Connection to db lost after some time -

after login to my application and waiting some time like half and hour, somehow connection to db thrue entity framework is lost and I got this massage.
You must call the "WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection" method before you call any other method
Is there anything I could do ?

Two things:
configure timeouts of your database. For example, if you use MySQL, you can configure wait_timeout and interactive_timeout etc. Other databases have similar configurations.
Your application should handle timeout and reconnect. It is the right thing for database to timeout idle sessions, so that resources can be released and to used by active sessions.


Rails ActiveRecord/Postgres single query timeout?

I have a logging query (a simple INSERT) that happens on every single request.
For this request only (the one that happens on every page load), I want to set the limit to 500ms in case the database is locked/slow/down it won't affect the site, where the site hangs while it waits to connect/write.
Is there a way I can specify a timeout somehow on a per-query basis that I can abort the LoggedRequest.create! if it's taking too long?
I don't want to set it in my config because I have many other queries that shouldn't have timeouts that low.
I'm using Postgres 11.7
I also don't know how I feel about setting a timeout for the entire session because I don't want that connection to be shared from the pool with other queries that can't have that timeout.
Rails 6 introduces event based triggers for notifications, logging etc that comes in very handy, provided you are using/can afford to migrate to Rails 6. Here'a useful post that demonstrates creating event based triggers for notifications/logging:
If, for some reason, you cannot use Rails 6, perhaps this article might help you find some answers:
If I were you, I could also contemplate using AJAX with a fire-and-forget API request to server for logging/whatever that is not critical to normal functioning of the application.

Gracefully force database reconnection in Rails 4

We have a Rails 4 app that uses a database that sometimes gets updated by having a new instance of the database spun up and then ops updates the DNS record to point to the new instance (not ideal, but I can't change that). The problem is that the Rails connection pool still keeps its connections open to the old database and won't talk to the new database unless we restart Rails. We can do that, but it's a pain.
We would like to have an administrative endpoint we could hit that tells the app to gracefully close database connections and restart. ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.disconnect! certainly closes the old database connections and when new ones are requested, they talk to the new instance, but it also takes a shotgun to any running queries and terminates them rather than letting them finish.
Is there a way to tell Rails to refresh all of its database connections at runtime in a way that will allow currently running queries to finish before being closed?

Do constants stay the same for ALL users?

I have a web app that I built. It communicates with the Salesforce API. I have users and administrators. All connections to the API use the same credentials.
I am concerned that my API connection is going to be created multiple times because each admin that is logged in has their own instance of the connection.
If I hold the API connection in a constant, do all other sessions/users have access to that exact connection or do I have to connect for each user, or how can I share one single API connection for ALL users?
A stateless API will never have a persistent connection, so there's no use in holding these in constants. Every HTTP request is a separate TCP connection by definition.
It's only things like database or Websocket connections that persist and if you need to manage those you need a connection pool, not a simple constant. If the connection ever fails it needs to be replaced, and if more than one thread potentially requires it you have to handle acquisition and locking properly.
Create your API connectors as necessary. Unless you have a measurable performance problem don't worry about it.
A Ruby constant is like a variable, except that its value is supposed to remain constant for the duration of the program. The Ruby interpreter does not actually enforce the constancy of constants, but it does issue a warning if a program changes the value of a constant.

Cancel Rails DB connection

I am writing an app that uses Server Side events with ActionController::Live. It is using the puma app server. A method in the Messages controller stays alive while the user is connected waiting for messages from Redis.
The problem is that I don't want to connect to Postgres on this method. After I open the app in six tabs it has over five connections defined by the pool size in the config/database.yml file and the app crashes.
Is there anyway to tell my app when that method is called it doesn't need to connect to the database as there is no ActiveRecord query calls in it?
One possible way to do this is to use middleware. A good resource for setting up your own middleware is
However, I'm not convinced that the problem you're experiencing is because of too many connections to Postgres. This is just a hunch, but I think your problem may lie elsewhere.

How Rails handles database connection in the background?

I am trying show controller specific pages in my rails app when the database connection goes away. I do this by catching the Mysql::Error in the rescue_action method and rendering appropriate pages. When the mysql service alone is stopped , i get the Mysql::Error exception really quickly and i could render the pages without any delay.
But when the server itself is shut down, rails takes 3 mins to throw the Mysql::Error and after 5-6 request the whole website becomes unresponsive.
I tried to figure out, which method in rails framework takes such a long time , when the mysql server is shut down. It was a method connection.real_connect (in the active record mysql_adapter file),which took 3 mins to return with an exception.
so i decided to timeout out this method using systemTimer gem. This monkey patch worked perfectly, when i start the website with database connection and immediately shutdown the database server.
But when i start the website with database, and access the website for sometime and then shut down the database server, it doest work at all. and the whole website becomes unresponsive as before. I wonder what is the difference between the two scenarios.
I think i need to know more in detail about how rails handle database connection . how it reacts when the database connection goes off. so that i could identify exact places where i can put monkey patches and make it work for my spefic requirement. I havent seen any relevant article explaining this.
Any help will be very useful for me
I've not tried this, but you can add connect_timeout as one of the specified options (along with port, host, etc) for the MySQL connection in the database.yml file. That value is passed to the real_connect call to establish the connection to MySQL.
Furthermore, since you are experiencing a delay after the initial connection is made and the DB is shutdown, you may need to use the read_timeout config option.
