How to upload images in the background in ios using Afnetworking - ios

I want to upload images from an iOS app to a php server. I am currently using POST Multi-Part Request in AFNetworkingOperationManager.
What I want to do is that when a user taps to upload image, Its starts uploading in the background and then a user can migrate away to a different controller. And when the upload the finished, The image is added to the list of images in a different controller where they are displayed in a table view just like twitter.
Can I accomplish this using AFNetworking?

Yes ,you can get it, First ,I aways get a mutableArray instead of some paths of picture, then you can upload them in background.


Obj-c: How do I capture an image in an iOS app programmatically and push it?

My app (iOS obj-c) displays a graph that tracks a user's breath during a test. When the test is complete, I want to send an image of the graph to a database. How do I capture the graph as an image from the app display, and how do I push an image using POST?

Showing the status of uploading images in ios

I want to upload some images to the server. But I want to do all the things in the background so that I can do other works when the data uploading to the server. And I want to show the status in another view controller. How to do it?

save all app data Xcode

I'm starting now with swift and wanted to know how do I save the data from my app. I have text and photos in my app. how can I save this using the firebase or saving directly to the user's iphone?
I want the user to terminate an action and the app to save automatically.
an example the user added an image in the imageview using the photos library closed and left the app. when he reopened everything he did this as he had left.

iOS WKWebView File upload failure on iPhone

In our app we use WKWebView to display web contents, but the file upload works incorrectly.
On iPhone we could browse from photo library (or take picture) but after the file has been selected, a thumbnail image shows up on the right side of the file input and after that the webpage quickly (or as I see, the whole ViewController) reloads itself (and webpage with th default URL). No image uploaded to server.
On iPad with the same OS version we could successful upload photo or captured image.
Any idea?
My bad! In the viewWillAppear function I load an url. So every time when the app come back from background, or another app gives back the control, this lifecycle event will be called, therefor in my case the webview always reload the default url.

Load multiple images from Parse instantaneously

I want to load between 30-40 low res photos from instantaneously. Right now I'm using PFImageView to load them but it takes too long to show the next one when I swipe.
What is the best way to load them faster? The objective is to be able to see the next photo without any loading time.
a. You can download the photos right after your app launched and put them into a singleton object. With a singleton you will be able to download them once, and access them from every view controller, so you don't have to download them everytime when a view appears.
These links will help in you in the singleton topic:
b. You can use one of the Parse cache policies, check them here.
