How I can get the changes of a TClientDataset to another TClientDataset? - delphi

How can I get from a TClientDataset the changes?
I have a TClientDataset named GetDataset and I have a grid. I want the changes in a new TClientDataset named ChangeDataset.
How can I do this?

If you have a source ClientDataSet CDS1, you should be able to copy the changed records to a second ClientDataSet CDS2 by doing
if CDS1.ChangeCount > 0 then
CDS2.Data := CDS1.Delta;
As you'll see if you try that, it gives you a "before" record and one with the change(s). That may not necessarily be what you want - frankly you'd do best to read the Whipple article posted in a comment and in the OLH to get the exact result you might be wanting to achieve. The point is, all the information you need is in the source CDS until you flush it away (by calling ApplyUpdates() - after that, if it succeeds, the change log is empty).
If you look at the rows in CDS2, it's not immediately obvious how you tell whether a particular field contains a changed value and how you distinguish one that does from one which is just empty. Istr there was a very good post quite a long time ago in one of the Borland NTTP newsgroups by their Mark Edington, I think, explaining how to do this. Basically, it's a question of evaluating VarIsClear on the field's NewValue property:
if VarIsClear(CDS2.Fields[i].NewValue) then
// means Fields[i] does not have a changed value
Incidentally, since you can save the state of a CDS to XML, you can use XML manipulations, e.g. with a DOM parser such is the Windows built-in one (see MSXML.Pas) to do easily many things which are troublesome to do using the TDataSet paradigm.


How to retrieve information from a field that has the property Required set as false?

I have the following DBX structure in my software:
TSQLDataSet -> TDataSetProvider -> TClientDataSet
One of the fields from my TClientDataSet has the property Required set to false, because this field auto increments based on triggers and generators on the database (Firebird).
However, after configuring both TSQLDataSet and TClientDataSet with this field not being required, I'm getting really weird results when I try to read this field from my TClientDataSet. I suspect that I might need to do something extra to force my TClientDataSet to acquire the value of this field in this condition.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance.
The help file for the Required property says something about this, but I couldn't quite understand what it want me to do.
Specifies whether a nonblank value for a field is
Use Required to find out if a field requires a value or if the field
can be blank.
If a field is created with the Fields editor, this property is set
based on the underlying table. Applications that set Required to true
for fields that must have values (for example, a password or part
number), but for which the underlying table does not require the
field, must write an OnValidate event handler to enforce the property.
When the Required property reflects a property of the underlying
database table, trying to post apply a null value causes an exception
to be raised. Applications that set the Required property to true when
the underlying table does not require the field, should raise an
EDatabaseError exception on null values in the OnValidate event
handler in order to achieve the same result.
Forgot to mention: between the TDataSetProvider and the TClientDataSet, there is a DataSnap layer (the TClientDataSet connection is made with a DataSnap driver).
I created a small test case with this DataSnap setup and it worked perfectly. The project is legacy, messy and I guess that either I have an obscure option configured somewhere that is biting me or I have stumbled in a DataSnap bug.
Haole, have you tried TClientDataset.RefreshRecord after inserting? Or even TClientDataset.Refresh?
Having generators, you can even get the generator in advance (before calling ApplyUpdates) in a query like select gen_id(generator,1) from RDB$Database (it's from memory, don't have Firebird here to test) and fill the PK field in advance.
EDIT: seems this is a heisenbug. I would try to remove the components and reconfigure them again from scratch (which means: after you remove, save and close Delphi).
Or even better, create an empty project with just that needed query configuration and try to view that data in a TDBGrid. If this problem still happens, maybe your FB installation have some component corrupted (or even Delphi installation)
Seems that the problem was an outdated field being read as an INTEGER and it was a SMALLINT in the database.
This problem was hard to debug and this question was misleading. Thanks for everyone that helped me debug this.

What is the purpose of the 'Tag' property of Delphi VCL components?

Is there any specific purpose for the 'Tag' property of Delphi VCL components?
I have Googled a few examples using it as, for example, a 'color' property or using the value as a pointer address, but is it 'good practice' to use it, or is it considered 'bad practice' as it ties the program logic to the UI?
The "tag" property is there as a "cargo container" for whatever you might want to do with it.
Something it's often used for is in event handlers when you have a lot of similar components sharing one event handler. The event handler can find its caller and then query its tag value to get some more information about what it's supposed to be acting on.
Example: A calculator app might tag the number buttons with their respective numbers... silly and incomplete example, but you get the idea. The event handler could then pull the number to add into the display and accumulator right out of the tag instead of having to go figure out which button is meant to do what.
It is a place to add a piece of information to any component, even if you don't have the source for that component. It should be used carefully, because you can use it for only one purpose per component. For that reason Libraries should never use it.
I have some fundamental problems with the Tag property.
Well not exactly this property itself because it works as intended.
In general I consider using any universal/general/multi-purpose variables as a 'bad practice'.
They can be useful during debugging but are very harmful in production/mission critical environment.
They reduce code readability and understandability because nobody knows what a 'Tag' named attribute or property does. Of course you know why you are using this variable. But sooner or later you will forget (I know you will) and relying on this value makes anything more complicated.
This is why we should properly name every variable and property to help us understand what the code does.
Using Tag property is just a workaround/shortcut to avoid implementing understandable and well written code.
This is the PRACTICE and it is addictive.
Next time you need to store a new integer value bound to a component you will use the Tag property without considering any other way to store the desired values.
And storing a pointer in Tag property is a horrible idea: you have to cast this value every time you debug pointers.
Tell me: how many times did you find yourself in a situation where you wanted to store a new value in the Tag property but you realized this property is already used for a different purpose (if only there would be a 'Tag2' property in every component...).
As others have said, it's a place to put anything. Typically this comes in handy when associating two objects via an object reference or pointer. The tag happens to be perfectly sized to hold a pointer, so if you need to, say, keep an object tied to an item in a listbox, it becomes pretty straightforward.
Also it can be used for grouping purposes, say you'd want to access all components with a specific tag value, regardless of the component's type.
It's great! A freebie. I use it all the time to store one additional piece of information associated with the object.
Often I store a pointer to an associated data structure, or sometimes an integer which may be an index into some other array.
You can use it as a counter for times the object is accessed, or whatever.
The only downside is if your program uses lots of memory and you have millions of objects, those 4 bytes for each tag add up, especially if you're not using it. In that case, for your most prolific object type, you may want to create your own version without the tag.
You have 2 buttons on your form, on one you set the Tag = 1, and the other one Tag = 2. Now you assign the same OnClick event to both buttons and writhe the code like this:
procedure TForm28.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
case (Sender as TButton).Tag of
1: Caption := 'you pressed button 1';
2: Caption := 'you pressed button 2';
or more compact:
procedure TForm28.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Caption := 'you pressed button ' + IntToStr((Sender as TButton).Tag);
Basically,Tag will let you identify what control fired the event. Think if you have a form with dynamically created buttons... a list with users from the database, and on each record you put a button "Delete User". In this situation you can't create an event for each button, you will create one event that will assigned to all the buttons... and you can put in the Tag the userid for example. That way when you implement the event to handle all the buttons, you'll know what user to delete.
I Use tags all the time.
here are some examples;
a simple sample: you have a notebook (Like a pagecontroll without tabs)
so you can define buttons as tabs and write
NoteBook.ActivePage := TButton(Sender).Tag;
A more complicated sample;
an integer can hold 16 bitwise bolleans;
I can then check the senders up to 16 conditions to decide how to continue the pricedure
If (BitCheck (Bit2,TButton(sender).tag=True) And BitCheck(bit12,TButton(Sender).Tag=False) Then
If (BitCheck (Bit9,TButton(sender).tag=True) Or BitCheck(bit14,TButton(Sender).Tag=True) Then
You Get the idea

Delphi: Is there a way to access records in a TClientDataset besides moving the cursor

I want to append a record in a TClientDataSet based on another record (in this same TClientDataSet). Problem is that i can't access another record in the TClientDataSet because the cursor is pointed to the row i'm appending. And i can't find another way to access the other records in the same TClientDataset.
Of course i can use an extra TClientDataSet, copy some stuff and solve it that way, but i don't like that solution.
So is there a way to access the rows/records in a TClientDataset besides moving the cursor?
The only way to do this would be to fully dissect the ClientDataSet.Data property content.
Which means you will need to write most of the ClientDataSet functionality yourself.
It is much easier to clone the cursor into a new ClientDataSet, then use that cursor to browse through your records. Then you can use your old ClientDataSet to do the appends.
This article explains about cloning cursors:
Cloning ClientDatSet Cursors
You can have a look at the TClientDataSet.CloneCursor method. For more information have a look at:

Subclass a table and a big trouble in Delphi

alt text
How you can see above, it's a kind of subclass a table in a RDBMS (in this case, my favorite: MySQL) so I handle it with Visual Subclassing a base form for tb_order_base with validating field data, etc.
This way, I'm free of repeating code and some other bothering problems, well, it seems a true OO aproach. But ...
Now I got a Big problem with subclassed form i.e. tb_order_service with a master/detail approach, when I post the tb_order_base dataset, instead of Delphi first post it and get the PK ID from RDBMS and then post the TB_ORDER_PRODUCT with id filled, it does the opposed, posting the detail tb_order_product dataset first then master tb_order_base, so I get a big foreing key constraint error.
Does anyone has any idea to how to by-pass this amazing problem?
I have asked it before, but with few details in The Master/Detail Behavior
One thing I have done in such a condition was to break away from doing DBMS direct calls, and to instead use a memory dataset (or client dataset) for the form. When the user presses the save button, I would validate my edits and return any errors. If no errors then I would begin a database transaction, commit the master record (and then read the master record key back if its an insert), then run thru each table commiting the child records, followed by a commit of the transaction (or rollback if there were any problems saving child data).
I also stay away from using data-aware components. They work great for simple utility type programs, but when you start creating a complex system using them you will find little gotchas along the way that are easily solved by using a standard edit and a function to push/pull data to/from the database. The only exception I generally make would be for grids, but I only use the grid for selection...the actual editing is done using non data-aware components.

How long does a TDataset bookmark remain valid?

I have code like below in a project I'm working.
procedure TForm.EditBtnClick(Sender:TObject);
// Mark is form variable. It's private
Mark = cdsMain.GetBookmark;
// blabalbal
procedure TForm.OkBtnClick(Sender:TObject);
mistakes: Integer;
//Validation stuff and transaction control
//removed to not clutter the code
If cdsMain.ChangeCount <> 0 then
mistakes := cdsMain.AppyUpdates(-1);
// Yes, I know I would have to call FreeBookmark
// but I'm just reproducing
Personally, I do not use bookmarks much — except to reposition a dataset where I only moved the cursor position (to create a listing, fill a string list, etc). If I Refresh, update (especially when a filter can make the record invisible), refetch (Close/Open) or any operation that modifies the data in the dataset, I don't use bookmarks. I prefer to Locate on the primary key (using a TClientDataset, of course) or requery modifying the parameters.
Until when is a bookmark valid? Until a Refresh? Until a Close/Open is done to refetch data? Where does the safe zone end?
Consider in the answer I'm using TClientDataset with a TSQLQuery (DbExpress).
Like both c0rwin and skamradt already mention: the bookmark behaviour depends on the TDataSet descendant you use.
In general, bookmarks become invalid during:
refresh (on datasets that support it)
data changes (sometimes only deletions)
I know 1. and 2. can invalidate your bookmarks in TClientDataSets. I am almost sure that for TClientDataSets it does not matter which underlying provider is used (TSQLQuery, TIBQuery, etc).
The only way to make sure what works and what not is testing it.
Which means you are totally right in not using them: bookmarks have an intrinsic chance of being unreliable.
To be on the safe side, always call BookmarkValid before going to a bookmark.
Personally I rarely ever use bookmarks. I instead use the id of the record I am viewing and perform a locate on it once the refresh is complete. If I need to iterate over all of the records in the set, I do that using a clone of the tClientDataset (which gets its own cursor).
It is my understanding is that the implementation of the bookmark is up to the vendor of the tDataset descendant and can vary between implementations. In my very simple dataset (tBinData), I implemented bookmarks as the physical record number so it would persist between refreshes as long as the record was not deleted. I can not speak this true for all implementations.
TDataSet implements virtual bookmark methods. While these methods ensure that any dataset object derived from TDataSet returns a value if a bookmark method is called, the return values are merely defaults that do not keep track of the current location. Descendants of TDataSet, such as TBDEDataSet, reimplement the bookmark methods to return meaningful values as described in the following list:
BookmarkValid, for determining if a specified bookmark is in use.
CompareBookmarks, to test two bookmarks to see if they are the same.
GetBookmark, to allocate a bookmark for your current position in the dataset.
GotoBookmark, to return to a bookmark previously created by GetBookmark
FreeBookmark, to free a bookmark previously allocated by GetBookmark.
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