ok whenever i try to reload the scene the objects from the previous scene dont stop spawning
here is my code, I want to delete all the objects from screen before moving to another screen
local objects = {
local function spawnObject()
objIdx = mRandom(#objects)
objName = objects[objIdx]
object = display.newImage( "images/fruit_" .. objName .. "_100.png" )
object.x = mRandom(screenLeft+30, screenRight-30)
object.y = screenTop
object.rotation = mRandom(-15, 15)
object.id = mRandom(-15,15)
if objIdx < 4 then
object.type = "food"
object.type = "other"
Insert your object (from display.newImage) into the scene view / display group.
Then it will get deleted automatically if you change screen.
Other option is to store all objects in a table, and call removeSelf() on each object in the table when you want to delete them.
I'm trying to create a function that would choose one of four objects from a table that would then create it. Essentially what's meant to happen is if objects 1-3 are chosen they would be considered "regular" and the "player" would have to catch them while the fourth object is "special" and would take points away if caught.
here's the table
local objects = {
this is the code I'm using in place of what I want currently (mostly to make sure everything else in my code is working)
local function spawnObject()
object = display.newImage("images/object1.png")
object.x = math.random(screenLeft+ 30, screenRight-30)
object.y = screenTop-100
object.width = 100
object.height = 100
object.Number = 1
object.type = "regular"
object.score = 5
object.rotation = math.random(-20,20)
physics.addBody(object, "dynamic", {density =1, friction =1, bounce = .5})
Start with this...
local function spawnObject()
local objects = {
object = display.newImage("images/"..objects[math.random(3)]..".png")
object.x = math.random(screenLeft+ 30, screenRight-30)
object.y = screenTop-100
object.width = 100
object.height = 100
object.Number = 1
object.type = "regular"
object.score = 5
object.rotation = math.random(-20,20)
physics.addBody(object, "dynamic", {density =1, friction =1, bounce = .5})
...for choosing 1-3.
If you dont like math.random(3) you can do a table.remove(objects,1) 3 times so it is clear the 4th time is the special one.
But then have to be objects global ( outside function and not local ).
...you have to check for.
The Issue is I have a dictionary that holds all my data and its supposed to be able to turn into a directorys in replicated storage with all the values being strings then turn back into a dictionary with all the keys when the player leave. However, I cant figure out how to turn into a dictionary(With keys).
ive sat for a few hours testing things but after the first layer of values I cant get figure out a way to get the deeper values and keys into the table
local DataTable =
["DontSave_Values"] =
["Stamina"] = 100;
["DontSave_Debounces"] =
["TestData"] = 1;
["Ship"] =
["Hull"] = "Large_Ship";
["Mast"] = "Iron_Tall";
["Crew"] =
["Joe One"] =
["Shirt"] = "Blue";
["Pants"] = "Green"
["Joe Two"] =
["Shirt"] = "Silver";
["Pants"] = "Brown";
["Kids"] =
["Joe Mama1"] =
["Age"] = 5
["Joe Mama2"]=
["Age"] = 6
["Level"] =
["Exp"] =
------Test to see if its an array
function isArray(Variable)
local Test = pcall(function()
local VarBreak = (Variable.." ")
if Test == false then
return true
return false
function CreateGameDirectory(Player, Data)
local mainFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
mainFolder.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
mainFolder.Name = Player.UserId
local function IterateDictionary(Array, mainFolder)
local CurrentDirectory = mainFolder
for i,v in pairs(Array) do
if isArray(v) then
CurrentDirectory = Instance.new("Folder", mainFolder)
CurrentDirectory.Name = i
for o,p in pairs(v) do
if isArray(p) then
local TemporaryDir = Instance.new("Folder", CurrentDirectory)
TemporaryDir.Name = o
IterateDictionary(p, TemporaryDir)
local NewValue = Instance.new("StringValue", CurrentDirectory)
NewValue.Name = o
NewValue.Value = p
local value = Instance.new("StringValue", mainFolder)
value.Name = i
value.Value = v
IterateDictionary(Data, mainFolder)
------To turn it back into a table
function CreateTable(Player)
local NewDataTable = {}
local Data = RS:FindFirstChild(Player.UserId)
local function DigDeep(newData, pData, ...)
local CurrentDir = newData
for i,v in pairs(pData:GetChildren()) do
if string.sub(v.Name,1,8) ~= "DontSave" then
DigDeep(NewDataTable, Data)
return NewDataTable
I expected to when the player leaves run createtable function and turn all the instances in replicated storage back into a dictionary with keys.
Why not just store extra information in your data table to help make it easy to convert back and forth. As an example, why not have your data look like this :
local ExampleData = {
-- hold onto your special "DON'T SAVE" values as simple keys in the table.
DONTSAVE_Values = {
Stamina = 0,
-- but every element under ReplicatedStorage will be used to represent an actual Instance.
ReplicatedStorage = {
-- store an array of Child elements rather than another map.
-- This is because Roblox allows you to have multiple children with the same name.
Name = "ReplicatedStorage",
Class = "ReplicatedStorage",
Properties = {},
Children = {
Name = "Level",
Class = "NumberValue",
Properties = {
Value = 0,
Children = {},
Name = "Ship",
Class = "Model",
Properties = {},
Children = {
-- add all of the other instances following the same pattern :
-- Name, Class, Properties, Children
}, -- end list of Children
}, -- end ReplicatedStorage element
You can create this table with a simple recursive function :
-- when given a Roblox instance, generate the dataTable for that element
local function getElementData(targetInstance)
local element = {
Name = targetInstance.Name,
Class = targetInstance.ClassName,
Properties = {},
Children = {},
-- add special case logic to pull out specific properties for certain classes
local c = targetInstance.ClassName
if c == "StringValue" then
element.Properties = { Value = targetInstance.Value }
-- elseif c == "ADD MORE CASES HERE" then
warn(string.format("Not sure how to parse information for %s", c))
-- iterate over the children and populate their data
for i, childInstance in ipairs(targetInstance:GetChildren()) do
table.insert( element.Children, getElementData(childInstance))
-- give the data back to the caller
return element
-- populate the table
local Data = {
ReplicatedStorage = getElementData(game.ReplicatedStorage)
Now Data.ReplicatedStorage.Children should have a data representation of the entire folder. You could even save this entire table as a string by passing it to HttpService:JSONEncode() if you wanted to.
When you're ready to convert these back into instances, use the data you've stored to give you enough information on how to recreate the elements :
local function recreateElement(tableData, parent)
-- special case ReplicatedStorage
if tableData.Class == "ReplicatedStorage" then
-- skip right to the children
for i, child in ipairs(tableData.Children) do
recreateElement(child, parent)
-- quick escape from this node
-- otherwise, just create elements from their data
local element = Instance.new(tableData.Class)
element.Name = tableData.Name
-- set all the saved properties
for k, v in pairs(tableData.Properties) do
element[k] = v
-- recreate all of the children of this element
for i, child in ipairs(tableData.Children) do
recreateElement(child, element)
-- put the element into the workspace
element.Parent = parent
-- populate the ReplicatedStorage from the stored data
recreateElement( Data.ReplicatedStorage, game.ReplicatedStorage)
You should be careful about how and when you choose to save this data. If you are playing a multiplayer game, you should be careful that this kind of logic only updates ReplicatedStorage for the first player to join the server. Otherwise, you run the risk of a player joining and overwriting everything that everyone else has been doing.
Since there isn't a way to iterate over properties of Roblox Instances, you'll have to manually update the getElementData function to properly store the information you care about for each type of object. Hopefully this helps!
If anyone else has this problem the solution I used was just to convert the instances strait into JSON format(I used the names as keys). so that way I can save it, and then when the player rejoins I just used JSONDecode to turn it into the dictionary I needed.
function DirToJSON(Player)
local NewData = RS:FindFirstChild(Player.UserId)
local JSONstring="{"
local function Recurse(Data)
for i, v in pairs(Data:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Folder") then
if #v:GetChildren() < 1 then
if i == #Data:GetChildren()then
if i == #Data:GetChildren()then
if i == #Data:GetChildren()then
JSONstring = JSONstring.."}"
I've added objects to the group so they get deleted and respawn when the game restarts but when the game restarts it gives the following error "attempt to call method 'insert' (a nil value)"
This is my object code:
local function spawnObject()
local objIdx = mRandom(#objects)
objName = objects[objIdx]
object = display.newImage( "images/fruit_" .. objName .. "_100.png" )
object.x = mRandom(screenLeft+30, screenRight-30)
object.y = screenTop
object.rotation = mRandom(-15, 15)
object.id = mRandom(-15,15)
group:insert( object )
if objIdx < 4 then
object.type = "food"
object.type = "other"
physics.addBody(object, "dynamic",{radius=45 , bounce = bt})
object.collision = objectCollision
object:addEventListener( "collision", object )
And for restarting I go to restart scene which I've created and from there I go back to my play scene.
Please help me solve the problem.
Don't add directly to the group view. Make a separate display group for the objects
local objectGroup = display.newGroup()
by doing it this way, you are not obligated to kill out the group when you change scene (if you are using composer or storyboard). It will clear it self in the memory when you change scene.
OK my first question was too vague so I'm going to start simple here. I am trying to get a random word from a table in another lua file (content.lua). I have gotten the code to run without errors but cannot get a word to display on the screen or via print in the command console. What am I missing?
--lua for game
--Loading the local variables
--creates the storyboard variable and calls the storyboard api
local storyboard = require ("storyboard")
--calls the mydata.lua module
local myData = require( "mydata" )
--calls the sfx.lua where sounds are stored
local sfx = require( "sfx" )
--calls the operations.lua
local operations = require("operations")
local content = require("content")
local playOrder
local wordGraphic
local currQuestion = 1
local homeButton
--tells storyboard to create a new scene
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
function scene:createScene(event)
local gameScreen = self.view
--creates a transparent background image centered on the display
local gameBackground = display.newImage("images/graphics/jungle1.jpg")
gameBackground.x = display.contentWidth/2
gameBackground.y = display.contentHeight/2
homeButton = display.newImage("images/buttons/home.png")
homeButton.alpha = .8
homeButton.y = 70
playOrder = operations.getRandomOrder(#content)
local function onHomeTouch(event)
if event.phase == "began" then
function scene:enterScene(event)
homeButton:addEventListener("touch", onHomeTouch)
--uses the operations.lua to get words in a random order from the content.lua
--shows a random word from the content.lua table
function showWord()
local word = content[playOrder[currQuestion]].word
wordGraphic = self.view
wordGraphic.x = display.contentWidth/2
wordGraphic.y = display.contentHeight/2
--next question function which clears the screen and loads a new random word
function scene:exitScene(event)
homeButton:removeEventListener("touch", onHomeTouch)
function scene:destroyScene(event)
--the actual event listeners that make the functions work
scene:addEventListener("createScene", scene)
scene:addEventListener("enterScene", scene)
scene:addEventListener("exitScene", scene)
scene:addEventListener("destroyScene", scene)
return scene
Here is the operations.lua that gets the random order function
module(..., package.seeall)
--function to get a random piece of data
function getRandomOrder(amount)
local order ={}
local i
local temp
local temp1
for n = 1,amount do
order[n] = n
for i=0,9 do
for temp = 1,amount do
n = math.random(1, amount)
temp1 = order[temp]
order[temp] = order[n]
order[n] = temp1
return order
This is where the words I am attempting to display are stored. I did not include all of them.
return {
id = "after",
word = "after"
id = "again",
word = "again"
id = "an",
word = "an"
id = "any",
word = "any"
id = "ask",
word = "ask"
id = "as",
word = "as"
id = "by",
word = "by"
You're not calling showWord in any of the code that you've shown so far. This is probably why it isn't even printing to the console. The function is just contained within scene:enterScene and exits to the outer scope, defining itself as a global variable when enterScene is called.
Random objects are created on the screen with the help of code written below. I want to give these random objects name and access it when user taps a particular object, i am actually creating a game
when user taps on a particular objects, then only that particular object must shoot. Please give any suggestion thanks...
imageHolder = {}
numOfImages = 10
for i=1,numOfImages do
imageHolder[i] = display.newImageRect("myImage.png", 20, 20)
imageHolder[i].x = math.random(0, display.contentWidth)
imageHolder[i].y = math.random(0, display.contentHeight)
you can achieve it by giving each object a unique ID you can refer to my code and if you tap every square it will print the ID you assign to them
imageHolder = {}
numOfImages = 10
local function onTap(event)
local t = event.target
-- t.name is the name you assign to the object
for i=1,numOfImages do
imageHolder[i] = display.newRect(0,0, 20, 20)
imageHolder[i].name="images "..i
imageHolder[i].x = math.random(0, display.contentWidth)
imageHolder[i].y = math.random(0, display.contentHeight)
imageHolder[i]:addEventListener("tap", onTap)