Form submit with the form context in HTMLUnit - submit

I have a project where I am converting some old HTTPUnit code to HTMLUnit. Among one of the issues I have ran into is the form.submit() option of HTTPUnit.The form.submit works without having to specifically finding the submit button for that particular form provided I have selected the correct form while initializing the form variable earlier.
Is there something similar in HTMLUnit that I could use?
Just to explain the significance of what I am asking, I am testing a shopping site with several forms (for different product) and each form has it own form button with no specific attribute to separate them. Every form has its own different structure and hence finding the submit button using xpath is a bit difficult.
Specifically what I am asking is there a way in HTMLUnit where I could submit a form on basis of the form itself and not the specific submit button? And if not given the above circumstances could anybody please suggest a workaround?
Thanks in advance.


Access data in a rails form for a separate input

I'm developing a form using simple_form_for. I want my second input to be a collection derived from the first, but I can't figure out how to access the first input without submitting the form.
Is there some way to access a previously inputted value?
I’m not aware of how to do this within RoR natively; however, this behaviour is achievable using a JavaScript tool such as, More specifically AlpineJS x-model to link JS data to the form input.

Rails ajax post from button that sends values from outside of the form in the request

I'm somewhat new to rails and am wrapping a GUI around a CLI tool to give some non-technical users some self-service. Part of the tool contains a page where the user selects a few values from some drop downs etc, and then clicks one of a few buttons on the screen to kick off their desired actions. The fields where they make their selections are outside of the forms that the buttons belong to. On button click, I want to call a javascript function that will grab the values the user selected, and post an ajax call back to the server to run the command corresponding to the button, and then when the request returns I want to insert the command output into a text area.
The only problem I'm having is with getting the values of the fields outside of the form generated by button to, and including them in the ajax request. Outside of rails this is pretty trivial, but I'm having a hard time getting this to work. Does anybody have any suggestions or examples?
There's really no need for what I was trying to do... it ends up I can just use the form_tag helper and multiple submit_tag helpers to create the submit buttons with different values. See this post for details: How do I create multiple submit buttons for the same form in Rails?
Also, here is a great write up on the javascript portion (it uses coffee script, but I didn't have any trouble following it even though I'm using jquery):

Validation error messages disappear when Trinidad component panelAccordion is minimized or maximized

I have a form that is very long but is submitted and validated all together. I need to break it up into sections.
I have tried using the Trinidad component panelAccordion to break the form into sections.
However if I then submit and validate the form, clicking one of the panels open or closed causes the validation messages to disappear.
Is there any way to avoid this?
Or is there a better way to achieve the same result of breaking up the form?
I am using Trinidad 1.2.6 and MyFaces 2.0.
Due to corporate standards I cannot use anything else.
One way you can achieve the desired effect is by submitting the form when a user clicks on each <tr:accordionPanel>. It supports many other client side events so pick one that best suits your needs.If you submit the entire form, this will force validation to kick in for all components however, whether the user entered a value or not. This might be the quickest and simplest way but some people might be picky and not like this solution.
You can also make use of partial updates and partial triggers and submit only the components that are part of the current accordion panel based on the event you choose.

Update form based on dropdown selection

I'm new to Rails and I'm trying to figure out how to change either the fields in the form, or the form itself, based on the selection of a drop down menu. I have thought about using AJAX, or about embedded Ruby within the form. Any direction would be great.
Well, obviously there will be javascripts involved at some point.
I think there are 2 solutions for you to choose from:
using ajax to fetch the new data to change your form upon dropdown changes
loading everything you need from the first time (when landing to the page) and then displayhing/hiding things only using javascript
Starting from this, I suppose your decision will be made depending if you want/can afford loading everything you need from the beginning... and if not you'll probably go with ajax.
Let us know if you need some more details. : )

How to build Preview functionality before form submit in Rails ?

I have a simple scaffold and I want the user to see (preview) the form data before he submits it. It looks to be fairly straight forward problem but surprisingly I am not able to figure out how to do it. I found this but it looks to be somewhat dated (2010 question)
Is there any gem or jquery plugin which can simplify this preview functionality ? any suggestions on how to do it in rails 3.2.x ?
It really depends on what kind of "preview" you want to include - either "preview page" or "rendered fragment":
Preview page is what some services are showing: summary of all inputs shown in form of separate page with button "confirm". It doesn't require javascript or anything fancy - just click "next" on form page, see data typed just a second ago and click "confirm" or "back to edit". If this is what you require then you can do it simply by creating new controller action(preview?) which would initialize model with passed parameters(just like "create" action would, but without saving) and generate template with "preview" shown and hidden form that will be passed to "create" action after clicking "confirm". Alternatively you can simply modify "new" form so it would hide form depending on called action and show preview instead.
Second option is "render fragment" - it will live-update part of your current page via javascript. Depending on how complicated this view will be and what kind of operations you will need to do before showing template it might be good to use some javascript plugin or send request to server and obtain rendered partial. In former case you can select from very easy implementations(like this) up to complete solutions dedicated to it. On the other hand if you choose to render it on server then simple ajax request with all params of form should be enough to provide you with HTML output that can be put directly into DOM element.
I don't know about any gem which can do that.
I think showing a modal with jquery and getting data from data-elements is a simple way to go.
