IE11 doesn't obey jquery mobile's ui-disabled class - jquery-mobile

I have been using the css class 'ui-disabled' to disable inputs in jquery mobile and it used to work great in all major browsers, but with the release of IE11, noticing that all inputs (except text) including anchor buttons are clickable/changeable even with the class 'ui-disabled'.
I am using jquery mobile's 1.3.2 on windows 7 but apparently the issue occurs on windows 8 machines as well.
Any idea or workaround to fix this issue?
Click Me
$('#clickMe').on("click", function(){
if (!($('#btn').hasClass('ui-disabled'))){
$('#btn').on("click", function(){
alert("Button was clicked");
Demo here:
See how "Button" can be clicked even though it appears disabled.

I believe ui-disabled uses the CSS pointer-events: none which is not well supported in IE. As a workaround, you could modify your click handler:
$('#btn').on("click", function(){
if ($(this).hasClass('ui-disabled')) return false;
alert("Button was clicked");


TinyMCE 5.1.1 insert link form fields disabled

My problem is exactly the same as found in this post:
TinyMCE 4 insert link form fields disabled
The only difference is that I am using tinyMCE version 5.1.1 and using jquery mobile.
Basically I have initialized tinyMCE in a jquery mobile popup (see image link) and when I click on the icon to insert a link, none of the fields except the target are available for editing.
I have tried the code found in the previous post (tweaking it a little bit to target the tinyMCE css classes): This is what I have already tried:
$(document).on('focusin', function(e) {
if ($(".tox-editor-container").length) {
"e.stopImmediatePropagation()" is printed in the console but none of the fields except the target are available for editing.
If it is a problem linked to bootstrap, the solution is:
// Prevent Bootstrap dialog from blocking focusin
$(document).on('focusin', function(e) {
if ($(".tox-tinymce, .tox-tinymce-aux, .moxman-window, .tam-assetmanager-root").length) {

TinyMCE Image Upload Not Working on iOS (Safari)

I've enabled image upload on TinyMCE using the images_upload_url parameter. This works fine in most browsers, but it does not work on Safari in iOS.
images_upload_url: '/uploadImage'
automatic_uploads: true
I've noticed, first of all, that the "Browse for an image" button on the Upload tab is positioned on top of the file input (which has an opacity of zero); and the file input click event is not getting triggered. In addition, TinyMCE's event handler on the file input seems to be preventing Safari from opening the file selection dialog.
Has anyone else seen this problem, and is there a workaround?
I realise this is a dated question but I'll leave this here for anyone who needs it should their requirement be with TinyMCE 4 without mobile enabled.
iOS safari does not behave nicely on click events being bound on non clickable elements. MDN Web Docs gives a good explanation.
TinyMCE use a div element to fire a click event (from looking through the source code).
So you need to add a touchend event handler to the button element yourself.
You also need to hook into the dialog OpenWindow and CloseWindow events on the editor so that you can add the touchend event and clean up.
selector: selector,
plugins: "paste,link,image",
toolbar: "undo redo | bold italic underline | link image",
file_picker_types: 'image',
images_upload_handler: image_upload_handler,
automatic_uploads: true,
setup : function(editor){
editor.on('OpenWindow', function(e){
$('.mce-browsebutton button').on('touchend', function(event) {
editor.on('CloseWindow', function(e){
$('.mce-browsebutton button').off('touchend');
Otherwise you can use the mobile mode (note that this is for TinyMCE 4 (v5 is set up different so refer to their docs)
selector: selector,
mobile: {
theme: 'mobile'
plugins: "paste,link,image",
toolbar: "undo redo | bold italic underline | link image",
file_picker_types: 'image',
images_upload_handler: image_upload_handler,
automatic_uploads: true

P:editor from Primefaces not working

I have an application made with JSF 2.0, Primefaces 5.2, using MDL: Material Design Lite from Google (MDL). When I put p:editor on my jsf page it's not working: every element on the editor is disabled. When I inspect the elements, I can see that every div is disabled.
Also, when I first open the page, the editor does not work, but when I press F12 (to see javascript console) and close that tab (console) the editor starts to work.
Can anyone help me?
Apparently , JavaScript MDL interfered with jquery, when load page, the Editor.init() from Jquery was called, then MDL did something that p:edit was disabled. So, I make it:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
PrimeFaces.ab({s: 'id_from_editor', p: 'id_from_editor', u: 'id_from_editor'});
}, 1000);
It's working.

Prevent select2 from autmatically focussing its search-input when dropdown is opened

I'm looking for a way to prevent select2's search-input being automatically focussed when the select2-dropdown is opened. I know this is select2's intended default behavior - and while this is fine for desktop clients, I need to prevent this behavior for the iPad where it triggers the iPads software keyboard, which is not what we want as a default.
I've searched for an option to do so with no luck. reflects our setup - we're using a simple -element as a base for our select2-functionality:
This worked for me on select2 v4:
// keep search input, but avoid autofocus on dropdown open
$('#research .filter').on('select2:open', function (e) {
$('.select2-search input').prop('focus',false);
credit goes to this github comment
Sometimes select2 "steals" focus from other elements. After messing around for quite a bit, I just used this solution below.
At the very end of the event handler for the YourSelect2.on('change', function(){
setTimeout(firstInputFocus, 300);
function firstInputFocus() {
By setting this slight delay it works. I am able to change focus away from the dropdown. Following the "change" event for select2, it does something internal to the select2 code which prevents you from IMMEDIATELY changing focus. Inserting this slight delay did the trick for me at any rate.
Ok, I am not sure if changing the focus is possible unless you change the select2 script itself (I could be wrong about this though). As a workaround what you could do is hide the search box by setting minimumResultsForSearch property to a negative value.
<select id="test">
And then:
$(document).ready(function() {
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
None of the solutions posted here worked for me so I did this work around:
This will make the search input readonly when opened (prevents keyboard on mobile), then when you click the input it removes readonly and opens keyboard.
$('#myselectbox').select2({placeholder: "Select Something"}).on('select2:open', function(e){
$('.select2-search input').attr('readonly',true);
$('body').on('click', '.select2-search input', function(){
The only 'solution' I found is to remove .select2-input and .select2-focusser right after creation of the dropdown. This only works fine when you don't need the input field for searching, e.g. when the list is short enough.
Removing only .select2-focusser at least prevents the keyboard from popping up when an option was selected.
If you want to disable the searchbox and also the auto focus as a text input, e.g. preventing ios browsers to scroll-in the keyboard, use this code:
// will remove the searchbox and focus initially
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
// will remove the searchbox and focus on selection/close
$('select').on('select2:closing', function (e) {
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
Although #Choma's answer is fine, it will alter the select2 default behavior on both desktop and mobile devices.
I had to find a solution for a responsive website: prevent the auto-focus of the search input only on mobile devices, and keep the default behaviour on desktops.
In order to detect the mobile devices, I've used Modernizr library, which can test for the existence of Touch Events in the browser.
We can use Modernizr.touch on Modenizr v2, which will return true if touch events are supported, or false otherwise.
So we can modify #Choma's answer like this:
$('select').on('select2:open', function() {
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$('.select2-search__field').prop('focus', false);
Tested on:
Desktop: IE 11, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari
Android 4.2.2
Android 5.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S4)
Android 6.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge)
iOS 11.2.5 (iPhone 8)
iOS 10.3.2 (iPhone 6 Plus)
iOS 10.3.2 (iPad Mini 3)
I got JQuery's "too much recursion" error in the console when using Choma's solution.
The following worked for me for v4:
// keep search input available, but avoid autofocus and thus mobile
// keyboard appearing when dropdown opens.
$('body').on('select2:open','#subject', function (e) {
$('#modal .select2-search input').attr('readonly',true);
$('#modal .select2-search input').click(function(ev){
$('#modal .select2-search input').attr('readonly',false);
As you can tell this select2 field is on a modal with the id modal and the select2 field itself has an id of subject. Of course change the selector to what's appropriate for your own code.
It basically adds a readonly attribute to the input when the select2 field opens preventing a mobile keyboard from appearing, and then removes it when the search field is clicked/pressed on allowing the keyboard to appear only then.
Following trick worked for me. You can disable input search field of select2 element :
$('select').on('select2:opening', function() {
$('.select2-search__field').attr("autocomplete", "new-password");
setTimeout(function(){ $('.select2-search__field').attr("autocomplete", "new-password"); }, 2000);
maybe someone need~
I've tried this and it works~
$('#selectID').on('select2:opening', function (e) {
The solution worked perfectly for me. tested on mobile
// prevent auto-focus on select2 search input
$('select').on('select2:opening', function(e) {
$('.select2-search input').prop('focus', 1);

jQuery Tooltip remains open if it's on a link within an iframe (in FF & IE)

I'm replacing the standard "Reset your password" text link with a help' icon, but I discovered that when a jQuery Tooltip is on a link within an iframe, it remains open once the link is clicked until the parent page is refreshed.
I'm using inline frames, but I also experienced the same problem when linking to another page. I tried moving the title inside a <span> tag, as well as closing the iframe and opening a new one with the functions below, but the tooltip just remains open on the page.
UPDATE - I created a fiddle to demonstrate the problem (Click on 'Reset Link'). I experience the problem in both Firefox & IE (it's fine in Chrome & Safari).
<img src="help.jpg">
Functions to close iframe and open new iframe
function close_iframe() {
function open_iframe() {
$[{href:'reset_password.html'}], { type:'iframe'
I am using jquery-1.8.2, jquery-ui-1.9.1 and fancyapps2
Could be an incompatibility or bug between the fancybox and the jQueryUI tooltip.
Essentially, the fancybox is showing the second form but the browser is not seeing the mouseout event. You can check this by adding a callback function to the .close() event of the jQueryUI tooltip.
close: function( event, ui ) {
You should be able to see closing in the console in IE, Firefox and Chrome when the mouse moves out of the "Reset Link" anchor. However, when clicking "Reset Link" in Chrome you see the closing log line again but in IE9 it does not appear again. So the browser is missing the event.
We can work around this by manually calling .tooltip('close') when "Reset Link" is clicked, like this:
$('a[href="#inline_form1"]').on('click', function() {
There is a small problem with the way in which the tooltips are created which means that with just the above click handler it will error with
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on tooltip prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'
This seems to be caused by using the $(document).tooltip() method which uses event delegation for all elements with a title attribute. This is the simplest way of creating tooltips for all elements so I understand why this is used but it can add unnecessary events and handling to the whole page rather than targeting specific elements. So looking at the error it is telling us that we need to explicitly create a tooltip on the element we want to call 'close' on. So need to add the following initialisation
Sp here is the completed JavaScript
$(function () {
title: ''
$('a[href="#inline_form1"]').on('click', function() {
Note: You only need one jQuery document.ready wrapping function - the $(function (){ ... }) part :-)
