Xamarin Forms WebView Check When Website Address Changed - webview

I have the following code that sets up a WebView inside my Xamarin.Forms Cross Platform application:
ReportsListWebView = new WebView()
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
BackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent
URLReportsListWebView = new UrlWebViewSource
Url = ""
ReportsListWebView.Source = URLReportsListWebView;
grid.Children.Add(ReportsListWebView, 0, 4, 0, 1);
The situation is that there is listing within the website that I am referencing in the WebView. When the user selects an item in the listing on the webpage it has javascript that changes the url of the website (appends #SelectedItem=1 to the url). I just want to be able to recognize this change from within the application.
I've checked the URLReportsListWebView.Url but it doesn't seem to update with the latest changes. Any ideas on how to achieve this?

This ended up being a limitation on the xamarin forms webview control. The work around was to create a custom renderer which the Xamarin support provided me a great same showing how to accomplish this at github.com/jgold6/XFormsWebViewCustomRenderer/tree/master

When I've done a few tests against http://www.yahoo.com it appears to be updating the WebView.Source property ok, even with query string attribues.
Are you just updating the location of the current webpage rather than navigating to a new page?
Maybe this could be the reason why its not working for you?
If so, after the change, you will then be able to monitor the .Source property for the newly navigated webpage as there is no event handler or anything to hook into to get notified when a page has been navigated to / fully loaded.
Update 1:-
Try the following that is working for me.
It should produce updates similar to the following:-
StackLayout objStackLayout = new StackLayout()
WebView objWebView1 = new WebView();
objWebView1.HeightRequest = 300;
UrlWebViewSource objUrlToNavigateTo = new UrlWebViewSource()
Url = "http://www.yahoo.com"
objWebView1.Source = objUrlToNavigateTo;
Button cmdButton1 = new Button();
cmdButton1.Text = "Show Me Current Url";
cmdButton1.Clicked += ((o2, e2) =>
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((objWebView1.Source as UrlWebViewSource).Url);
this.Content = objStackLayout;

If you don't yet have a custom renderer, you'll need to refer to Xamarin documentation to learn how to custom render Xamarin.Forms WebView.
If you already have the custom renderer, inside the CustomRenderer object, you should access the NativeWebview object and assign HandleShouldStartLoad to its ShouldStartLoad event handler. My mistake was that I assigned HandleShouldStartLoad to the event handler of the renderer itself, which won't work.


IOS device keyboard not opening on single tap event itext insert fabricjs hammerjs with Angular 9

I am using fabricjs for canvas and hammerjs for touch event with Angular 9. I have a single tap event of hammerjs which creates an object of fabric's IText. Single tapping creates the fabric and populates it on the canvas, but the device keyboard does not open to add text in the text object. The fabricjs's IText creates TEXTAREA internally to allow text entering.
Tried with:
1. canvas.getActiveObject().enterEditing();
2. document.querySelector('[data-fabric-hiddentextarea]').setAttribute("autofocus", "");
Above solutions were tried with settimeout as well.
Please suggest.
thanks in advance
Found a way by using VanilaJS touchend event. Had to remove the HammerJS's doubletap event and use touchend event.
let element = document.getElementById('canvasId');
let timedout;
let lastTaped = 0;
element.addEventListener('touchend', (event) => {
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
var tapLength = currentTime - lastTaped;
if (tapLength < 500 && tapLength > 0) {
// code to add the iText object
lastTaped = currentTime;
thanks :) keep coding

Xamarin forms zxing ZXingScannerView on ios

I am writing a mobile app in xamarin forms and I have half the screen continuously scanning barcodes using ZXingScannerView. This works great in android however in ios it will not pick up any barcodes using ZXingScannerView. However ios does pick up barcodes using the full page ZXingScannerPage. In my example code below the method Scanner_OnScanResult is never getting hit. How can I get this to work in ios am i missing something?
ZXingScannerView scanner = new ZXingScannerView
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
AutomationId = "zxingScannerView",
IsScanning = true,
Options = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanningOptions
UseFrontCameraIfAvailable = false,//update later to come from settings
PossibleFormats = new List<ZXing.BarcodeFormat>(),
TryHarder = true
ZXingDefaultOverlay overlay = new ZXingDefaultOverlay();
scanner.OnScanResult += Scanner_OnScanResult;
private void Scanner_OnScanResult(ZXing.Result result)
DisplayAlert("Exit", "TEST", "Yes", "No");
I eventually got this working however i'm not sure if its a bug or just inconsistent design but in iOS IsAnalyzing must be set to true manually when working in a view

Set timeout for notifications.notify FireFox Addon SDK

Please help me with Notification in my Firefox add-on.
var notifications = require("sdk/notifications");
function showNotifcation(title, text) {
iconURL: data.url("img/icon.png"),
title: title,
text: text
setTimeout(notifications.close(), 1000);
Not work.
Without more information from you it is not possible to be sure as to what your problem/issue is.
However, a brief look at the sdk/notifications documentation, and source code, indicates that you are attempting to use a non-existent method: notifications.close(). There is no such method in sdk/notifications.
One possible reason for your attempt to use this method is that you are conflating the Web Notification API, more detail, with the Add-on SDK sdk/notifications.
The Add-on SDK, sdk/notifications, has no way for you to programmatically close the notification from your code. Thus, there is no way for you to set a timeout for the notification using this interface. However, in some operating systems/windowing systems there is already a default timeout for these notifications.
You will need to either display a panel on your own, or use the chrome interfaces described in User Notifications and Alerts.
In addition, it would be unusual for you to be able to just call setTimeout(). That will, under most contexts, not be defined. You would normally need to use sdk/timers with:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
In some contexts, you might be able to use window.setTimeout(), when window is appropriately defined (which you will probably have to set yourself).
Modifying the code from my answer to Prevent XUL notificationBox from closing when button is hit (if you want buttons, that answer will show you how to do it), and other answers of mine: Something along the lines of what I believe you desire would be (code for the timeout is at the bottom):
function showNotificationBox(text) {
//Create some common variables if they do not exist.
if (window === null || typeof window !== "object") {
// Add/remove a "/" to comment/un-comment the code appropriate for your add-on:
//* Add-on SDK:
var window = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
/* Overlay and bootstrap (from almost any context/scope):
var window=Components.classes["#mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
if (typeof gBrowser === "undefined") {
var gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
let notifyBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
//appendNotification( label , value , image (URL) , priority , buttons, eventCallback )
let theNotification = notifyBox.appendNotification(text, "Test notification unique ID",
notifyBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, [], null);
//* Add-on SDK:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
setTimeout(theNotification.close(), 10000);
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
let timerCallback = {
notify:function notify() {theNotification.close(); }
let closeNotificationTimer = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/timer;1"]
Note: I changed the timeout to 10 seconds from the 1 second which is in the code in your question. One second is a unreasonable amount of time to expect to show anything which you actually desire the user to see and understand.
The above implements the user notification in a notificationBox. As such it shows up within the Firefox window:
It is also possible to use the nsIAlertsService which is what sdk/notifications uses. This will normally display an alert box in the bottom right of the screen, potentially outside of the Firefox window (see image on nsIAlertsService for example). The notification may show up elsewhere depending on how you have your windowing system set up (this is OS dependent). However, the documentation did not have a method to clear the notification, or set a timeout. However, the interface definition does show that a closeAlert() method does exist. The source code for the sdk/notifications does not expose this to the Add-on SDK. Thus, you would need to use the chrome interfaces. I have updated the documentation to show closeAlert().
Such as (some code taken and modified from nsIAlertsService):
//* Add-on SDK:
var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
function showNotifcation(title, text) {
var alertsService = Cc["#mozilla.org/alerts-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService);
try {
//The second use of title is the alert name.
alertsService.showAlertNotification(icon, title, text, false, "", null, title);
} catch (e) {
// This can fail on Mac OS X
//* Add-on SDK:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
setTimeout(alertsService.closeAlert(title), 10000);
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
let alertTimerCallback = {
notify:function notify() {alertsService.closeAlert(title); }
let closeAlertTimer = Cc["#mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces
I have only tested the above code with a bootstrapped/restartless Firefox add-on. Thus, the Add-on SDK code may be slightly off.

Mootools The Wall + Slimbox

I am using wall.plasm.it and would like to use slimbox to open the images in fullscreen http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox
But when I add the slimbox script to my website and click on an image, it just opens the image and redirects me to the image on the server but doesnt start slimbox
Ah, so it seems you would have to do something like the following:
Use wall.setCallOnUpdate( myFunctionUpdate ); (this) to update all newly generated images so that they have the rel=lightbox attribute set.
Reinitialize slimbox.
You could simply use the CallOnUpdate to directly enable the slimbox on items using the API
I think you need to use Event Delegation - this is how I got my wall working with lightbox. I called this after the initWall() method and also the changeOnUpdate() so the new events would be added.
var boundClicker;
$$('div.tile a').each(function(button) {
var linkDest = button.get('href');
var title = button.get('data-title');
var type = button.get('rel');
var clicker = function(event)
Mediabox.open(linkDest, title, '470 290');
boundClicker = clicker.bind(button);
button.addEvent('click', boundClicker);
Add a "click" event handler and use the getMovement function.
items.each(function(item) {
if( wall.getMovement() ){
else {
}); }

firefox extensions, make notification box appear in all tabs

Firefox has a native notification box system:
I'd like to use this system in a way that it appears in all opened tabs when it is supposed to appear. The code I have only warns you in the currently opened tab.
var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem).rootTreeItem.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow);
var nb = mainWindow.gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
outdatedNotification = nb.appendNotification("Your information outdated",
priority, buttons);
Each tab has it's own notification box. You just need to loop over all the browsers and add the notification to each one. One thing you should know is the gBrowser.getNotificationBox can take a browser element:
If you don't pass a browser, the code returns the notification box for the active tab.
Try this:
var browsers = mainWindow.gBrowser.browsers;
for (var i=0; i<browsers.length; i++) {
var nb = mainWindow.gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browsers[i]);
outdatedNotification = nb.appendNotification("Your information outdated",
priority, buttons);
