I'm trying to embed youtube video with YouTube iframe.
The video has a yt:cc=on tag, which means captions will load by default.
(The attribute cc_load_policy=1 force loading captions, even if the user doesn't want it.)
I'm using flash embedding (AS3) which support the cc_load_policy attribute. But if i set it to cc_load_policy=0, captions are shown because video has yt:cc=on tag.
Is there any way to hide captions even the video has yt:cc=on?
From what I read, the cc_load_policy only supports one value which is 1 and that's also the default unless the user disabled captions. so it looks like you can only force captions on and not off... hope this helps.
Values: 1. Default is based on user preference. Setting to 1 will cause closed captions to be shown by default, even if the user has turned captions off.
It is undocumented, but setting cc_load_policy to 3 seems to work at the moment.
I usually set both cc_load_policy & iv_load_policy to 1 to force enable captions and both to 3 to force disable them.
That answer helped me https://stackoverflow.com/a/42300398.
setPlayerQuality() doesnt seem to work. There must be a way, as when quality is manually set from the player control bar it works!
When using the webpage with the Youtube embedded player on a laptop atleast able to set manually with the help of the control bar, however on an android mobile the same page doesnt show the option to change quality on the control bar.
Need to set quality via code...please help!
Is there a way to have embed youtube video and trigger to jump to manually positions programatically?
The user who is submitting a link to our video-gallery can also input some highlights (like 0:13, 5:25, 8:41) and it would be cool, if other users just click on the time-point and the video would jump to there.
(youtubeURL)#t=(no. of mins.)m(no. of secs.)s
#t=2m35s will move to 2:36 of the video.
When embedding, just use the format.
Go to the solution
I have a site (which is only viewed using Internet Explorer 7) that is made up of 5 sections and in section 2 I am currently using Vimeo to embed a video. The requirement is that the user has to watch all of it before proceeding to the next section. In order to achieve this I have used event listeners which only activate the ‘Next’ button to proceed when all of the video has been watched (Works Great)
Another requirement is for users to be able to play the video in full screen but the problem I have using Vimeo is that it does not support the option to hide the progress bar when a video is playing in full screen, this allows the user to skip the video. After researching around and contacting Vimeo support I can confirm that hiding the progress bar can only be achieved when viewing the video in standard mode when you have subscribed to the pro account (which I have).
I looked into targeting the CSS classes within the iFrame, and setting a display none value on the controls div but this is something that can’t be done.
I have looked at using YouTube as an alternative and you are able to hide the progress bar in full screen using this markup
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/C0DPdy98e4c?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0?&fullscreen=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=1></iframe>
I’ve done some reading on using the YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds (https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference) but it says that one of the requirements is that the user's browser must support the HTML5 postMessage feature - INTERNET EXPLORER 7 DOES NOT SUPPORT IT :(
Could anyone suggest how I can achieve this, either by hiding the progress bar using vimeo in full screen or by implementing the youTube Iframe API to work with IE7?
I don't see a parameter to remove the controls in a Vimeo video on their page on embedding. Also, the Vimeo FAQs say that the control bar gets hidden on an embedded video when it's less than a specified number of pixels wide.
You might have to do some sneaky CSS styling stuff instead. I did manage to find an article on hiding controls on an HTML5 video when viewing it fullscreen, but it said that IE does not support the full-screen API, so I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do is actually possible on IE.
<iframe src="snip?showinfo=0&controls=0&rel=0"></iframe>
JSFiddle. All controls, including the title, are hidden before and during playback, but when the video ends, the title appears, ignoring the showinfo setting. Is this the intended behavior?
Not worth asking another question. Is it possible to hide the YouTube watermark with this setup?
To answer the first question, this is the intended behavior. YouTube wants the the person on the other end to click on more videos.
As for the second, what you're looking for is the modestbranding=1 parameter. Unfortunately you have to use that parameter first and you can't use it with showinfo=0. I guess YouTube has to get some type of credit right? There may be a tweak out there or an unlisted parameter. I'll give it a few more shots.
Also here you'll find an explanation from Brian Glick at YouTube for this functionality.
I know I'm late, but since this question was never answered...
The title only shows up when you're using the HTML5 playback if enabled and when the video is embedded via iframe. The Flash playback does not show the title in the end.
You can hide/cover up the title using the YouTube iFrame API with if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED). Be aware though, that YouTube doesn't allow to you to cover up too much. As long as there is a visible (no right-click) link-back to YouTube like the watermark, the logo in the controls or the clickable title, you should be fine.
I’m writing an HTML5 page with a embedded video tag for the iPad.
How can I hide or disable the fullscreen button? I just need to show the video without the fullscreen option.
As far as I know (I could be wrong, this isn’t really my area), you can’t tell Safari how to render its standard video controls.
However, you can tell it not to render its standard video controls (at least according to the HTML5 spec) by omitting the controls attribute from the video tag.
You can then write your own play/pause controls. (See e.g. http://diveintohtml5.ep.io/video.html#markup). That’s obviously a bit more work, but I think it’s your only option.
If you don’t want to write your own controls from scratch, there are a couple of good pre-built ones out there, specifically:
Video JS
Video for Everybody
They’re more focused on providing video via HTML5 or Flash depending on browser capabilities, but you might be able to extract the control parts, or at least see how they’re doing it.