Does the Facebook SDK use IDFA for Mobile App Installs? - ios

When you integrate the Facebook SDK to track Mobile App Installs, does this use the IDFA and hence do you have to answer yes to the corresponding question in iTunes Connect question when submitting the app for review?
This is the code in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
[FBSettings setDefaultAppID:FB_APP_ID_NSTRING];
[FBAppEvents activateApp];
In my Facebook dashboard, my app is configured with Yes under "Install Insights" and "Enable Enhanced Interest Targeting":
The iTunes Connect question I refer to is shown here:
There are plenty of questions here about IDFA, but none (as far as I could see) that clarifies whether using the Facebook SDK solely for Mobile App Installs does make use of the IDFA.

Only under certain situations. See Facebook's FAQ:
Does Facebook’s SDK for iOS access the IDFA?
The Facebook SDK includes code to access Apple’s Advertising Identifier (IDFA), but that code is only executed in certain situations.
The Facebook SDK for iOS only accesses IDFAs in the following scenarios: 1) if your app serves ads within the app through Facebook’s Audience Network, or 2) if your app logs app installs or other mobile App Events in order to attribute those events to your ad campaigns.
If you are not logging App Events (via the FBAppEvents class), then the Facebook SDK is not accessing the IDFAs. Additionally, the Facebook SDK does not require AdSupport.framework to be included.
If you want to track App Events without collecting IDFA, you can disable IDFA collection within your app dashboard in the advanced setting section.


IDFA not used, do we need to show App Tracking Transparency popup?

Seeking expert advice
I am working on an OTT platform for a client that has iOS and tvOS apps;
I am a bit confused about whether we should show the App Tracking Transparency pop up for this app if we are not using IDFA.
We are using the following analytical tools in our apps.
Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics
I made sure that any SDK is not using IDFA using this method.
Additionally, we send identifiers to large content delivery networks like Akamai to give the users a personalized experience.
When we submitted the tvOS app for the first time, it was rejected for not showing the ATT popup. (Existing iOS app is already showing it)
These are the App Privacy information added by the iOS team in App Store.
I seriously doubt that we don't need to show this popup since we are not using IDFA identifier. Is that correct? We can use these analytical tools and all even if the user denying the tracking option. So if we show this popup unnecessarily, it will create a negative impact on the user experience.

iOS App Rejection due to private API call viewControllerForView:, Facebook API

My app was rejected because
The use of non-public APIs is not permitted on the App Store because
it can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change.
in the method
I asked where I used viewControllerForView: and they responded
“viewControllerForView:” was found in the methods:
-[FBSDKLikeButton _handleTap:] and -[FBSDKLikeButton _like:].
My FBSDKLoginKit, FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKCoreKit pods are all at 4.15.1 (the latest version). How should I go about fixing this?
You don´t need to make any changes in your code, read this post from Facebook developers of how to solve it.
After integrating our SDK into your iOS app, you will need to submit
your app to Apple for review. As part of this review process, you will
be asked if your app uses the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). Please
check "Yes". You will then be asked how your app makes use of it. The
question will take this form: This app uses the Advertising Identifier
to (select all that apply)?
- Serve advertisements within the app
- Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement
- Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement
If you will be using the Audience Network framework, you must select
the first option. If you are using our core framework to track
install attribution and app events, please select the second and third
options. If you are using both, select all three.
You will also be asked to check a box to confirm that your app honors
a user's Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS. The Facebook SDK honors the
iOS Limited Ad Tracking Setting. When a person enables Limited Ad
Tracking, Facebook only uses data obtained through the use of the
Advertising Identifier for “Limited Advertising Purposes” as defined
by the iOS Developer Program License Agreement. Please make sure check
this box when prompted.
Marking these questions in this way will help ensure a smooth review

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

I'm currently uploading my App to the App Store and Apple is asking me if this app users IDFA. I'm using the latest Admob SDK or 6.8.0 and I don't know if it uses IDFA or not, and if it does which check boxes should I hit X.X
I'm having the same issue here and I was a bit afraid of checking the last box, since I have no idea what the 3rd party SDK will do with the data collected and if they will respect the Limit Ad Settings.
But I found a post by a Google Admob programmer, Eric Leichtenschlag, on their forums:
The Google Mobile Ads SDK and the Google Conversion Tracking SDK utilize Apple's advertising identifier introduced in iOS 6 (IDFA). While each developer is responsible for how they access device data, the SDKs use IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement, including Limit Ad Tracking.
Including Limit Ad Tracking. This is what the last box is all about. So you must check the that box if you use AdMob. If you use other SDK I strongly recommend checking if they respect the guidelines as well.
Since I run only ads (Google AdMob), I checked the first (Serve ads...) and last box (I, ___, confirm...). App was approved and released, no issues.
If you are lazy to check on each third party SDK if they use or not the IDFA you can use this command:
fgrep -R advertisingIdentifier . (don't forget the dot at the end of the command)
Go to your project/workspace folder and run the command to find which files are using the advertising identifier.
Then you just have to look in the guidelines of those SDKs to see what you need to do about the IDFA.
I recently submitted an app to Apple's App Store. My app was built using iOS 12, Xcode 10, and Swift 4.2. My app uses Google AdMob for the sole purpose of showing Interstitial Ads. When prompted these question, this is what I did:
1) Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? ANSWER: YES
a) Serve advertisements within the app - CHECKED
b) Attribute this app ... - NOT CHECKED
c) Attribute an action ... - NOT CHECKED
I, (my name), confirm that this app ... - CHECKED
My app was accepted and "Ready for Sale" in less than 24 hrs.
You can track all calls to [ASIdentifierManager advertisingIdentifier] with symbolic breakpoint in Xcode:
Yes, it does. From the AdMob page:
The Mobile Ads SDK for iOS utilizes Apple's advertising identifier (IDFA). The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement. You must ensure you are in compliance with the iOS developer program license agreement policies governing the use of this identifier.
If you have Google analytics or Facebook api in you app, you need to check all of them to make sure it works!
Edit: This is an old answer - see comments or other answers for an exact answer.
In app store connect now if we are using ads in our app then we will answer as yes to Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)?
further 3 questions will be asked as
if your using just admob then check the first one and leave other two unchecked. Other two options (2nd , 3rd ) will be checked if your using app flyer to show ads.
all options are explained with detail here
BTW, Yandex Metrica also uses IDFA.
They say on their GitHub page that
"Starting from version 1.6.0 Yandex AppMetrica became also a tracking instrument and uses Apple idfa to attribute installs. Because of that during submitting your application to the AppStore you will be prompted with three checkboxes to state your intentions for idfa usage. As Yandex AppMetrica uses idfa for attributing app installations you need to select Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement."
So, I will try to select this checkbox and send my app without actually no any ads in it.
It seems many indie developers like me are desperately looking for an answer to these questions for years. Strangely, even after 5 years this question was asked, it seems the answer to this question is still not clear.
As far as I can see, there is not any official statement in Google AdMob documentation or website about how a developer can safely answer these questions. It seems developers are left on their own in the mystery about answering some legally binding questions about the SDK.
In their support forums they can advice questioners to reach out to Apple Support:
Hi there,
I believe it would be best for you to reach out to Apple Support for
your concern as it tackles with Apple Submission Guidelines rather
than our SDK.
Regards, Joshua Lagonera Mobile Ads SDK Team
Or they can say that it is out of their scope of support:
Hello Robert,
On this forum, we deal with Mobile Ads SDK related technical concerns
only. We would not be able to address you question as this is out of
scope for our team.
Regards, Deepika Uragayala Mobile Ads SDK Team
The only answer I could find from a "Google person" is about the 4th question. It is not in the AdMob forum but in the "Tag Manager" forum but still related. It is like so:
Hi Jorn,
Apple asks you about your use of IDFA when submitting your application
For an app that doesn't display advertising, but includes the
AdSupport framework for conversion attribution, you would select the
appropriate checkbox(es). In respect to the Limit Ad Tracking
stipulation, all of GTM's tags that utilize IDFA respect the limit ad
tracking stipulations of the SDK.
Eric Burley Google Tag Manager.
Here is an Internet Archive link in case they remove this page.
Lastly, let me mention about AdMob's only statement I've seen about this issue (here is the Internet Archive link):
The Mobile Ads SDK for iOS utilizes Apple's advertising identifier
(IDFA). The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS
developer program license agreement. You must ensure you are in
compliance with the iOS developer program license agreement policies
governing the use of this identifier.
In conclusion, it seems most developers using AdMob simply checks 1st and 4th checkmarks and submit their apps without being completely sure about what Google exactly does in its SDK and without any official information about it. I wish good luck to us all.

Testing Facebook App Ads for Installs

I am following this guide and I've done everything as explained: added the Facebook SDK, triggered the "app activate" event with the corresponding App ID in the app delegate, set up the Info.plist with the ID. When I test my application through the simulator and on a testing device I open App Dashboard -> Insights -> App Events -> Overview and I get track of "fb_mobile_activate_app" events almost instantly, they are incrementing. Is this all I should have to know the SDK is implemented correctly and I can update my app on the App Store without worries and then run an Ads campaign on Facebook?
I am asking also because the things are a bit confusing on the Insights -> "Mobile App Installs" page:
This dashboard shows organic and paid app installs reported by either the Facebook SDK for iOS, the Facebook SDK for Android, or a Mobile Measurement Partner. This dashboard serves as as an indicator of app install volume, user demographics, and as a baseline for understanding how ads are increasing installs of your app. Developers can also use this dashboard for debugging to ensure that app installs are being recorded. For detailed data on paid installs, see the analytics in the Ads Manager.
Users who are not logged into a version of the Facebook mobile app released since August 2012 are not counted here.
How do you guys understand this line Developers can also use this dashboard for debugging to ensure that app installs are being recorded.? How can you debug this without having an ad and why do I get zeros on the "Mobile App Installs" graph? Is it possible that Facebook have a faulty description or am I understanding it wrong? Thanks

Determine installation of the app from Facebook

I am using in my app Facebook's Mobile App Ads for Installs.
That means I can see when people install my app from Facebook along with the conversion rates using Facebook's dashboard.
My question:
Is there a way to know that from code?
I mean, is there a way to know when the user installed and launched the app from Facebook versus installed and launched from the App Store?
Using the public iOS APIs the answer is definitely No. You can only catch if your app is launched from a push notification.
A workaround is to create a URL scheme and track the events on your own (when this scheme is called). The official documentation for this is here.
