like this...
nvari = node(5)
NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf']) AND NOT(nvarm.Name IN ['nb','nj'])
Another way to think about this (if it helps), is that this is an isomorphism testing problem where we have some information about how nodes in a query and target graph correspond to each other based on restrictions on labels.
With regards to optimisation:
Would it help to include relation variables in the match clause? I took them out because the node variables are sufficient to distinguish between relationships but this might slow it down?
Should I restructure the match clause to have match/where couples including the where clauses from my previous example first? My expectation is that they can limit possible bindings early on. For example...
nvari = node(5)
WHERE NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf'])
WHERE NOT(nvarm.Name IN ['nb','nj'])
On the side:
(Less important but still an interest) If I make each relationship in a match clause an optional match except for relationships containing the target node, would cypher essentially be finding a maximum common sub-graph between the query and the graph data base with the constraint that the MCS contains the target node?
Thanks a lot in advance! I hope I have made my requirements clear but I appreciate that this is not a typical use-case for Neo4j.
I think querying with node properties is almost always preferable to using relationship properties (if you had a choice), as that opens up the possibility that indexing can help speed up the query.
As an aside, I would avoid using the IN operator if the collection of possible values only has a single element. For example, this snippet: NOT(nvarj.Name IN ['nf']), should be (nvarj.Name <> 'nf'). The current versions of Cypher might not use an index for the IN operator.
Restructuring a query to eliminate undesirable bindings earlier is exactly what you should be doing.
First of all, you would need to keep using MATCH for at least the first relationship in your query (which binds target), or else your result would contain a lot of null rows -- not very useful.
But, thinking clearly about this, if all the other relationships were placed in separate OPTIONAl MATCH clauses, you'd be essentially saying that you want a match even if none of the optional matches succeeded. Therefore, the logical equivalent would be:
MATCH (target:C5)-[:IN_LOCATION]->(nvara:LOCATION)
I don't think this is a useful result.

Is a DFS Cypher Query possible?

My database contains about 300k nodes and 350k relationships.
My current query is:
start n=node(3) match p=(n)-[r:move*1..2]->(m) where all(r2 in relationships(p) where r2.GameID = STR(id(n))) return m;
The nodes touched in this query are all of the same kind, they are different positions in a game. Each of the relationships contains a property "GameID", which is used to identify the right relationship if you want to pass the graph via a path. So if you start traversing the graph at a node and follow the relationship with the right GameID, there won't be another path starting at the first node with a relationship that fits the GameID.
There are nodes that have hundreds of in and outgoing relationships, some others only have a few.
The problem is, that I don't know how to tell Cypher how to do this. The above query works for a depth of 1 or 2, but it should look like [r:move*] to return the whole path, which is about 20-200 hops.
But if i raise the values, the querys won't finish. I think that Cypher looks at each outgoing relationship at every single path depth relating to the start node, but as I already explained, there is only one right path. So it should do some kind of a DFS search instead of a BFS search. Is there a way to do so?
I would consider configuring a relationship index for the GameID property. See
Once you have done that, you can try a query like the following (I have not tested this):
START n=node(3), r=relationship:rels(GameID = 3)
MATCH (n)-[r*1..]->(m)
Such a query would limit the relationships considered by the MATCH cause to just the ones with the GameID you care about. And getting that initial collection of relationships would be fast, because of the indexing.
As an aside: since neo4j reuses its internally-generated IDs (for nodes that are deleted), storing those IDs as GameIDs will make your data unreliable (unless you never delete any such nodes). You may want to generate and use you own unique IDs, and store them in your nodes and use them for your GameIDs; and, if you do this, then you should also create a uniqueness constraint for your own IDs -- this will, as a nice side effect, automatically create an index for your IDs.
