I have a controller with a mapping as such. I've provided values for the constants.
Constants.restApiUriPrefix = "rest/"
UserController.uriExtension = "users"
#RequestMapping(value = Constants.restApiUriPrefix + UserController.uriExtension)
public class UserController {
#RequestMapping(params = "username")
public ResponseWithView<User> getUserByName(#RequestParam String username, #ModelAttribute User authenticatingUser) {
return new ResponseWithView<User>(userService.findByUsername(username));
When I run a test I use the following URI from the root context of the web server.
Here are is my security config.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
if(environment == Environment.DEVELOPMENT) {
http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + TestHelperController.uriExtension + "/**").permitAll();
http.csrf().disable(); //TODO Someday fix this and turn csrf back on safely
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + UserController.uriExtension + "?username=**").permitAll()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + UserController.uriExtension + "/").permitAll()
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + UserController.uriExtension).permitAll()
.antMatchers("/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + "**").hasRole("USER");
I expect
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + UserController.uriExtension + "?username=**").permitAll()
to match my request to discover a user by username to come through without being challenged for authentication, but I am.
I'm using Spring 4.0.2.RELEASE and Spring Security 3.2.0.RELEASE
I was able to get it working with the following ant matcher.
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/" + Constants.restApiUriPrefix + UserController.uriExtension + "*")
I am developing a KMM project and the authentication works well on the Android app. However when I added the Auth feature in the httpclient (located in the shared.commonMain) the ios app failled at runtime with the following message
Function doesn't have or inherit #Throws annotation and thus exception isn't propagated from Kotlin to Objective-C/Swift as NSError.
It is considered unexpected and unhandled instead. Program will be terminated.
This is how I create the httpclient
private val httpclient = HttpClient() {
engine {
pipelining = true
threadsCount = 4
install(Logging) {
level = LogLevel.HEADERS
logger = object : Logger {
override fun log(message: String) {
Napier.v(tag = "HTTP Client", message = message)
install(JsonFeature) {
val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
serializer = KotlinxSerializer(json)
install(Auth) {
basic {
credentials {
BasicAuthCredentials(username = emailUser, password = passwordUser)
}.also {
Here is the complete code of the Greeting class:
class Greeting {
private var emailUser: String = ""
private var passwordUser: String = ""
private val httpclient = HttpClient() {
engine {
pipelining = true
threadsCount = 4
install(Logging) {
level = LogLevel.HEADERS
logger = object : Logger {
override fun log(message: String) {
Napier.v(tag = "HTTP Client", message = message)
install(JsonFeature) {
val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true }
serializer = KotlinxSerializer(json)
install(Auth) {
basic {
credentials {
BasicAuthCredentials(username = emailUser, password = passwordUser)
}.also {
suspend fun getVaccines(): List<Vaccine> {
return httpclient.get(endpointBase + Vaccine.path)
suspend fun loginUser(email: String, password: String): String? {
emailUser = email
passwordUser = password
return httpclient.get(endpointBase + User.path + "/userPage")
Exception full stacktrace
Function doesn't have or inherit #Throws annotation and thus exception isn't propagated from Kotlin to Objective-C/Swift as NSError.
It is considered unexpected and unhandled instead. Program will be terminated.
Uncaught Kotlin exception: kotlin.native.concurrent.InvalidMutabilityException: mutation attempt of frozen com.example.vaccinationcertificate_mobileapp.Greeting#3963788
at 0 iosApp 0x000000010c1f728f kfun:kotlin.Throwable#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 95
at 1 iosApp 0x000000010c1efbbd kfun:kotlin.Exception#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 93
at 2 iosApp 0x000000010c1efe2d kfun:kotlin.RuntimeException#<init>(kotlin.String?){} + 93
at 3 iosApp 0x000000010c2272fd kfun:kotlin.native.concurrent.InvalidMutabilityException#<init>(kotlin.String){} + 93
at 4 iosApp 0x000000010c228aff ThrowInvalidMutabilityException + 431
at 5 iosApp 0x000000010c3db2c0 MutationCheck + 128
at 6 iosApp 0x000000010c151165 kfun:com.example.vaccinationcertificate_mobileapp.Greeting#<init>(){} + 437
at 7 iosApp 0x000000010c17c9de objc2kotlin.883 + 142
at 8 iosApp 0x000000010c150fa3 $sSo14SharedGreetingCABycfcTO + 19
at 9 iosApp 0x000000010c14f0af $sSo14SharedGreetingCABycfC + 31
at 10 iosApp 0x000000010c150596 $s6iosApp11ContentViewVACycfC + 38 (/Users/oprisvlad2/projects/VaccinationCertificate/VaccinationCertificate-mobileapp/iosApp/iosApp/ContentView.swift:4:0)
at 11 iosApp 0x000000010c14ebf3 $s6iosApp6iOSAppV4bodyQrvgAA11ContentViewVyXEfU_ + 35 (/Users/oprisvlad2/projects/VaccinationCertificate/VaccinationCertificate-mobileapp/iosApp/iosApp/iOSApp.swift:7:4)
at 12 iosApp 0x000000010c14eda0 $s6iosApp11ContentViewVIgo_ACIegr_TR + 16
at 13 iosApp 0x000000010c14edd1 $s6iosApp11ContentViewVIgo_ACIegr_TRTA + 17
at 14 SwiftUI 0x00000001173612cf $s7SwiftUI11WindowGroupV7contentACyxGxyXE_tcfC + 63
at 15 iosApp 0x000000010c14eac5 $s6iosApp6iOSAppV4bodyQrvg + 181 (/Users/oprisvlad2/projects/VaccinationCertificate/VaccinationCertificate-mobileapp/iosApp/iosApp/iOSApp.swift:6:3)
at 16 iosApp 0x000000010c14ef79 $s6iosApp6iOSAppV7SwiftUI0B0AadEP4body4BodyQzvgTW + 9
at 17 SwiftUI 0x0000000116dce845 $s7SwiftUI15AppBodyAccessor33_A363922CEBDF47986D9772B903C8737ALLV06updateD02of7changedyx_SbtF0D0QzyXEfU_TA + 22
at 18 SwiftUI 0x0000000117357449 $s7SwiftUI12BodyAccessorPAAE03setC0yy0C0QzyXEFAFyXEfU_ + 34
at 19 SwiftUI 0x0000000116dce174 $s7SwiftUI15AppBodyAccessor33_A363922CEBDF47986D9772B903C8737ALLV06updateD02of7changedyx_SbtF + 1310
at 20 SwiftUI 0x00000001173575ac $s7SwiftUI10StaticBody33_49D2A32E637CD497C6DE29B8E060A506LLV11updateValueyyF + 161
at 21 SwiftUI 0x000000011754055c $s14AttributeGraph0A0VyACyxGqd__c5ValueQyd__RszAA12StatefulRuleRd__lufcADSPyqd__GXEfU_ySv_So11AGAttributeatcyXEfU_ySv_AJtcqd__mcfu_ySv_AJtcfu0_TA + 26
at 22 AttributeGraph 0x0000000110585e9b _ZN2AG5Graph11UpdateStack6updateEv + 553
at 23 AttributeGraph 0x0000000110586491 _ZN2AG5Graph16update_attributeENS_4data3ptrINS_4NodeEEEj + 411
at 24 AttributeGraph 0x000000011058c491 _ZN2AG5Graph20input_value_ref_slowENS_4data3ptrINS_4NodeEEENS_11AttributeIDEjPK15AGSwiftMetadataRhl + 299
at 25 AttributeGraph 0x00000001105a2889 AGGraphGetValue + 210
at 26 SwiftUI 0x00000001173574d5 $s7SwiftUI10StaticBody33_49D2A32E637CD497C6DE29B8E060A506LLV9container9ContainerQzvg + 67
at 27 SwiftUI 0x0000000117357599 $s7SwiftUI10StaticBody33_49D2A32E637CD497C6DE29B8E060A506LLV11updateValueyyF + 142
at 28 SwiftUI 0x000000011754055c $s14AttributeGraph0A0VyACyxGqd__c5ValueQyd__RszAA12StatefulRuleRd__lufcADSPyqd__GXEfU_ySv_So11AGAttributeatcyXEfU_ySv_AJtcqd__mcfu_ySv_AJtcfu0_TA + 26
at 29 AttributeGraph 0x0000000110585e9b _ZN2AG5Graph11UpdateStack6updateEv + 553
Exact solution:
moved emailUser and passwordUser in commonMain.Platform
expect var emailUser: String
expect var passwordUser: String
actual var emailUser = ""
actual var passwordUser = ""
actual var emailUser: String = AtomicReference("").value
actual var passwordUser: String = AtomicReference("").value
You need to check out how kotlin-native concurrent-mutability works
In short, you can't use any var in your shared code, that may be accessed from different threads. You had to wrap those values with Atomic containers. Replace both emailUser and passwordUser with something like this:
private val emailUser = Atomic("")
private val passwordUser = Atomic("")
Also you can use delegated-properties so you don't need to write .value each time
There's no Atomic declarations for common code, so you have to do you by yourself. In actual for iOS you can use native atomics and for android just make a simple wrapped.
Good news is that this won't stay for long, as JetBrains is planning to change concurrency model soon before KMP release. But for now we had to deal with it.
Ok, for inattentive guys like me I leave a fix for described issue with ktor.
Do not forget to add
dependencies {
to iosMain section in build.gradle.kts for shared module.
Don't mix it with iosTest for example!
So you will have something like this:
val iosMain by creating {
dependencies {
I am integrating "Telr" payment gateway on my current app.I have read all docs part. My app will be collecting the card details (rather than using the hosted payment pages).This is the request i am making.If anybody has some demo or integrated Telr payment gateway, please feel free to reply.
let paramString: String = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
"<mobile>" +
"<store>\(12345)</store>" + "<key>somekey</key>" +
"<device>" +
"<type>\("iPhone6")</type>" +
"<id>\(deviceId)</id>" +
"<agent></agent>" +
"<accept></accept>" +
"</device>" +
"<app>" +
"<name>Telr_Payment_Demo</name>" +
"<version>1.0</version>" +
"<user>xyz.Demo</user>" +
"<id>1234567</id>" +
"</app>" +
"<tran>" +
"<test>12</test>" +
"<type>paypage</type>" +
"<class>moto</class>" +
"<cartid>syste1075</cartid>" +
"<description>this is demo on telr</description>" +
"<currency>AED</currency>" +
"<amount>\(9.80)</amount>" +
"<ref>\("000000000001")</ref>" +
"</tran>" +
"<card>" +
"<number>\("5555555555554444")</number>" +
"<expiry>" +
"<month>\(02)</month>" +
"<year>\(2018)</year>" +
"</expiry>" +
"<cvv>\(123)</cvv>" +
"</card>" +
"<billing>" +
"<name>" +
"<title>\("fsfsfs")</title>" +
"<first>\("First")</first>" +
"<last>\("last")</last>" +
"</name>\n" +
"<address>" +
"<line1>\("Kathmandu bazar")</line1>" +
"<line2>\("address 6")</line2>" +
"<line3>\("Near gausala")</line3>" +
"<city>\("kathmandu")</city>" +
"<region>\("Bagmati")</region>" +
"<country>\("Nepal")</country>" +
"<zip>\("977")</zip>" +
"</address>" +
"<email>\("s*********#gmail.com")</email>" +
"</billing>" +
I am getting following response from server
<start>https://secure.innovatepayments.com/gateway/webview_start.html? code=f1caa6ce6c23595b71dc00369</start>
The first url will redirect to hosted payment pages card details view.I do not know what should i do with that response.This is the payment integration guidelines for developer.
From the docs you linked to say:
When a webview response is received, the App will need to direct the
customer to the URL given as the start address. The App should monitor
the progress of the webview, and once it reaches the URL provided as
the close address, it should close the web display and continue with
the transaction process.
To complete the transaction, the App must now make a second request to
the gateway. This request includes will trigger the final
authorisation stage of the transaction, and return the authorisation
response. The request must be sent to:
so I would start with that and see what happens
i send a request http://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp/ but i receive the 10002 error and my api signature and username and password is true
the invoice number is 10 digit number that is created in random C#.
my code is :
string strNVP = "METHOD=DoDirectPayment" +
"&VERSION=" + ApiVersion +
"&PWD=" + ApiPassword +
"&USER=" + ApiUsername +
"&SIGNATURE=" + ApiSignature +
"&CREDITCARDTYPE=" + creditCard.type +
"&ACCT=" + creditCard.number +
"&EXPDATE=" + expirationMonth + "20" + expirationYear +
"&CVV2=" + creditCard.cvv2 +
"&EMAIL=MatinF#outlook.com" +
//the following represents the billing details
"&FIRSTNAME=" + billingFirstName +
"&LASTNAME=" + billingLastName +
"&STREET=" + billingAddress1 +
"&STREET2=" + "" +
"&CITY=" + Address[8].ToString() +
"&STATE=" + stateName +
"&ZIP=" + Address[5].ToString() +
"&AMT=" + TotalPrice +//orderdetails.GrandTotal.ToString("0.0")+
"&DESC=Test Sale Tickets" +
"&INVNUM=" + InvoiceNumber;
this appears to be a limit issue based on the recipient, version 122 for doDirect APIs update.
(10002) You've exceeded the receiving limit. This transaction can't be completed
Click here for more info
I have developed windows mobile 6.1 application which search nearby Bluetooth devices and send files.Also I did print functionality to print document on Bluetooth printer.
First time print functionality is working perfectly fine but when I print the document again, then I need to restart the printer and then after it will print.
Is there any solution to avoid restart printer??
Below is my print code from reference of https://32feet.codeplex.com/discussions/355451
private void btPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Activate BT
BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio.Mode = RadioMode.Connectable;
// Connect
BluetoothAddress btAddress;
btAddress = BluetoothAddress.Parse("0022583165F7");
BluetoothClient btClient = new BluetoothClient();
btClient.Connect(new BluetoothEndPoint(btAddress, BluetoothService.SerialPort));
catch (Exception ex)
// Send data
string CPCLStr1 =
"! 0 200 200 210 1" + Environment.NewLine +
"ML 25" + Environment.NewLine +
"TEXT 7 0 10 20" + Environment.NewLine +
"Just" + Environment.NewLine +
"Testing" + Environment.NewLine +
"ENDML" + Environment.NewLine +
"FORM" + Environment.NewLine +
"PRINT" + Environment.NewLine;
// Convert CPCL String to byte array
byte[] CPCLbytes1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CPCLStr1);
NetworkStream ns = btClient.GetStream();
ns.Write(CPCLbytes1, 0, CPCLbytes1.Length);
Although you close the client stream, the printer seems to wait some time before it resets it's session.
Try to send a <EOF> or <EOT> byte at the end.
Acording to CPCL reference guide there is no simple reset command as with ESC/p for example ({esc}#).
Doing a device reset after every print seems an overkill.
EDIT: SDK sample for sendFile:
Byte[] cpclLabel = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("! 0 200 200 406 1\r\n" + "ON-FEED IGNORE\r\n"
+ "BOX 20 20 380 380 8\r\n"
+ "T 0 6 137 177 TEST\r\n"
+ "PRINT\r\n");
The above runs fine on my RW420 without the need to reset between prints.
I'm using this code to get the blackberry info on google analytics
private static String getUserAgent()
String userAgent = "Blackberry" + DeviceInfo.getDeviceName() + "/" +
getOsVersion() + " Profile/" + System.getProperty(
"microedition.profiles" ) + " Configuration/" + System.getProperty(
"microedition.configuration" ) + " VendorID/" +
return userAgent;
And then using it here :
conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent);
The problem is that it doesn't recognize the terminal like a mobile phone , but it takes difference in browser .
Navegador Visitas % Visitas
1. Blackberry8900 36 100,00%
Any idea if google analytics have some params to know that is a mobile phone ? or if i'm using a badformated useraggent.
Thanks for your answers.