Why does ios dismiss all my UITextView fonts - ios

All my UITextViews are created through the storyboard. I used to have the fonts as body. But now I want to change them to System Fonts. So I go to storyboard and change them there. When I run the app, the new fonts are ignored completely. I even change the sizes to 22 just to see some effects but nothing happens. Any ideas what sort of global setting might be doing this?


Magic behind views automatically adapting to ios13 dark mode?

I found it quite weird that for new projects created by xcode 11 beta, common views like UILabel, UIButton in a storyboard can automatically adapt themselves to system theme changes without any code. But for my old projects still using XIB, even though all colors are set to default, they dont change when system theme changed, i still have to manually override traitCollectionDidChange and assign them system default values in order to make them change! What am i doing wrong? thanks.
I figured out. The magic is the newly added system colors to UIColor on ios 13, for example, UIColor.systemBackgroundColor, it will be white in light mode and black in dark mode, once you assign a system color to a property, it always updates itself based on system theme. So i guess UIViews created in xcode 11 beta storyboards automatically have system colors on.

ios custom font with splash screen [duplicate]

I'm using a label to display text with my custom font on LaunchScreen.xib. My custom font shows up fine in the Interface Builder, but when I test it on my iPhone the font reverts back to the default font.
Not sure how to fix this or if it's a bug.
There's no big surprise here. The launch screen is shown at launch time - actually, before launch time - so the font probably hasn't yet loaded.
You could file a bug if you think you have a compelling use case. But I don't really think you do. Why are you showing any text in your launch image? It should be much more bare-bones than that - just enough to give the structure of the opening interface, which will be filled in when the opening interface actually appears. A "blank" screen with the same background color as the initial view controller's background color would be sufficient. You goal is just to provide an alternative to blackness.
A quick workaround is to use an UIImageView and have your text as UIImage on it, literally a picture of your text as .png / .jpeg or similar.
Note: It may take some time before you can see the image, I had to clean the Build Folder and reinstall the app a couple of times in order to see the image.
Another note: If you want to support multiple languages with different texts you will need to have different images for each language using this approach.

Launch screen - fonts not loading in simulator [duplicate]

I'm using a label to display text with my custom font on LaunchScreen.xib. My custom font shows up fine in the Interface Builder, but when I test it on my iPhone the font reverts back to the default font.
Not sure how to fix this or if it's a bug.
There's no big surprise here. The launch screen is shown at launch time - actually, before launch time - so the font probably hasn't yet loaded.
You could file a bug if you think you have a compelling use case. But I don't really think you do. Why are you showing any text in your launch image? It should be much more bare-bones than that - just enough to give the structure of the opening interface, which will be filled in when the opening interface actually appears. A "blank" screen with the same background color as the initial view controller's background color would be sufficient. You goal is just to provide an alternative to blackness.
A quick workaround is to use an UIImageView and have your text as UIImage on it, literally a picture of your text as .png / .jpeg or similar.
Note: It may take some time before you can see the image, I had to clean the Build Folder and reinstall the app a couple of times in order to see the image.
Another note: If you want to support multiple languages with different texts you will need to have different images for each language using this approach.

LaunchScreen.xib not displaying my custom font

I'm using a label to display text with my custom font on LaunchScreen.xib. My custom font shows up fine in the Interface Builder, but when I test it on my iPhone the font reverts back to the default font.
Not sure how to fix this or if it's a bug.
There's no big surprise here. The launch screen is shown at launch time - actually, before launch time - so the font probably hasn't yet loaded.
You could file a bug if you think you have a compelling use case. But I don't really think you do. Why are you showing any text in your launch image? It should be much more bare-bones than that - just enough to give the structure of the opening interface, which will be filled in when the opening interface actually appears. A "blank" screen with the same background color as the initial view controller's background color would be sufficient. You goal is just to provide an alternative to blackness.
A quick workaround is to use an UIImageView and have your text as UIImage on it, literally a picture of your text as .png / .jpeg or similar.
Note: It may take some time before you can see the image, I had to clean the Build Folder and reinstall the app a couple of times in order to see the image.
Another note: If you want to support multiple languages with different texts you will need to have different images for each language using this approach.

Why does the iOS Simulator show only a blank view/window?

I'm new to iOS development. I used the Interface Builder to add text fields and buttons to my view. When I run the app, the iOS Simulator only shows an empty beige screen. What am I missing? The console doesn't show any error.
It is because you have not connected your view to your File's Owner.
To do this Right Click on the View, Control Click on the Oultlet of your View and drag it to the File Owner.
This shall solve your problem.
I reckon it's because you have AutoLayout turned on in your storyboard, but haven't set any constraints.
Follow my instructions in the following article, to confirm if this is true.
AutoLayout problem
Basically, with XCode 6, if you have AutoLayout turned on, you must set constraints on every single control... otherwise your screens will look fine within XCode, but the controls in your screen could (and will) end up anywhere and in any size when the app is run.
It's like designing a beautiful webpage, then displaying it in an angry, drunk, disorientated browser.
XCode is really unintuitive, and unhelpful for beginners... but once you learn the rules of AutoLayout (along with its many quirks), it's reasonable useful.
