Text alignment from bottom to top iOS SDK - ios

As seen on the screenshot above, each top cell has few labels. The frame of the label this question concerning is highlighted with green rectangle. It shows the title of some picture/sculpture or other exhibit, so there could be quite long strings.
I would like the text of this label to be just above author label (string with font of smaller size). So, normal text is aligned from top to bottom and if text is not enough to fill all the space, the gap is at the bottom part of the label.
For this label I would like to use the opposite approach: if text is not enough, all the text at the bottom. Is there any parameter of UILabel to implement above mentioned behaviour? Or I should manually count the amount of lines and adjust the size of the label?

This is fairly easy using constraints. To get the effect you desire:
Constrain your label's position above the author label
Constrain the label's width or horizontal position
Constrain the label to a reasonable height using a greater than or equal to
Either constrain the label's total height as less than or equal to, or constrain the vertical position to something greater than or equal to.
All these constraints can be added in IB very easily, or through code. These constraints will cause the label to grow vertically to accommodate more text, and then shrink back down with less text, which will achieve the effect of having the text grow up from the bottom.


How to vertically center text in UILabel with programmatic constraints after height constraint addition

I have a UILabel that I'm using inside a container view. I'm using AutoLayout entirely programmatically--no xib or storyboard. My UILabel constraints (no height constraint set, large fixed width, top and left edges pinned, numberOfLines = 0, bottom of superview pinned to bottom of label) work perfectly for normal (around 13 or 14 point) sized text, but at large (60 point) size text I started noticing large gaps of extra space above and below my character; in this case, the capital letter "S" that's an NSMutableAttributedString. The only attributes for this attributed string are the font name and a kerning value of 1.0. Below picture shows a magnified screenshot of my label from Pixie (white square shown is from that program) with my UILabel's backgroundColor in red:
After doing lots of research (Ignore Ascender and Descender when centering UILabel vertically?, iOS - Get the "real" height of a letter, Vertically center text in UILabel depending on actual visible letter height), it seemed the reason I was encountering this issue was because of the ascender and descender values for this font aren't getting used in this case (this is a capital "S," so it would seem I just need its capHeight value). So, I decided to constrict my label height to this value, and did so by setting a height constraint equal to its capHeight value after the "S" attributed text is set. Doing this produced the following image:
As you can see, the text is now clipped in the label. As a sort of hack, I figured I'd add some padding to counteract this, so multiplying my capHeight value by 1.1 yielded the following image:
That's fine for some padding, but now there's 4 px of extra space at the top. Granted I'm zoomed in very far, but I'm not sure why I'm seeing this—I would think that since the height constraint is set to the height of this capHeight value (which has some extra added for padding now) that the "S" would be vertically centered. I've tried calling setNeedsLayout on the label, but that didn't do anything. These are the things I would love to know:
Why is the capHeight value either not returning the correct value and/or setting the label's height constraint to this value is causing the text to get clipped?
Why do I need to add padding to the capHeight value?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this text vertically centered after I add padding and/or why it's not happening automatically? I saw this answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/17376146/482557) but wasn't sure if that would apply here.

How can I get pixel precision when placing text with Auto Layout?

When using Auto Layout to position a label, I always get very imprecise results. In the example below, I have aligned the top and left edges of a UILabel to a parent UIView:
There is empty space on all four sides of the text, but the amount of empty space at the top and bottom is especially horrible. It is very tedious to take screenshots and figure out how many points I would need to offset the constraint's constant value to make the text line up properly. Is there any way to for the UILabel to properly reflect the rendered text in its frame?

NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem set width based on text size

I have a UILabel where I've set all needed constrains, like pin it to the needed sides of other views, set height.
But right now I want to set constraint for width, based on the text length.
How can I make it programatically?
I think I want to something similar to VFL #”H:|-20-[label1]-10-[label2]-15-“
so first label should have width based on it's text, and has a distance form the left size equal 20 pt
the second label should have width based on it's text and has a distance from the left side equal 10 pt and 15 form the right side.
as you can see it cut off second label, but I want to have padding like test label at the top.
What you want to do is set the label's preferredMaxLayoutWidth and set the numberOfLines to 0. Give the label a top and leading edge constraint, but nothing more. Now the label will expand its width based on its contents, up to the max layout width, and then will wrap and expand its height instead — automatically.

Autolayout not understood operations

here some points about using autolayout that I don't understand.
1/ I have set a constraint on the leading space and the trailing space of a label (so the horizontal size of the label should be adjusted automatically) but the label fit the size of the text. How to not autosize the label (I have seen hundreds of posts about autofit a label but nothing about not autofit).
2/ Concerning my UIScrollview, I have set up trailing space and leading space to 0 (so it should fit all the screen whatever the iPhone display size) but some margins still appears. Why ?
Thanks for your help.

Layout UILabels with baseline offset

I have a view with labels stacked vertically. The design specification for the view give a vertical offset from the baseline of the text in the top label to the text in the bottom label.
However when I code for this, the size of the top UILabel will always be big enough to accomodate the descender of the top label. So I can only program the offset from the descender, not from the baseline. In the attached picture, red offset is what I want to code for, but I can only code for the green offset. Is there any way that I can get the baseline offset correct either in the xib or through code? I do not want to do this by trial and error, as that would result in the programmed offset not matching the specs.
You can do it, but easier to show you in a screen shot than to explain it:
Change "30" to whatever your specified distance is.
