Stop the back history, just close popup - jquery-mobile

When I click the back button on the browser, my popup closes but the listener events brought me back to the previous page, I want in my function an element that closes the popup without me go back. While keeping the history listener to other pages (don't stop in the whole of the application)
$(document).on("pageshow", "#member", function (){
$(window).on("navigate", function (event, data) {
var direction = data.state.direction;
if (direction == 'back') {
I try with
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function () {
$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false;
But don't working


Electron app's close button not working when hide its menu

I am trying to create an application using Electron, When I call Menu.setApplicationMenu(null) to hide the app menu, I found that the close button in the upper right corner is also invalid, My event listener code is as follows:
In CreateWindow Function:
mainWindow.on('close', (e) ->
if (!forceClose)
IpcMain.on('quit', (e) ->
forceClose = true;
mainWindow.on('closed', (e) ->
mainWindow = null;
when i hide the menu bar, I got the print queue: close, forceClose, quit, close and app doesn't close properly, after comment outMenu.setApplicationMenu(null);, I can close the app by pressing the top right button and got print: close, forceClose, quit, close, closed. I would like to know if setting the menu to be empty will impress the behavior of close button?

ngx-mapbox-gl button click event inside a popup is not triggered

I'm rending map using this angular library for mapbox ngx-mapbox-gl
I'm showing a popup on mouseenter event.
mapInstance.on("mouseenter", "scoots_layers", function (e) {
var _lat =;
var _lng = e.lngLat.lng;
var coordinates = [_lng, _lat];
this.popup = new Popup({
closeButton: true,
closeOnClick: true,
.setHTML('<button (click)="goToPage()">Hello </button>')
Popup is working fine. But the click event of button is not triggered.
Maybe if you do it this way it works
.setHTML('<button id="myBtn">Hello </button>')
and in your ts file
document.getElementById("myBtn").addEventListener("click", function(){
alert('say something...');

Blank Firefox addon panel page with multiple windows

I've followed MDN's document to create a toggle button addon.
Everything works fine except one problem:
Open a second browser window (cmd+n or ctrl+n) and click on the toggle button there
Click on the toggle button on the original browser window without closing the toggle button on the second window
the toggle button's panel becomes blank with the following error message:
JavaScript error: resource:///modules/WindowsPreviewPerTab.jsm, line 406: NS_ERR
OR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIT
// ./lib/main.js
var { ToggleButton } = require("sdk/ui/button/toggle");
var panels = require("sdk/panel");
var self = require("sdk/self");
var buttonIndex = 0;
var lastKnownButtonIndex = 0;
var button = ToggleButton({
id: "button",
label: "my button",
icon: {
"16": "./icon-16.png"
onClick: handleChange,
var panel = panels.Panel({
onHide: handleHide
function handleChange(state) {
if (state.checked) {{
position: button
function handleHide() {
button.state('window', {checked: false});
function assignButtonIndex() {
return (buttonIndex++).toString();
The complete addon is here:
To reproduce: Extract the zip file and $ cd testButton; cfx run and follow the above steps.
I really hope someone can help me with this. Thank you in advance!
It's a bug; you're not doing anything wrong. It's a racing condition between the windows' focus events, and the panel's event, that prevent somehow the panel's hidden event to be emitted properly.
You can try to mitigate with a workaround the issue until is properly fixed. I added some explanation in the bug: but in short, you can try to add a setTimeout to delay a bit when the panel is shown, in order to avoid the racing condition with the window's focus. Something like:
const { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
/* ... your code here ... */
function handleChange(state) {
if (state.checked) {
setTimeout(() =>{ position: button }), 100);
I am currently using a workaround where I dynamically create a new Panel every time the user presses the toolbar button.
It is faster than the 100ms workaround and also handles a scenario where the user outright closes one of the browser windows while the panel is open. (The 100ms workaround fails in this case and a blank panel is still displayed.)
It works like this:
let myPanel = null;
const toolbarButton = ToggleButton({
onChange: function (state) {
if (state.checked) {
function createPanel(){
// Prevent memory leaks
// Create a new instance of the panel
myPanel = Panel({
onHide: function(){
// Destroy the panel instead of just hiding it.
// Display the panel immediately;

Stop the back history, juste close panel [duplicate]

I have a jQuery mobile panel which slides in from the side, it works great.
But lets say you have a login page, that redirects to a main page with a panel. Now if the user opens the panel, and then clicks the back button, he expects the panel to close. But instead the browser navigates back to the login page.
I´ve tried adding something to the url:
window.location.hash = "panelOpen";
But that just messes up the jQuery mobile history state pattern. I´ve also tried to listen to the navigate event, and prevent it if a panel is open:
$(window).on('navigate', function (e, hans) {
var panels = $('[data-role="panel"].ui-panel-open');
if (panels&&panels.length>0) {
$('#' + panels[0].id).panel('close');
return false;
This kind of works, except that the url is changed, and I cannot grab the event that changes the url. Furthermore, it also messes up the jQuery mobile history pattern.
So how does people achieve this expected 'app-like' behaviour with a jQuery mobile panel; open panel > history back > close panel. And thats it.
Thanks alot!
Instead of retrieving current URL from jQuery Mobile's history, It is safer to retrieve it from hashchange event event.originalEvent.newURL and then pass it to popstate event to be replaceState() with that URL.
Instead of listening to navigate, listen to popstate which fires before. The trick here is manipulate both browser's history and jQuery Mobile's history by replaceState() and reload same page without transition.
var newUrl;
$(window).on("hashchange", function (e) {
/* retrieve URL */
newUrl = e.originalEvent.newURL;
}).on("popstate", function (e) {
var direction = e.historyState.direction == "back" ? true : false,
activePanel = $(".ui-panel-open").length > 0 ? true : false,
url = newUrl,
title = document.title;
if (direction && activePanel) {
$(".ui-header .ui-btn-active").removeClass("ui-btn-active");
/* reload same page to maintain jQM's history */
$.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", url, {
allowSamePageTransition: true
/* replace state to maintain browsers history */
window.history.replaceState({}, title, url);
/* prevent navigating into history */
return false;
This part is meant to maintain same transition used previously as transition is set to none when reloading same page.
$(document).on("pagebeforechange", function (e, data) {
if (data.options && data.options.allowSamePageTransition) {
data.options.transition = "none";
} else {
data.options.transition = $.mobile.defaultPageTransition;
Demo - Code
I am a little bit late on the party, but i had recently the same requirements and i would like to share how i did it. So, i extended the requirement in the original question to Panels, Popups and Pages: expected 'app-like' behaviour, history back > close
whaterver is open. And thats it.
In .on("panelopen"), .on("popupafteropen") and .on("pagecontainershow") i simply add another entry to the window history, by using the HTML5 API ( (I believe there is no need to use the JQM navigate browser quirks for that):
window.history.pushState({}, window.document.title, window.location.href);
After that, i'm using more or less Omar's function to intercept the popstate event:
$(window).on("popstate", function (e) {
var pageId = $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("getActivePage").prop("id");
var pageOpen = (pageId != "page-home");
var panelOpen = $(".ui-panel-open").length > 0;
var popupOpen = $(".ui-popup-active").length > 0;
if(pageOpen) {
$.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", "#page-home", {reverse: true});
return false;
if(panelOpen) {
return false;
if(popupOpen) {
$(".ui-popup-active .ui-popup").popup("close")
return false;
As you see, the is just only one level to the home-page, but this can be easily extended by using JQM history implementation to get the previous page:
var activeId = $.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex;
var jqmHistory = $.mobile.navigate.history.stack; // array of pages
and use pagecontainer to change to the active entry - 1.
As last note, this works well also by completely disabling the built-in JQM Ajax navigation system:
/* Completely disable navigation for mobile app */
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
$.mobile.loadingMessage = false;
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false;
$.mobile.changePage.defaults.changeHash = false;
$.mobile.popup.prototype.options.history = false;
(Tested in Browser, on real Android and iOS devices)

jquery mobile, programmatically change page and open panel once landed

I am using Jquery Mobile 1.4 and I would like to create a button that sends the user to another page, and opens the panel on this new page once landed :
I am trying this :
$(document).on('pagecreate','#faq-page', function(){
$('#faqcontactus').on("tap", function() {
$( "body" ).pagecontainer( "change", "#welcome-page", { transition: "fade" });
$( "body" ).pagecontainer( "getActivePage" ).find('#mypanel').panel("open");
which goes to the page, opens the panel, but closes it instantly.
Can you help ?
You can't do it after you initiate page change process. That process is asynchronous and pane open will not wait for this function to end. What you need to do is wait for next page to became visible, then you should trigger panel.
Something like this:
$(document).on('pagecontainershow', function (e, ui) {
var activePage = $(':mobile-pagecontainer').pagecontainer('getActivePage');
var activePageId = activePage .attr('id')
if(activePageId === 'welcome-page') {
You should wait until page is fully loaded before you open the panel, i.e. use pagecontainershow.
$(document).on("pagecontainershow", function () {
var activePage = $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("getActivePage");
if(activePage[0].id == "welcome-page") {
$(".ui-panel", activePage).panel("open");
