Size classes don't work for extensions on iOS8/XCode Beta 7 - ios

I'm following the exact steps from this video (from 7:49 onwards):
The UIButton I'm adding to my view when changing the size class to, for example, portrait iPhone, always shows up. Note: only acts this way in extension mode (building a custom keyboard for example). When using a storyboard/view controller/app (exactly like the video), it works as expected.
Is this a bug or expected behaviour? Any work arounds?


Larger search bar in iOS 11? How to opt-into new style?

I noticed that in the App Store app, the UISearchBar they're using is larger. (see attached) — Currently when I compile for iOS 11b9 using Xcode 9b6, it still uses the old style, which is too small and is clipped by the status bar.
Is there some clean way to enable/mimic this larger variant of UISearchBar, while still maintaining backwards compatibility with older iOS versions?
I did find after the iPhone X announcement (and subsequent video additions to the Developer site) that there is a bit of a workaround necessarily:
For iOS 11+ only:
Apply the UISearchController to the "navigationItem" not the UIViewController itself. Then set it to be "active" (= true).
Ensure this hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation is true.
Monitor the delegate callback to track when it was dismissed, and then remove it from the "navigationItem" until it's needed again.
... Honestly it seems like this was a bit of an afterthought, but it does work and is good enough for now.

Xcode 7.1: UILabel added to sizeclass regular/regular shown anywhere

In Xcode 7, I was able to add a UILabel only to the Regular/Regular size-class. I simply selected w: Regular h:Regular below the storyboard and added it to my controller using drag 'n' drop. Once I switched to another size-class, the element was shown as inactive in the document outline on the left. Everything fine.
Now the same approach doesn't seem to work. When I switch to another size-class after the label was added to regular/regular, the UILabel is still active in the document outline and shown when the app is running (on an iPhone for example).
Any pointers or hints more than appreciated! Release notes don't offer any clue. Doesn't look like a wanted behaviour that was mentioned anywhere.

Indentation of UITableViewCell changes after rotation only on iOS 8

I have an UITableView with three dynamic rows. When displaying the UITableViewController the first time everything works fine. After a rotation the rows which have a data in it get an indentation despite I set setLayoutMargins to zero. I cannot reproduce this issue in another project until now. It is only appearing in iOS 8 but but only on one table. The same source for the table is working in a test project without problems. The only difference here is that it is in a container with some other views.
I checked auto layout constraints, the rotation methods, commented things out - all without success. The change of the indentation occurs between willRotateToInterfaceOrientation and didRotateToInterfaceOrientation or after viewWillTransitionToSize. I even updated to iOS 8.1 with the same results.
Has someone expeerienced a similar behavior?
What I've also noticed that when setting the layout margins to zero on iOS 8 the animation is not as smooth as it would be with the default values (with indentation). On iOS 7 the animation is always smooth.
I tracked some things down. If a UITableViewController is embedded into an UINavigationController the indentation happens on rotation. If you rotate further it goes back to it's set indentation (no indentation in my case).
If the UITableViewController is embedded into a container (and this container is in a navigation controller) than after the rotation the cell get it's default indentation back. If you rotate further this behavior stays the same (always indented).
Are some events not send to the child view controller or none of you uses a UITableViewController embedded into an UINavigationController?
In my opinion it is a iOS 8 Bug or a Xamarin Bug. Perhaps one other could verify if it is the same with his installation. I'm using Xamarin Studio 5.5.2 with Xcode 6.1.
One ugly solution to this is this:
public override void DidRotate (UIInterfaceOrientation fromInterfaceOrientation)
base.DidRotate (fromInterfaceOrientation);
// otherwise cells are indented! iOS 8 Bug?
TableView.ReloadData ();
One could use reloadData or reloadSection in didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation, despite it is a deprecated function. But there is no viewDidTransitionToSize and I also have to support iOS 7.
Another solution I have come up with is to draw a custom separator line. This only works for iOS 8 and would answer the question (despite I've another issue on iOS 7 where this approach doesn't help).

iAD on iPAD is transparent but clickable (Monotouch)

I am using monotouch 4.0.7 and was able to get iAd to show up sucessfully on iPhone(normal) and iPhone(retina).
It seems that the iPad version is loaded successfully, clickable but it's completely empty. In the emulator it has the mousedown color too.
I've tried extending the frame of both the view controller and the view to 1024x768 but it's still not showing up.
Is this normal behavior in Portrait mode? I am using ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait.
By the way, AdLoaded is getting called and there are no warnings in application output.
I've been looking into the issue, the problem (I'm guessing) is that you're using "ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait" as the identifier in your "RequiredContentSizeIdentifiers" set. The problem is that the string is not the same as the identifier. You should instead use the class properties on ADBannerView which are ADBannerView.SizeIdentifierPortrait or ADBannerView.SizeIdentifierLandscape.
Let me know if this sorts out your issue,

presentationLayer position property yielding bad values on iPad, no problem with iPhone

I have a game with several small objects animated using CAKeyframeAnimation. Objects animate perfectly for BOTH iPhone and iPad. However, the value of the position property of the animated CALayers' presentationLayers only yield reasonable values on the iPhone. I use the current position of the animating objects for hit testing. Any ideas of differences in this area between iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch?
The position points for iPhone show expected incremental change as objects animate; on iPad I see peculiar values, for example this sequence:
<36893488147419103232.000000,2.755450>, ...
Other properties of the presentationLayer are correct (these are properties whose values don't change during the animation, however).
After the animation finishes, the presentationLayer position value IS accurate.
Exactly same problem here!! and it looks that is a bug starting with 3.2 version of the SDK...
Actually I did a iPhone app (using 3.1 SDK) that it is completely based on CAAnimation, when I installed and ran the the app on an iPhone with 3.2 nothing works!!!... but on devices that has 3.1 works perfectly. I google it and I found another people with exactly the same problem.
take a look at the bottom of the following forum
Could you solved this issue or found a workaround?
