I have a table of race results http://bhaa.ie/events/eircom-2014 where the age category and position with the age category is displayed on a single column. The age categories have values SM,35M,40M,....,85M. The p0x represents the runners position within that category.
SM p01
35M p01
SM p02
45M p01
The default sorting at the moment give a preference to the 35 categoty, ie
35M p01
45M p01
SM p01
SM p02
I would prefer for the SM (ie Senior Men) to appear first in the sort order
SM p01
SM p02
35M p01
45M p01
Is this possible with the jQuery tablesorter?
Just use the custom parser for sorting, like this:
id: 'age',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
return (s === 'SM' ? 0 : parseInt(s.replace('M', ''), 10));
type: 'numeric'
$(function() {
headers: {
0: {
Full code is available on jsfiddle.
Click on the t0 header to see sorting in action
If you are using my fork of tablesorter, you can set the stringTo option to min to force the alphabetical characters to always sort before the lowest number (demo):
$(function () {
theme: 'blue',
stringTo: "min",
headers: {
4: {
sorter: 'digit'
Also, the headers option is set to ensure that the column is set to use the number parser instead of the text parser as "S" is in the first row and that column is therefore detected as a text column.
Full example:
data: {
table: 'datatable',
startRow: 0,
endRow: 6,
startColumn: 0,
endColumn: 3,
parsed: function (columns) {
columns.forEach(column => {
column.splice(1, 2);
What I'd like the chart to reference is only column 0 "Year" and column 3 "Group C" while keeping the entire table displayed below. Challenge is disregarding the 2 columns in the middle.
I am trying the parsed option but it seems the rows and columns are mixed up. I even tried setting the switchRowsAndColumns value to true. (https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/data.seriesMapping)
You can also use complete function to modify your data.
Example code based on your config:
complete: function(options) {
let series = [];
options.series = series;
API Reference:
I do use tablesorter (https://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/docs/index.html)
To sort my HTML tables.
I have one sorting I cannot find howtoo. ie.
is to be sorted as:
in short: the () are to be ignored and numeric sort, numeric first then alphabetical.
I have seen how to replace characters, (doesn't work as "empty" as some rank too)
The parsers I have seen thusfar require me to create per header and known value to be replaced.
id: 'nummeriek',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
// format your data for normalization
return s.toLowerCase().replace('dns',999).replace('(dns)',999).replace('(4)',4);
type: 'numeric'
headers: {
6: {
If I have to do this for every possible table content I end up creating hundreds of replace() statements. as I have scores from 1 to 100 Thus (1) to (100) is possible too...
There must be an easier way. Any help is much appreciated.
The default digit parser "assumes" that numbers wrapped in parentheses are negative; this is a common method of indicating a negative number in accounting (ref).
To get around this, you will need to slightly modify the parser (demo)
$(function() {
id: 'nummeriek',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(str) {
// format your data for normalization
var s = str.replace(/[()]/g, ""),
n = parseFloat(s);
return !isNaN(n) && isFinite(n) ? n : s;
type: 'numeric'
headers: {
0: {
sorter: 'nummeriek'
Note: this parser always returns a non-numeric string without parentheses, e.g. "(dns)" will become "dns". I kept it this way so the "(dns)" entries will sort as if they are "dns".
I am currently using table sorter and just want to know if there is a way to have a value by default always shows up regardless of the selected filter from the filter-select list. I tried using filter functions, but after I added a filter function for a column that has a filter-select, it loses the filter-select list with all of the available values.
For example, here is the filter function that I tried using, it should show "John" regardless of the values that are selected:
0 : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
var x = e===f;
var y = e==='John';
var show = x|y;
return show;
Am I missing something?
In javascript, the OR operator requires two vertical bars:
0 : function(e, n, f, i, $r, c, data) {
var x = e===f;
var y = e==='John';
var show = x || y;
return show;
Maybe a better method would be to use the filter_defaultFilter option which can be used as follows (demo):
$(function() {
theme: 'blue',
widgets: ['zebra', 'filter'],
widgetOptions: {
filter_defaultFilter: {
// Ox will always show
// {q} is replaced by the user query
2: '{q}|Ox'
Also, make sure to include a "filter-match" class name in the header cell:
<th class="filter-match">...</th>
otherwise "OR" queries default to exact cell content matches.
I have a table which has one of the column's as datetime: eg: 1/11/2011 12:34 PM
Unfortunately, the width of the column does not allow me to display datetime in full length in one line, hence I am displaying the contents in two lines, like
12:34 PM
But tablesorter will not work if the column contents have a <br> in them. Any idea how I can achieve sorting via tablesorter for this issue? I am having tablesorter revision 2.0.5b. I cannot upgrade to newer version because it might break existing features of the rails app.
tablesorter is the jquery plugin
You'll probably need a custom parser to remove the carriage return; honestly, I don't think a <br> needs to be added if the text is allowed to wrap, and you set a width for that column.
Anyway, try this code (demo)
$(function () {
// set a unique id
id: 'date',
is: function (s, table, cell) {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function (s, table, cell, cellIndex) {
// replace extra spacing/carriage returns
var str = s.replace(/\s+/g," "),
date = new Date( str );
return date instanceof Date && isFinite(date) ? date.getTime() : s;
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'
theme: 'blue',
headers: {
7: { sorter: 'date' }
I have a tablesorter table with titles in the cells. I'd like to be able to search on multiple, non-contiguous words in the title. The fuzzy match (~) does the job. How do I get this to be the default matcher? I don't want my users to have learn/remember it.
I tried a custom filter like this
widgetOptions: {
filter_external: '.search', // input box that user input goes into
filter_columnFilters: false,
filter_functions : {
1: function (e, n, f, i, $r) {
return this.filter.types.fuzzy( e, '~' + n, f, i, $r);
but that didn't work. Ideas?
I just added a new filter widget option filter_defaultFilter in the working branch of the GitHub repository
To use it, include the column class name or index and a filter mask with the filter selector (~ in your case) and a query tag ({query} or {q}).
$(function () {
theme: 'blue',
widgets: ['zebra', 'filter'],
widgetOptions: {
filter_defaultFilter: {
// set default fuzzy match on first column
0 : '~{q}'
Here is a demo applying a default exact match to filter selects for issue #704.
The documentation is available now in the working branch. The main documentation won't be updated until this weekend.