Z3 is the only system that is able to refute REL051+1.p? - z3

The problem in relational algebra REL051+1.p reads
File : REL051+1 : TPTP v6.1.0. Released v4.0.0.
% Domain : Relation Algebra
% Problem : Dense linear ordering
Using TPTP syntax with fof the corresponding code is
! [A] : o(A,A) )).
! [A,B] :
( ( A != B
& o(A,B) )
=> ~ o(B,A) ) )).
! [A,B,C] :
( ( o(A,B)
& o(B,C) )
=> o(A,C) ) )).
! [A,B] :
( ( A != B
& o(A,B) )
=> ( o(A,f(A,B))
& o(f(A,B),B) ) ) )).
! [A,B] :
( f(A,B) != A
& f(A,B) != B ) )).
! [A,B] :
( o(A,B)
| o(B,A) ) )).
As you can see in TPTP all ATPs are unable to prove such problem.
This theorem was refuted with Z3 using the following SMT-LIB
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun o (S S) Bool)
(declare-fun f (S S) S)
(assert (forall ((A S)) (o A A) ))
(assert (forall ((A S) (B S)) (implies (and (distinct A B) (o A B))
(not (o B A))) ) )
(assert (forall ((A S) (B S) (C S)) (implies (and (o A B) (o B C))
(o A C)) ) )
(assert (forall ((A S) (B S)) (implies (and (distinct A B) (o A B))
(and (o A (f A B)) (o (f A B) B))) ) )
(declare-fun B () S)
(assert (forall ((A S)) (and (distinct (f A B) A)
(distinct (f A B) B)) ) )
(assert (not (forall ((A S)) (or (o A B) (o B A)) ) ))
and the corresponding output is
;; universe for S:
;; S!val!0 S!val!3 S!val!1 S!val!2
;; -----------
;; definitions for universe elements:
(declare-fun S!val!0 () S)
(declare-fun S!val!3 () S)
(declare-fun S!val!1 () S)
(declare-fun S!val!2 () S)
;; cardinality constraint:
(forall ((x S)) (or (= x S!val!0) (= x S!val!3) (= x S!val!1) (= x S!val!2)))
;; -----------
(define-fun B () S
(define-fun A!0 () S
(define-fun f!47 ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) S
(ite (and (= x!1 S!val!2) (= x!2 S!val!1)) S!val!3
(define-fun k!46 ((x!1 S)) S
(ite (= x!1 S!val!2) S!val!2
(ite (= x!1 S!val!0) S!val!0
(ite (= x!1 S!val!3) S!val!3
(define-fun f ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) S
(f!47 (k!46 x!1) (k!46 x!2)))
(define-fun o!48 ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) Bool
(ite (and (= x!1 S!val!1) (= x!2 S!val!1)) true
(ite (and (= x!1 S!val!0) (= x!2 S!val!0)) true
(ite (and (= x!1 S!val!2) (= x!2 S!val!2)) true
(ite (and (= x!1 S!val!3) (= x!2 S!val!3)) true
(define-fun o ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) Bool
(o!48 (k!46 x!1) (k!46 x!2)))
Please run this example online here
My question is: This refutation with Z3 is correct?


Z3 is not able to prove the equivalence between two simple programs using Kleene algebras with test but Mathematica and Reduce are able

Our problem here is to show that
using Kleene algebras with test.
In the case when the value of b is preserved by p, we have the commutativity condition bp = pb; and the equivalence between the two programs is reduced to the equation
In the case when the value of b is not preserved by p, we have the commutativity condition pc = cp; and the equivalence between the two programs is reduced to the equation
I am trying to prove the first equation using the following SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun sum (S S) S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun neg (S) S)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (sum y z)) (sum (mult x y) (mult y z))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (sum y z) x) (sum (mult y x) (mult z x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (mult y z)) (mult (mult x y) z)) ))
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun p () S)
(declare-fun q () S)
(declare-fun r () S)
(assert (= (mult b p) (mult p b)) )
but I am obtaining timeout; it is to say Z3 is not able to hand the commutativity condition bp = pb. Please run this example online here.
Z3 is not able to prove these equations but Mathematica and Reduce are able. Z3 is not so powerful as a theorem prover. Do you agree?
The first equation is proved using Z3 with the following SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun O () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun sum (S S) S)
(declare-fun leq (S S) Bool)
(declare-fun negation (S) S)
(declare-fun test (S) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (sum x y) (sum y x ))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (sum (sum x y) z) (sum x (sum y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum O x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum x x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (sum y z) ) (sum (mult x y) (mult x z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (sum x y) z ) (sum (mult x z) (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x O) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult O x) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (leq x y) (= (sum x y) y))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (=> (and (test x) (test y) ) (= (mult x y) (mult y x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (sum x (negation x)) e) )))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (mult x (negation x)) O) )))
;; bpq + b`pr = p(bq + b`r)
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun p () S)
(declare-fun q () S)
(declare-fun r () S)
(assert (=> (test b) (= (mult p b) (mult b p)) ))
(assert (=> (test b) (= (mult p (negation b)) (mult (negation b) p))))
(assert (not (=> (test b) (= (sum (mult b (mult p q)) (mult (negation b) (mult p r) ))
(mult p (sum (mult b q) (mult (negation b) r))))) ) )
(echo "Proved: bpq + b`pr = p(bq + b`r)")
The output is
Proved: bpq + b`pr = p(bq + b`r)
Please run this proof online here
The second equation is indirectly proved using Z3 with the following procedure
This indirect procedure is implemented with the following SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun O () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun sum (S S) S)
(declare-fun leq (S S) Bool)
(declare-fun negation (S) S)
(declare-fun test (S) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (sum x y) (sum y x ))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (sum (sum x y) z) (sum x (sum y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum O x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum x x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (sum y z) ) (sum (mult x y) (mult x z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (sum x y) z ) (sum (mult x z) (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x O) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult O x) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (leq x y) (= (sum x y) y))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (=> (and (test x) (test y) ) (= (mult x y) (mult y x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (sum x (negation x)) e) )))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (mult x (negation x)) O) )))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (test (negation x)) )) )
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (mult x x) x) )) )
(declare-fun c () S)
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun p () S)
(declare-fun q () S)
(declare-fun r () S)
(assert (not (=> (and (test b) (test c))
(= (mult (sum (mult b c) (mult (negation b) (negation c)))
(sum (mult b (mult p q)) (mult (negation b) (mult p r) ) ))
(sum (mult b (mult c (mult p q)))
(mult (negation b) (mult (negation c) (mult p r) ) ) ))) ) )
(echo "Proved: part 1")
(assert (=> (test c) (= (mult p c) (mult c p)) ))
(assert (=> (test c) (= (mult p (negation c)) (mult (negation c) p))))
(assert (not (=> (test c)
(= (mult (sum (mult b c) (mult (negation b) (negation c)))
(mult p (sum (mult c q) (mult (negation c) r))))
(sum (mult b (mult c (mult p q)))
(mult (negation b) (mult (negation c) (mult p r) ) ) ))) ) )
(echo "Proved: part 2")
and the corresponding output is
Proved: part 1
Proved: part 2
This output is obtained locally. When the code is executed online the output is
Proved: part 1
Please run this example online here
Z3 is not able to prove the second equation directly but Mathematica and Reduce ane able.

How to use Z3 SMT-LIB to prove theorems in Frobenius Algebras

We prove the following theorem in Frobenius Algebras
The proof is performed using the following code
;; Frobenius algebra object (A,mu,eta,delta, epsilon)
(declare-sort A)
(declare-sort AA)
(declare-sort A_AA)
(declare-sort AA_A)
(declare-sort I)
(declare-sort I_A)
(declare-sort A_I)
(declare-fun alpha (AA_A) A_AA)
(declare-fun inv_alpha (A_AA) AA_A)
(declare-fun mu (AA) A)
(declare-fun eta (I) A)
(declare-fun mu_id (AA_A) AA)
(declare-fun id_mu (A_AA) AA)
(declare-fun eta_id (I_A) AA)
(declare-fun id_eta (A_I) AA)
(declare-fun lambda (I_A) A)
(declare-fun rho (A_I) A)
(declare-fun delta (A) AA)
(declare-fun delta_id (AA) AA_A)
(declare-fun id_delta (AA) A_AA)
(declare-fun epsilon (A) I)
(declare-fun inv_lambda (A) I_A)
(declare-fun inv_rho (A) A_I)
(declare-fun epsilon_id (AA) I_A)
(declare-fun id_epsilon (AA) A_I)
(declare-fun Id (A) A)
(declare-fun beta1 (A) A_I)
(declare-fun beta2 (A) I_A)
(declare-fun inv_beta1 (A_I) A)
(declare-fun inv_beta2 (I_A) A)
(define-fun gamma ((x I)) AA
(delta (eta x)))
;; Algebra Object
(assert (forall ((x I_A)) (= (lambda x) (mu (eta_id x))) ))
(assert (forall ((x A_I) ) (= (rho x) (mu (id_eta x))) ))
(assert (forall ((x AA_A) ) (= (mu (id_mu (alpha x)) ) (mu (mu_id x)) ) ) )
;; Coalgebra Object
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (id_delta (delta x)) (alpha (delta_id (delta x))) ) ) )
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (epsilon_id (delta x)) (inv_lambda x) ) ) )
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (id_epsilon (delta x)) (inv_rho x) ) ) )
;; Frobenius Relation
(assert (forall ((x AA)) (= (mu_id (inv_alpha (id_delta x))) (delta (mu x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x AA)) (= (id_mu (alpha (delta_id x))) (delta (mu x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (mu (id_eta (beta1 x))) (Id x)) ))
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (mu (eta_id (beta2 x))) (Id x)) ))
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (inv_beta1 (id_epsilon (delta x))) (Id x) ) ))
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (inv_beta2 (epsilon_id (delta x))) (Id x)) ))
(assert (forall ((x A)) (= (Id (Id x)) (Id x)) ) )
;; First Identity
(assert (forall ((x I_A)) (distinct (id_epsilon (id_mu (alpha (delta_id (eta_id x)) ) ) )
(id_epsilon (delta (mu (eta_id x)))) ) ) )
(assert (forall ((x A )) (distinct (inv_beta1 (id_epsilon (delta (mu (eta_id (beta2 x))))))
(Id x) ) ) )
;; Second Identity
(assert (forall ((x A_I)) (distinct (epsilon_id (mu_id (inv_alpha (id_delta (id_eta x)) ) ) )
(epsilon_id (delta (mu (id_eta x)))) ) ) )
(assert (forall ((x A)) (distinct (inv_beta2 (epsilon_id (delta (mu (id_eta (beta1 x))))) )
(Id x) ) ) )
And the corresponding output is
Please run this proof online here
My claim is that this example is the first application of Z3 in Frobenius algebra. Do you agree?

How to obtain a non-trivial model of an idempotent quasigroup using Z3

I am trying to obtain a non-trivial model of an idempotent quasigroup using Z3 with the following code
(set-logic AUFNIRA)
(set-option :macro-finder true)
(set-option :mbqi true)
(set-option :pull-nested-quantifiers true)
(declare-sort S 0)
(declare-fun prod (S S) S)
(declare-fun left (S S) S)
(declare-fun right (S S) S)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S))
(= (prod (left x y) y) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S))
(= (prod x (right x y) ) y)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S))
(= (left (prod x y) y ) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S))
(= (right x (prod x y)) y)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (prod x x) x) ))
but I am obtaining only a trivial model:
;; universe for S:
;; S!val!0
;; -----------
;; definitions for universe elements:
(declare-fun S!val!0 () S)
;; cardinality constraint:
(forall ((x S)) (= x S!val!0))
;; -----------
(define-fun elem!3 () S
(define-fun elem!2 () S
(define-fun elem!0 () S
(define-fun elem!1 () S
(define-fun left ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) S
(define-fun right ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) S
(define-fun prod ((x!1 S) (x!2 S)) S
Run this example online here
Please let me know how we can obtain a non-trivial model. Many thanks.
If I understand right, you want to find more than one sat model for the original assertions.
I have a dull solution here. You can define another set of functions in the same way as prod, left and right, which are named prod2, left2 and right2. Add assertions for them similarly. Then, you want prod2 to differ from prod.
Like this:
(assert (exists ((x S) (y S)) (not (= (prod x y) (prod2 x y)))))
or maybe expression meaning or(prod != prod2, left != left2, right != right2) will be more proper.
I took a little attempt to run that online, but returned 'time out'. I think you have to do it on your machine.
This may be not a best answer, but best regards!

Z3 is not able to prove the right-cancellation property in group theory?

I am trying to prove some general properties in group theory.
For example the left-cancellation property : ( x y = x z ) => (y = z) it proved using the following code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun inv (S) S)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult (inv x) x) e)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x (inv x)) e)))
(assert (not (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (=> (= (mult x y) (mult x z)) (= y z)))))
and the corresponding output is:
Now when I try to prove the right-cancellation property: ( y x = z x ) => (y = z) using the following code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun inv (S) S)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult (inv x) x) e)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x (inv x)) e)))
(assert (not (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (=> (= (mult y x) (mult z x)) (= y z)))))
I am obtaining
Please let me know how to prove the right-cancellation property or it is not possible using Z3 ?
As far as I know this style of theorems are better handled by super-position inference engines.
Older versions of Z3 contains a superposition engine, but it is removed from newer versions
as we have seen few uses overall for solving problems in universal algebra. There are several theorem provers specializing in super-position inferences, such as Vampire, E, SPASS and you can use the tools available from www.TPTP.org to try out these engines.
A possible proof of the right cancellation property using Z3 is as follows.
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun inv (S) S)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (mult y z)) (mult (mult x y) z))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult (inv x) x) e)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x (inv x)) e)))
(assert (not (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (=> (= (mult (mult y x) (inv x))
(mult (mult z x) (inv x) )) (= y z)))))
and the respective output is

Defining injective functions in Z3

My goal is to define an injective function f: Int -> Term, where Term is some new sort. Having referred to the definition of the injective function, I wrote the following:
(declare-sort Term)
(declare-fun f (Int) Term)
(assert (forall ((x Int) (y Int))
(=> (= (f x) (f y)) (= x y))))
This causes a timeout. I suspect that this is because the solver tries to validate the assertion for all values in the Int domain, which is infinite.
I also checked that the model described above works for some custom sort instead of Int:
(declare-sort Term)
(declare-sort A)
(declare-fun f (A) Term)
(assert (forall ((x A) (y A))
(=> (= (f x) (f y)) (= x y))))
(declare-const x A)
(declare-const y A)
(assert (and (not (= x y)) (= (f x) (f y))))
The first question is how to implement the same model for Int sort instead of A. Can solver do this?
I also found the injective function example in the tutorial in multi-patterns section. I don't quite get why :pattern annotation is helpful. So the second question is why :pattern is used and what does it brings to this example particularly.
I am trying this
(declare-sort Term)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(declare-fun f (Int) Term)
(define-fun biyect () Bool
(=> (= (f x) (f y)) (= x y)))
(assert (not biyect))
and I am obtaining this
;; universe for Term:
;; Term!val!0
;; -----------
;; definitions for universe elements:
(declare-fun Term!val!0 () Term)
;; cardinality constraint:
(forall ((x Term)) (= x Term!val !0))
;; -----------
(define-fun y () Int
(define-fun x () Int
(define-fun f ((x!1 Int)) Term
(ite (= x!1 0) Term!val!0
(ite (= x!1 1) Term!val!0
What do you think about this
(declare-sort Term)
(declare-fun f (Int) Term)
(define-fun biyect () Bool
(forall ((x Int) (y Int))
(=> (= (f x) (f y)) (= x y))))
(assert (not biyect))
and the output is
;; universe for Term:
;; Term!val!0
;; -----------
;; definitions for universe elements:
(declare-fun Term!val!0 () Term)
;; cardinality constraint:
(forall ((x Term)) (= x Term!val!0))
;; -----------
(define-fun x!1 () Int 0)
(define-fun y!0 () Int 1)
(define-fun f ((x!1 Int)) Term
(ite (= x!1 0) Term!val!0
(ite (= x!1 1) Term!val!0
