Developing for IPhone 4s, 5, 6 and 6+ - ios

I've been working on a specific app for a while now and everything was good. But upon all this news of the iPhone 6 and the new Xcode, everything has just become confusing. Using Auto layout and designing for the iPhone have just become the most complicated thing to do. Every time I add constraints my images just triple in size. When all I want is to resize them to fit rationally across all the iPhone platforms(In portrait mode). For example I would like for certain images to grow as I work From the iPhone 5 to the 6+. Does any one know how to do this?

What do you mean triple in size?
Easiest way to have an image view scale is do the following:
Add it as a subview to the view of your view controller
Pin it at the top, left and right, leaving height unconstrained
Add an aspect ratio constraint, so that it can automatically calculate its height based on the width it gets


Xcode 'Deletes' Image View Inside Table View Based On Device Screen Size

I'm creating a simple app that includes a table view using Swift 5 and Xcode 11. Inside the table view(which, by the way, is fixed into landscape), there is a button on the right of the tableview cells and an image view with fixed constraints, size, and width on the left. Everything has been working out pretty well for my app, until I noticed that the image view would kind of 'disappear' if I changed the device to, for example, iPhone 5s, 4s, or even iPhone Pro(I'm testing with iPhone 11 Pro Max).
This is when the device is iPhone 11 Pro Max:
11 Pro Max
This is when the device is iPhone 11 Pro: 11 Pro
And here are my constraints for my image view: Constraints
Any help is appreciated
P.S. Ignore the image view that says 'img'
After seeing both of the screen shots and the constraints I see what is the issue here.
It's the way you have applied the trailing constraint for the image which in your case is 663 (Should not be fixed). What you can try is Give width constraint to the image view and then change the trailing constraint something like below
This should help you.
Also what you have to take care of moving forward is the constraints you choose to apply coz that is the most important thing while desigining Responsive UI
Happy Coding.
right Constraint should be negative,for example,
img.snp.right = view.right - 20

Choosing appropriate screen size to work with

I have got rather general question about making Adaptive Layout in iOS App.
When creating new project in Xcode you have ability to choose with which screen size you can start working:
I have noticed that if you place a square UIView on iPhone SE screen and then connect Leading, Trailing, Top and Bottom constraints - this view displays correctly on every other screen. But if you perform same actions on iPhone X, then this same shape would be corrupted on smaller screens.
So, my questions are:
Which iPhone screen size to choose, when starting making iOS app in
order not to face headaches with constraints on other screens and to
make pixel perfect UI?
If I receive design prepared for iPhone X screen, can I prepare it
firstly for iPhone SE screen and will it be displayed correctly on
bigger screens in this case?
What are screen sizes you use in your projects most frequently?
Actually there is no difference in choosing which 1 , what you need is to make your thoughts when making constraints to be generic , and that means every static width/height will appear similar in all devices , and every proportional 1 will look according to the device size , personally i like to use iphone 5 ( please forget about iphone 4 or you'll have to make the main view a scrollview because of the very small height of that device ) , also you can toggle the device to see how the constraints you set ( in the choosen 1 ) are look in the other device
You don't need to 'choose' a size. This is just a display setting and you can change it at any time to preview your layout on different devices.
You need to make your constrains in a logical way that will naturally adapt when change screen sizes.

Layout missed up on 3.5" Screen iPhone 4

I have developed my App on XCODE 8 which by default removes iPhone 4 emulator and I didn't notice that until I finished my app, and I used Auto layout to make the UI fits all iPhone screens and that what happened (the layout was good on iPhone 7,6,5) the problem is when I additionally installed iPhone 4 emulator I found that the layout is totally missed up and unreadable/usable.
So what options do I have to solve this and make it fit the iPhone 4 screen too with Auto-Layout with missing up the other sizes ?
Here is screen shot of my Login screen on iPhone 6 (4.7") vs iPhone 4 (3.5")
You must always give constraints with respect to other alternative buttons or a view, it should not be hard coded. Try making views programatically, it will be more easy and helpful to you.
It seems like your constraint is set to have a fixed distance related to the top of your screen. So when the screen height get smaller, your views are pushed out of the screen. So to better adjust views position, you can have your views to be related to vertical center. Say your login box is in both horizontal and vertical center, not metter you are using iphone 6 or 4, you should always see your login box.

different ui items alignment for tablet

I'm new to ios(android dev). I'm using storyboard, and autolayout.
To optimize application for tablet, i used sizes in storyboard regular width regular height.
I want to align ui items on ipad different than on iphone mode. For example, i have a table of textfields that occupy full width on iphone. On ipad i want to place two or three textfields in one cell. How can i make different ui implemetation for ipad, so the logic shoudl stay the same.
I watched
But there is no answer there.
Jenya Kirmiza,
Size Class is what you want :) Size classes were introduced with iOS8 in order to avoid the multiple storyboards for universal applications and yet provide an easy way for the developer to design differrent UI for differrent Devices :)
I expect you to know SizeClasses, In case you are not aware each device in its various orientation falls to one of the sizeClass defined by Apple.
One thing important to note here is that iPad in its both the orientation falls to Regular x Regular size class
Where as all iPhones other than iphone 6S and iphone 6s + will fall to
Copact Width x Regular Height - Portrait mode
Compact Width X Compact Height - Landscape Mode
Iphone 6s and 6s + falls to
Copact Width x Regular Height - Portrait mode
Regular Width X Compact Height - Landscape Mode
Now that you are equipted with the information of all size classes lets nail this issue down. When you open the story board at the center of the screen there is option to decide the size class :)
So go ahead open up your story board when you see it by default will be in wAny wAny mode What it means is whatever the components you add and add the constraint to it will be applicable to all the sizeclasses irrespectively.
Hence you see the textField added at the center of the screen appears center in all the devices may it be iPhone ot iPad.
For explaining Ill add two text fields named Firstname and LastName :)
Lets start adding textFields and constraints to them in storyboard keeping wAny wAny mode.
Now I have added two textFields one below the other covering the whole width of the screen in any any mode :) This will work fine for me in all iPhone devices :)
But I want to allign them side by side in iPad. Now we know that iPad belongs to Regular x Regular sizee class in both the orientation :)
So Simply change the size class in storyBoard
Now when you see you will see two textfields added one below the other already :)
Now select those textfields we want to align them differently isnt it :) So will have to remove the constraints already added to them :)
Now move them place next to each other add constraints properly :)
Thats it now run on iPhone and iPad :) You will textFields one below each other in iPhone and one next to other in iPad :)
iPhone Output :
iPad output :
Hope this helps :)

How to make controls in view not overlap if built by Interface Builder for Xcode 4.5 and iPhone 5?

I am using Xcode 4.5 and iPhone 4 and 5 simulator, and the Interface Builder would add a UIButton in the top half of the screen with a top constraint, and add a UIButton in the bottom half of the screen with a bottom constraint.
It works fine on an iPhone 5 simulator, but on the iPhone 4 simulator, the buttons can overlap, or the bottom button may even get positioned above the top button.
I think it is due to the constraint, such as the bottom button "must be 250 points away from the bottom margin". I can't delete the constraint, and if I change it to "250 points or less", it won't work, if I change it to "250 points or more", it won't work either.
Is there a way to:
1) Make it have no constraint, but just position at absolute x and y? (or what about the spring in the past, so that everything is more spaced out in iPhone 5?)
2) Make the NIB into a one for iPhone 4 and 4S only, so that the app works well on iPhone 4 and 4S and just "black barred" on the iPhone 5.
3) Make it work well on iPhone 5 and work well on iPhone 4 as well?
If you know solutions to only (1), (2), or (3), above, please give it regardless, as it is still a viable solution for the transition period.
It is actually very easy to reproduce: Create a simple Single View app using Xcode 4.5, and drag one button just above the center point of the screen, and another one just below the center point of the screen. Then run it on the Simulator. On iPhone 5, it is:
And now stop the app, and change the Device in the Simulator to iPhone 4S (3.5 inch Retina). If you don't stop the app first, the Simulator can crash. Now run the app again, and the buttons will overlap:
I had the same problem, and it was due to a wrong settings for autosizing. To change the autosizing, click on the control in the interface builder, go to the size inspector.
Notice the bold red I's in the autosizing grid, they control placement when the screen is resized (like when going from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 5.
I think it will work best for you if you make your autosizing look like this:
I'm not sure, since I haven't used constraint-based layout (and won't until we drop support for iOS 5). Traditional NIB-based autoresizing will do absolute coordinates.
You can't do that for just one screen, as far as I know — you can disable it for your whole app by removing Default-568h#2x.png.
I'd go for programmatic layout, or if you want the easy way (which will be a pain to maintain), different nibs for different screen sizes. Note that you'll want to correctly handle the in-call status bar too...
EDIT: Put the two buttons in a container view and make the constraint center the container inside its parent? It won't adjust the spacing between buttons, but should look okay on both devices.
Select your buttons and add "vertical spacing" constraint for them. And set "less than" for top/bottom margins.
