Rspec: how to test Rails' url_for helper? - ruby-on-rails

Using RSpec, how do I test url_for helper method to make sure to it goes to the correct controller and action with a particular format?

I had to do the following --
Add this to spec_helper.rb:
Rspec.configure do |config|
config.include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers # url_for
describe "Article routing" do
it "routes to #index.atom" do
should route_to('articles#index', format: 'atom')
url_for(:controller => 'articles', :format => :atom, :only_path => true).
should == '/articles/index.atom'

You can test that named routes are routed to the correct place. Routing specs live in spec/routing,so the following specs would be added to spec/routing/widget_routes_spec.rb
describe "routes to the widgets controller" do
it "routes a named route" do
expect(:get => new_widget_path).
to route_to(:controller => "widgets", :action => "new")
There are a lot of other options for testing routes described in the routing specs documentation.


testing all matched routes (*path) in rails in Rspec

I have a rails application and I am trying to test the routes file.
How can one test this route in the routes.rb in rspec(minitest would be great as well):
'*unmatched_route', :to => 'application#raise_not_found!', :via => :all
According to Routing specs in RSpec you should be able to write something like this:
# in spec/routing/not_found.rb
describe 'not found' do
it 'routes to application#raise_not_found' do
expect(:get => "/an-unknown-route").to route_to(
:controller => "application",
:action => "raise_not_found!"

how to login in with devise using rspec

This is my rspec file
it "assigns all tool_cvt_remote_focus as #tool_cvt_remote_focus" do
post "/users/sign_in", {:username => 'user', :password => "test"}
rake routes
users/sessions#new {:locale=>"jp"} new_user_session_en GET /users/sign_in(.:format)
The error on console with POST method
Failure/Error: post "/users/sign_in", {:user => 123}
No route matches {:action=>"/users/sign_in", :controller=>"users", :user=>"123"}
The error with GET method
Failure/Error: get "/users/sign_in", {:username => 'user', :password => "test"}
Okay, I did some research and with Devise and Rspec and got your test working, albeit with some refactoring.
What I had to do was use the Devise helpers, to do that I had to add that capability into my spec_helper file:
require 'devise'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Devise::TestHelpers, :type => :controller
Then I had to refactor your test to use these new Devise helper methods, otherwise Devise would throw me an error about trying to skip over the router.
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Devise::SessionsController, :type => :controller do
it "assigns all tool_cvt_remote_focus as #tool_cvt_remote_focus" do
#request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
user = User.create(
username: 'user',
password: 'test'
sign_in :user, user
Now, the way I created the user is not a best practice. From what I could tell online you are supposed to use FactoryGirl to to create the user because that is less fragile. However, as I have never used FactoryGirl and just wanted to give you the simplest solution possible, I decided not to include it.

Route works in browser, fails in Rspec

This question has probably been asked a dozen times on Stack Overflow (e.g. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) but every time the answer seems to be different and none of them have helped me. I'm working on a Rails Engine and I'm finding that Rspec2 gets route errors, but I can reach the routes in the browser. Here's the situation:
In the engine's routes.rb:
resources :mw_interactives, :controller => 'mw_interactives', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :except => :show
# This is so we can build the InteractiveItem at the same time as the Interactive
resources :pages, :controller => 'interactive_pages', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :only => [:show] do
resources :mw_interactives, :controller => 'mw_interactives', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :except => :show
Excerpted output of rake routes:
new_mw_interactive GET /mw_interactives/new(.:format) lightweight/mw_interactives#new {:id=>/\d+/}
new_page_mw_interactive GET /pages/:page_id/mw_interactives/new(.:format) lightweight/mw_interactives#new {:id=>/\d+/, :page_id=>/\d+/}
And my test, from one of the controller specs (describe Lightweight::MwInteractivesController do):
it 'shows a form for a new interactive' do
get :new
...which gets this result:
Failure/Error: get :new
No route matches {:controller=>"lightweight/mw_interactives", :action=>"new"}
...and yet when I go to that route in the browser, it works exactly as intended.
What am I missing here?
ETA: To clarify a point Andreas raises: this is a Rails Engine, so rspec runs in a dummy application which includes the engine's routes in a namespace:
mount Lightweight::Engine => "/lightweight" the routes shown in rake routes are prefaced with /lightweight/. That's why the route shown in the Rspec error doesn't seem to match what's in rake routes. But it does make the debugging an extra step wonkier.
ETA2: Answering Ryan Clark's comment, this is the action I'm testing:
module Lightweight
class MwInteractivesController < ApplicationController
def new
...and that's it.
I found a workaround for this. Right at the top of the spec, I added this code:
before do
# work around bug in routing testing
#routes = Lightweight::Engine.routes
...and now the spec runs without the routing error. But I don't know why this works, so if someone can post an answer which explains it, I'll accept that.
I think the might be something wrong higher up in you specs
how did the "lightweight" get into this line :controller=>"lightweight/mw_interactives"
the route says
new_mw_interactive GET /mw_interactives/new(.:format)
new_mw_interactive GET /lightweight/mw_interactives/new(.:format)
add a file spec/routing/root_routing_spec.rb
require "spec_helper"
describe "routes for Widgets" do
it "routes /widgets to the widgets controller" do
{ :get => "/" }.should route_to(:controller => "home", :action => "index")
then add a file spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe HomeController do
context "GET index" do
before(:each) do
get :index
it {should respond_with :success }
it {should render_template(:index) }

How to test routes in a Rails 3.1 mountable engine

I am trying to write some routing specs for a mountable rails 3.1 engine. I have working model and controller specs, but I cannot figure out how to specify routes.
For a sample engine, 'testy', every approach I try ends with the same error:
No route matches "/testy"
I've tried both Rspec and Test::Unit syntax (spec/routing/index_routing_spec.rb):
describe "test controller routing" do
it "Routs the root to the test controller's index action" do
{ :get => '/testy/' }.should route_to(:controller => 'test', :action => 'index')
it "tries the same thing using Test::Unit syntax" do
assert_routing({:method => :get, :path => '/testy/', :use_route => :testy}, {:controller => 'test', :action => 'index'})
I've laid out the routes correctly (config/routes.rb):
Testy::Engine.routes.draw do
root :to => 'test#index'
And mounted them in the dummy app (spec/dummy/config/routes.rb):
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Testy::Engine => "/testy"
And running rails server and requesting http://localhost:3000/testy/ works just fine.
Am I missing anything obvious, or is this just not properly baked into the framework yet?
Update: As #andrerobot points out, the rspec folks have fixed this issue in version 2.14, so I've changed my accepted answer accordingly.
Since RSpec 2.14 you can use the following:
describe "test controller routing" do
routes { Testy::Engine.routes }
# ...
Try adding a before block with the following:
before(:each) { #routes = Testy::Engine.routes }
That worked for me, as the routing specs use that top level instance variable to test their routes.
The answer from Steven Anderson got me most of the way there, but the requests need to be made relative to the engine, rather than the app - probably because this technique replaces the app's routes with the engine's routes, so everything is now relative to the engine. It seems a little fragile to me, but I haven't seen another way that works. If someone posts a cleaner way of doing this, I'll be happy to accept that answer instead.
In the 'dummy' app, if the engine is mounted as follows (spec/dummy/config/routes.rb):
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Testy::Engine => "/testy"
The following spec will correctly test the root route of the engine using both rspec and test::unit syntax (spec/routing/index_route_spec.rb):
require 'spec_helper'
describe "test controller routing" do
before(:each) { #routes = Testy::Engine.routes }
it "Routes the root to the test controller's index action" do
{ :get => '/' }.should route_to(:controller => 'testy/test', :action => 'index')
it "tries the same thing using Test::Unit syntax" do
assert_routing({:method => :get, :path => '/'}, {:controller => 'testy/test', :action => 'index'})
This worked for me:
# spec_helper.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include MyEngine::Engine.routes.url_helpers
For me, it was a combination of comments by pretty much everybody involved so far.
First, I started with this simple test:
it "routes / to the widgets controller" do
get('/').should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
This resulted in:
1) Mozoo::WidgetController GET widget index routes / to the widgets controller
Failure/Error: get('/').should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
No route matches {:controller=>"mozoo/widget", :action=>"/"}
# ./spec/controllers/mozoo/widget_controller_spec.rb:9:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
So I switched from get('/') to { :get => '/' } and things started working great. Not sure why. According to lib/rspec/rails/matchers/routing_matchers.rb L102-105, there is no difference, but it makes a difference to me. Regardless, thanks #cameron-pope.
Next, I added another pretty simple and very similar test as that above:
it "routes root_path to the widgets controller" do
{ :get => root_path }.should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
And was getting this error:
1) Mozoo::WidgetController GET widget index routes root_path to the widgets controller
Failure/Error: { :get => '/mozoo' }.should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
No route matches "/mozoo"
# ./spec/controllers/mozoo/widget_controller_spec.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
So I added this:
before(:each) { #routes = Mozoo::Engine.routes }
And got a better/different error:
1) Mozoo::WidgetController GET widget index routes root_path to the widgets controller
Failure/Error: { :get => root_path }.should route_to("mozoo/widget#index")
The recognized options <{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index", "section"=>"mozoo"}> did not match <{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index"}>, difference: <{"section"=>"mozoo"}>.
<{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index"}> expected but was
<{"controller"=>"mozoo/widget", "action"=>"index", "section"=>"mozoo"}>.
# ./spec/controllers/mozoo/widget_controller_spec.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
From there, I changed my test to include the section (the namespace my engine is under):
{ :get => root_path }.should route_to(:controller => "mozoo/widget", :action => "index", :section => "mozoo")
And viola, it passed. Thanks #steven-anderson.
This next part is odd. After adding another test for a specific widget which used the widget_path url helper for a named route:
it "will successfully serve the widget show page" do
visit widget_path(:foobar)
response.should be_success
The test promptly blowd up on me with:
1) GET bubble_summary_row widget will have the content section properly scoped
Failure/Error: visit widget_path(:bubble_summary_row)
undefined method `widget_path' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_3:0x0000010748f618>
# ./spec/views/mozoo/widgets/show.html.haml_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <module:Mozoo>'
So I added the following spec_helper config entry:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Testy::Engine.routes.url_helpers
And BAM! It passed. Thanks #sam-soffes. What makes this odd is that later on when creating this comment, I removed that config entry to try and get the error back and I was unable to reproduce the error simply by removing the config entry. Oh well, I'm moving on. Hopefully this long-winded account helps somebody.
Based on this answer I chose the following solution:
RSpec.configure do |config|
# other code
config.before(:each) { #routes = MyEngine::Engine.routes }
The additional benefit is, that you don't need to have the before(:each) block in every controller-spec.

Testing an RSpec controller action that can't be accessed directly

I've got a controller that can't be accessed directly, in the traditional RESTful way, but rather only through a particular url.
Normally I'm used to using get and post in my controller specs to call controller actions. Is there a way that I can exercise my controller by visiting a particular url?
Here is my route:
Larzworld::Application.routes.draw do
match '/auth/:provider/callback' => 'authentications#create'
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}
root :to => 'pages#home'
Here is my spec:
require 'spec_helper'
describe AuthenticationsController do
before(:each) do
request.env["omniauth.auth"] = {"provider" => "twitter", "uid" => "12345678"}
describe 'POST create' do
it "should find the Authentication using the uid and provider from omniauth" do
post 'auth/twitter/callback'
and here is the error I receive:
1) AuthenticationsController POST create should find the Authentication using the uid and provider from omniauth
Failure/Error: post 'auth/twitter/callback'
No route matches {:action=>"auth/twitter/callback", :controller=>"authentications"}
# ./spec/controllers/authentications_controller_spec.rb:13
Finished in 0.04878 seconds
1 example, 1 failure
Controller tests use the four HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), regardless of whether your controller is RESTful. So if you have a non-RESTful route (Rails3):
match 'example' => 'story#example'
the these two tests:
require 'spec_helper'
describe StoryController do
describe "GET 'example'" do
it "should be successful" do
get :example
response.should be_success
describe "POST 'example'" do
it "should be successful" do
post :example
response.should be_success
will both pass, since the route accepts any verb.
I think you're mixing up controller tests and route tests. In the controller test you want to check that the logic for the action works correctly. In the route test you check that the URL goes to the right controller/action, and that the params hash is generated correctly.
So to test your controller action, simply do:
post :create, :provider => "twitter"`
To test the route, use params_from (for Rspec 1) or route_to (for Rspec 2):
describe "routing" do
it "routes /auth/:provider/callback" do
{ :post => "/auth/twitter/callback" }.should route_to(
:controller => "authentications",
:action => "create",
:provider => "twitter")
