Jenkins Multiple Builds On Single Job - jenkins

On Jenkins is there a way to setup a job to have two distinct builds that can be triggers for different reasons.
As an example
(1) First build handles releases and is only started manually.
(2) Second build runs automatically every time a commit occurs.
I know that I can split this into two different jobs each with its only build and triggers however I prefer not to.

Do the builds have anything in common? If they share the same build process, but the release requires extra pre/post-build steps, then Release Plugin is exactly what you need.
It allows to define additional pre/post-build steps that are executed only when manually triggering a release build.
However this goes against the CI concept. In CI, your eventually-released-build would have been promoted from a regular automatic CI build.


Jenkins: How to keep specific builds longer?

I have a declarative pipeline that executes almost regularly.
Upon specific condition (evaluated during the job run) I'd like to keep the job longer than usual.
Usual runs I keep for one week.
If condition 1 is true I want to keep the build for up to a month.
If condition 2 is true, I want to keep the build for up to six months.
Can Jenkins do something like that out of the box, or can it do it by adding some plugin?
So I found a solution to this job: Jenkins out of the box cannot do what I was searching for. However Jenkins can run plugins. Not finding any plugin that would satisfy my need I started creating my own. Here are the highlevel steps if someone wanted to do the same:
follow the Jenkins Plugin development tutorial. From that you have a plugin with a build step and a build action
modify the build action to store the information about the two conditions, or even better the resulting keep period.
modify the build step so the information can be set from freestyle builds or pipeline steps.
create a BuildDiscarder that reads the information from the action and honors it before triggering a delete

Jenkins CI workflow with separate build and automated test both in source control

I am trying to improve our continuous integration process using Jenkins and our source control system (currently svn, but git soon).
Maybe I am thinking about this overly complicated, or maybe I have not yet seen the right hints.
The process I envisioned has three steps and associated roles:
one or more developers would do their job and ultimately submit the code changes for the actual software ("main software") as well as unit tests into source control (git, or something else). Jenkins shall build the software, run unit tests and perhaps some other steps (e.g. static code analysis). If none of this fails, the work of the developers is done. As part of the build, the build number is baked into the main software itself as part of the version number.
one or more test engineers will subsequently pickup the build and perform tests. Some of them may be manual, most of them are desired to be automated/scripted tests. These shall ultimately be submitted into source control as well and be executed through the build server. However, this shall not trigger a new build of the main software (since there is nothing changed). If none of this fails, the test engineers are done. Note that our automated tests currently take several hours to complete.
As a last step, a project manager authorizes release of the software, which executes whatever delivery/deployment steps are needed. Also, the source of the main software, unit tests, and automated test scripts, the jenkins build script - and ideally all build artifacts ("binaries") - are archived (tagged) in the source control system.
Ideally, developers are able to also manually trigger execution of the automated tests to "preview" the outcome of their build.
I have been unable to figure out how to do this with Jenkins and Git - or any other source control system.
Jenkin's pipelines seem to assume that all steps are carried out in sequence automatically. It also seems to assume that committing code into source control starts at the beginning (which I believe is not true if the commit was "merely" automated test scripts). Triggering an unnecessary build of the main software really hurts our process, as it basically invalidates and manual testing and documentation, as it results in a new build number baked into the software.
If my approach is so uncommon, please direct me how to do this correctly. Otherwise I would appreciate pointers how to get this done (conceptually).
I will try to reply with some points. This is indeed conceptually approach as there are a lot of details and different approaches too, this is only one.
You need git :)
You need to setup a git branching strategy which will allow to have multiple developers to work simultaneously, pushing code and validating it agains the static code analysis. I would suggest that you start with Git Flow, it is widely used and can be adapted to whatever reality you do have - you do not need to use it in its pure state, so give some thought how to adapt it. Fundamentally, it will allow for each feature to be tested. Then, each developer can merge it on the develop branch - from this point on, you have your features validated and you can start to deploy and test.
Have a look at multibranch pipelines. This will allow you to test the several feature branches that you might have and to have different flows for the other branches - develop, release and master - depending on your deployment needs. So, when you have a merge on develop branch, you can trigger testing or just use it to run static code analysis.
To overcome the problem that you mention on your second point, there are ways to read your change sets on the pipeline, and in case the changes are only taken on testing scripts, you should not build your SW - check here how to read changes, and here an example of how to read changes and also to prevent your pipeline to build all the stages according to the changes being pushed to git.
In case you still have manual testing taking place, pipelines are pausable which means that you can pause the pipeline asking for approval to proceed. Before approving, testers should do whatever they have to, and whenever they are ready to proceed, just approve the build to proceed for the next steps.
Regarding deployments authorization, it is done the same way that I mention on the last point, with the approvals, but in this case, you can specify which users/roles are allowed to approve that step.
Whatever you need to keep from your builds, Jenkins has an archive artifacts utility. Let me just note that ideally you would look into a proper artefact repository such as Nexus.
To trigger manually a set of tests... You can have a manually triggered job on Jenkins apart from your CI/CD pipeline, that will only execute the automated tests. You can even trigger this same job as one pipeline stage - how to trigger another jobs
Lastly let me say that the branching strategy is the starting point.
Think on your big picture, what SDLC flows you need to have and setup those flows on your multibranch pipeline. Different git branches will facilitate whatever flows you need within the same Jenkinsfile - your pipeline definition. It really depends on how many environments you have to deploy to and what kind of steps you need.

Jenkins: launch same job with different parameters

I have a job to maven build our project, we now have one job per release version. As the number of releases grows, there are too many jobs and very hard to find the one we need.
I wonder if there is a way to launch the same job with different parameters? The problem is one job only has one workspace, so I'm not sure if it's possible?
Use This build is Parameterized option to build the jobs. Using this you can build the same job for different parameters. You will be asked to enter the parameter before building or you can also give a default parameter and you can have multiple parameters.
It is good the archive the artifacts which you need later.
You can also have the option keep build forever, this will keep the builds permanently Ir-respective of the number of builds to keep.
To use above option you should enable Discard old build option.
You can also link your repository directly to Jenkins which will trigger the job whenever a new commit is made to master or a new tag is created.

Jenkins Build Queue Limit

I've noticed that there seems to be a build queue limit of one in Jenkins. When I trigger a lot of builds it seems to only place a max of one build in the build queue. Is there a way to remove this limit so there can be more then one build in the build queue?
This is intended behaviour:
Normally, your jobs will depend on some input (from SCM, or from some upstream jobs)
If your slave capacity is too low to catch up with each and every build, then you'd normally want to test/build/... only the very latest "item".
This is the default behaviour. Without that, there'd be a risk that the build queue grows indefinitely.
On top of that, Jenkins does not track the properties of normal build requests -- they all look the same, and Jenkins can not (for example) separate different SCM states that existed at different triggering times.
This is however exactly the point that gives you a workaround: parameterize your jobs, and then use for example the Trigger parameterized build on other projects post-build action to trigger those. Then Jenkins will queue each build request individually -- and inside your job, you can use the parameter to find out what exactly has to be done.
Jenkins will squash queued parameterized builds that have identical parameter values (thanks to user "atline" for checking).

Disallowing two Jenkins projects to build simultaneously

I have two projects in Jenkins that are not linked to each other in any way (database build, and application build/test build). The two may never build at the same time in Jenkins, because tests access the database and it may not be building while tests run on the other build. Is it possible to make sure that the two projects never build at the same time? Apparently it is possible to do this for child/parent builds, but these two have no formal relation to each other. Thanks.
I would recommend using the Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin. If you use that plugin, then create a category and assign both jobs that category, you can be assured that the two jobs will never build at the same time.
