Disable button focus border - jquery-mobile

I have a Jquery Mobile page with buttons
When set the focus to a button with Tab, there is a blue border... (Only with IE when browsing in a WPF WebBrowser control)
I would like to disable this border in the css, because when I click in the page, it automatically focus my first button...
It seems simple but I can't manage to do it...
For some reasons, I can't inspect the page to know the css property to disable.
What is the equivalent of "-moz-focus-inner" for Internet Explorer ?


is it possible to focus trap in modal popup when using talkback or voiceover?

i have page with iframe
in the iframe when i click the button, popup will appear
when talback or voiceover is enabled, is it possible to focus trap only in the popup ?
so is it possible to achieve that i will be not able to move outside of the popup using swipe gesture ?
by outside i mean, than i will be not able to reach address bar or any other part of site or browser.
i found this
but thats not working on mobile
am i right that its not possible as talback/voiceover are system functions ?

Kendo UI for Angular, not able to remove focus on page load. Leads to keyboard open on iPhone

I have a website https://www.itraveleo.com. It is on Angular 4 and we use the Kendo-UI for Angular controls. On an iPhone the keyboard keeps opening on the following pages on page load:
Homepage - when I click to go to homepage using the logo or using the menu item, the focus goes to the "To" combobox and the keyboard opens up. This does not happen on initial load of the website
Blog - click on the DREAM menu item. On this page, click on any blog. The focus again goes to the To combobox and the keyboard opens up.
Right below the heading of each blog (on mobile), the category and region is listed (e.g. North America / Asia, etc. and Cosmopolitan / Family Time / Outdoorsy, etc). Click on each of these one by one. Again the To combobox gets focus and the keyboard opens up
Tried multiple common fixes but nothing seems to work on the iPhone (activeElement blur, setting focus on another element)

jquery mobile: header on click content region toggles visible/hidden

The jquery mobile topnavigation toggle's on/off ( visible non visible ) when clicking anywhere in the content of the page. How can this be stopped?
As seen in the jQuery Mobile documentation, you can either use the tapToggle option or the data-tap-toggle data attribute.
Enable or disable the user's ability to toggle toolbar visibility with
a tap on the screen (or a click, for mouse users).

JQuery Mobile: how to disable default keyboard when clicking in text field?

I am currently using input text fields that spawn a chooser (listview with various entries) when they are clicked on. Testing this on the appMobi emulator works flawlessly; however, when testing it on an iPhone, the default keyboard appears when the text fields are touched and then quickly disappears to be replaced by the chooser.
Is there a way I can prevent the default keyboard from showing with JQM?
If they require user input, then you can't prevent the browsers' default implementation (at least in a x-browser friendly way). They is certainly no solution with JQM.
I suggest you style your own text box from a div or similar, using html/css. With js you can then wire up the chooser to this element.

jQuery UI state-focus is activated when switching tabs of web browser

I'm using the jQuery UI vertical slider, and when I click on a new tab of a web browser (Firefox, Chrome, and IE) the state-focus is activated for no apparent reason of the slider.
When I click on the slider that state-focus goes away, and when I click on the window there is no state focus (which is what it's suppose to do.), only switching tabs.
I know this is a bug but I can't find the piece of code to remedy it. Help?
I'm using jQuery UI 1.8.21.
This has been solved by separating the ui-state-focus from ui-state-active in jquery ui slider-vertical's default css.
So the bug doesn't effect the presentation of the slider.
Here's similar problems user are having:
jQuery UI button not "unclicking"
