googletranslate.agi returning -1 everytime - return

I am working on asterisk 11.0 and created a small dialplan of outgoing which converts text from english to other language
I have dowladed googletranslate.agi ansd installed all the perl modules
My problem is that everytime i send some arguments to googletranslate.agi it returns -1
part of my dialplan
same => n,agi(googletranslate.agi,"${name}",fr)
same => n,Verbose(1,Translated text: ${gtranslation})
and my cli shows
Executing [3065700#outgoingsamplesfr:8] AGI("DAHDI/i1/09********-7", "googletranslate.agi,"akash",fr") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/googletranslate.agi
-- <DAHDI/i1/09********-7>AGI Script googletranslate.agi completed, returning 0
-- Executing [3065700#outgoingsamplesfr:9] Verbose("DAHDI/i1/09971197459-7", "1,Translated text: -1") in new stack
Translated text: -1

Here is how to debug any agi script:
1) stop asterisk
2) start asterisk in your local console like
asterisk -vvvc
3) type "agi set debug on"
4) run your dialling to get agi execution.
If do like described above, you will get agi's error in your screen, also you will get agi execution debug which show all script to asterisk communication.


Way to get some sort of schedule in TCL without blocking on-going code

I need some sort of schedule thing to schedule a task to happen at x:y (12:00 for example) in Tcl.
The scenario is a router using Openwrt with Tcl 8.6.10 with limited RAM and storage where I have some sort of IRC client "bot" (using socket to connect). The "bot" was just a barebone that I modify to suit my needs. Most of the things work fine, except that I don't have way to schedule easily things. I wanted something like how eggdrop has "bind time" where the bind thing is "bind time flag "cron-style string" caller".
The "bot" scheme is like:
Main Tcl script:
<info+code to connect to IRC>
<while loop>
<some code in case of IRC disconnection>
<list of files with tcl code aka sub-scripts>
<usage of source based from a list of the filenames>
<code for error handling>
<end of while loop>
The list of files is source filelist.tcl, where filelist.tcl is a set var {filename1.tcl filename2.tcl...}. The filenamex.tcl has some basic code to respond to IRC server or IRC input from channels and reply to channels.
I can make some sort of schedule if I base a execution like if {[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M"]=="12:00"} {code to execute} and hopefully wait for a server ping/pong but that can lead to repeated code inside of the if body.
I been looking around and found a package called cron but I don't know how to use it correctly because there are not many examples and I don't know to use vwait properly and I don't want vwait to hang the bot waiting for a value to change. I also read about tcl threads for maybe parallel execution.
So I need some code inside of a sub-script that looks like (a package cron style):
#beginning of file
#add a task specifying hour and minute
task-at "12:00" proccaller
proc procname {optional} {
<some code to be executed at specific hour+time>
#end of file
I also don't know how to use after command to use it.
How can I accomplish I want?
Thanks for the replies and yes, it would help if I study event loops and coroutine, which probably comes next.
Some time has passed since I posted the question and kinda sorted the thing by creating a sub-script in a folder named scripts with the following structure:
#beginning of the script
if {![file exists executed]} {set executed "no"}
#the following clock instruction returns for example: Tuesday 22:14
switch -glob -- [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%A %H:%M"] {
"*12:00" - "*12:01" {
#Basic example of sending a message to the irc channel when it's midday
if {$executed=="no"} {
puts $fd "PRIVMSG #CODE :It's midday right now."
flush $fd
set executed "yes"
#...more time comparisions and code
default {set executed "no"}
#end of script
And the script is almost the top of the list of scripts to be loaded so if I wish to send some command down stream at giving time, the command can be executed.
There is double timings because the "bot" reacts, at least at minimum, to the irc server's ping which happens each 90 seconds and it may skip some minutes.
This is not an answer but an unproper workaround.

Triggering the update message in Erlang hot code reload feature

I am trying the hot code feature of erlang following the guide from LYAE but i do not understand how to make the update message to get triggered.
I have a module which runs a method that is upgradeable:
-record(state,{ version=0,comments=""}).
if NewState#state.version>3 -> exit("Max Version Reached") end,
Comm=case Version rem 2 of
0 -> "Even version";
_ -> "Uneven version"
> something to trigger the update message
> flush(). % see the exit message reason
I do not understand how can i perform a hot code reload in order to trigger the update message.
I want when i use flush to get the exit reason from my main method.
The process expects to get the atom update as a message. Since you have the pid of the process in the variable U, you can send the message like this:
U ! update.
Note that the strings Even version and Uneven version are only kept in the state, never printed, so you won't see those. The only thing you'll see is the exit message, after sending update four times and calling flush().

Linux expect newline

I have a custom package I want to install automatically in my docker using expect.
The first thing the package asks me to do is press Enter to continue, then it prints another 2 empty lines then it waits for an input.
My expect script :
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./install
expect "\n"
send -- "\n"
But as you can see in the image, it just runs the installer and exits.
I tried removing the expect "\n" so only send -- "\n" will execute but now even the install message doesn't appear (tried with set timeout 1000 before send and it also didn't work)
Any ideas?
P.S : This is a link to the package if anyone wants to have a go at it:
(the installer is inside DP-UareU-RTE-2.2.3-1.20140429_1533.tar.gz)
expect "\n" match a linefeed exactly, I think this is not what your program is sending.
To wait for a Shell prompt you can use expect "%" or expect "*" to match anything.
If you need to make sure you're dealing with the right prompt you may be able to use something like expect "*Linux Installation*".
Also don't send \n but \r for the enter key :
spawn ./install
expect "*Linux Installation*"
send "\r"
expect eof
Note that the default flag is -gl for glob pattern matching but you can also use the -re flag for regular expression matching.

How to execute batch file silently in windows background

i have a batch file which helps to start my rails server.when i am starting my batch file the command prompt is opening but here i need the cmd should not visible to user or it will execute at windows background.I am explaining mt .bat file code below.
cd c:\\Site\swargadwara_puri
rails server
Please help me.
You could run it silently using a Vbscript file instead. The Run Method allows you running a script in invisible mode. Create a .vbs file like this one :
Option Explicit
Dim MyBatchFile
MyBatchFile = "C:\New Floder\toto 1.bat"
Call Run(MyBatchFile,1,False) 'Showing the console
Call Run(MyBatchFile,0,False) 'Hidding the console
Function Run(MyBatchFile,Console,bWaitOnReturn)
Dim ws,Result
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
'A value of 0 to hide the MS-DOS console
If Console = 0 Then
Result =,Console,bWaitOnReturn)
If Result = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Success"
MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred!",16,"An unknown error has occurred!"
End If
End If
'A value of 1 to show the MS-DOS console
If Console = 1 Then
Result =,Console,bWaitOnReturn)
If Result = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Success"
MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred!",16,"An unknown error has occurred!"
End If
End If
Run = Result
End Function
Function DblQuote(Str)
DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function
The second argument in this example sets the window style. 0 means "hide the window, and 1 means "show the window"
Complete syntax of the Run method:
object.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
object: WshShell object.
strCommand: String value indicating the command line you want to run. You must include any parameters you want to pass to the executable file.
intWindowStyle: Optional. Integer value indicating the appearance of the program's window. Note that not all programs make use of this information.
bWaitOnReturn: Optional. Boolean value indicating whether the script should wait for the program to finish executing before continuing to the next statement in your script. If set to true, script execution halts until the program finishes, and Run returns any error code returned by the program. If set to false (the default), the Run method returns immediately after starting the program, automatically returning 0 (not to be interpreted as an error code).
You can minimize the batch command, for example using:
START /MIN rails server

Getting return status AND program output

I need to use Lua to run a binary program that may write something in its stdout and also returns a status code (also known as "exit status").
I searched the web and couldn't find something that does what I need. However I found out that in Lua:
os.execute() returns the status code
io.popen() returns a file handler that can be used to read process output
However I need both. Writing a wrapper function that runs both functions behind the scene is not an option because of process overhead and possibly changes in result on consecutive runs. I need to write a function like this:
function run(binpath)
return output,exitcode
Does anyone has an idea how this problem can be solved?
PS. the target system rung Linux.
With Lua 5.2 I can do the following and it works
-- This will open the file
local file = io.popen('dmesg')
-- This will read all of the output, as always
local output = file:read('*all')
-- This will get a table with some return stuff
-- rc[1] will be true, false or nil
-- rc[3] will be the signal
local rc = {file:close()}
I hope this helps!
I can't use Lua 5.2, I use this helper function.
function execute_command(command)
local tmpfile = '/tmp/lua_execute_tmp_file'
local exit = os.execute(command .. ' > ' .. tmpfile .. ' 2> ' .. tmpfile .. '.err')
local stdout_file =
local stdout = stdout_file:read("*all")
local stderr_file = .. '.err')
local stderr = stderr_file:read("*all")
return exit, stdout, stderr
This is how I do it.
local process = io.popen('command; echo $?') -- echo return code of last run command
local lastline
for line in process:lines() do
lastline = line
print(lastline) -- the return code is the last line of output
If the last line has fixed length you can read it directly using file:seek("end", -offset), offset should be the length of the last line in bytes.
This functionality is provided in C by pclose.
Upon successful return, pclose() shall return the termination status
of the command language interpreter.
The interpreter returns the termination status of its child.
But Lua doesn't do this right (io.close always returns true). I haven't dug into these threads but some people are complaining about this brain damage.
If you're running this code on Win32 or in a POSIX environment, you could try this Lua extension:
Alternatively, you could write a small shell script (assuming bash or similar is available) that:
executes the correct executable, capturing the exit code into a shell variable,
prints a newline and terminal character/string onto standard out
prints the shell variables value (the exit code) onto standard out
Then, capture all the output of io.popen and parse backward.
Full disclosure: I'm not a Lua developer.
yes , your are right that os.execute() has returns and it's very simple if you understand how to run your command with and with out lua
you also may want to know how many variables it returns , and it might take a while , but i think you can try
local a, b, c, d, e=os.execute(-what ever your command is-)
for my example a is an first returned argument , b is the second returned argument , and etc.. i think i answered your question right, based off of what you are asking.
