trying to hook up UILabels and IBActions in a custom class (Xcode 5) - ios

I am having issues making UILabels and IBAction buttons in custom classes. Xcode seems to not want me to do it. They way I'm trying to do it is through interface builder (storyboard). I have no issue clicking and dragging to make IBOutlets and IBActions using the main View Controller but when I click and drag over to connect them in a custom class it does nothing. Am I only able to make these in the View Controller? I've attached a pic of me trying to drag over to connect my button in the custom class and you can see that nothing pops up. So basically, Are labels, buttons, text fields etc, for the View Controller class only? Thanks for any feedback.

Within interface builder, you will need to make sure your view controller is using your custom class by opening utilities view on the RHS of the IB, selecting the third icon along (please see picture below) and enter your custom class name in the space provided.
Your custom class will need to be a subclass of UIViewController though, like the picture below, not an NSObject for example.
I'm referring to this line within your .h file ...
#interface MyCustomClassViewController : UIViewController
Your custom class needs to match the UI object you are connecting it with. For example if you had UIView object, your custom class would need to be a subclass of UIView, a UINavigationViewController object, a subclass of UINavigationController etc etc.
I hope this helps.

Select your view controller in the stoyboard and go to the identity inspector, make sure the name there is your custom class name.


Creating IBoutlet from UIView in custom UIView class swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cannot create outlet connections to subviews in Interface Builder (Xcode 5)
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a UIView with a UIlabel and a UIImage inside it placed on my view controller.
I created a custom class for the UIView and tried to create an IBoutlet for the UIImage and UILabel in the custom class but i will not let me drop it.
I have already clicked on the UIView and set its class to the custom class, so I am not sure why it is not letting me create the outlet.
Below is a screenshot of the custom class, uiview (With image and label). You may have to click on it to see it.
Thanks for your help
In your situation, you should connect the outlets to a view controller instead of a view.
Instead of creating a UIView subclass, you should create a UIViewController subclass:
class FrontViewController: UIViewController {
Next, select your view controller in the storyboard. In the Identity Inspector (select the tab with an ID card on the panel on the left), type "FrontViewController" (the name of your class) into the "Class" field.
Now you should be able to drag outlets to the class!
As you are crating ViewController there you can connect only view controllers IBOutlets. What you are doing with setting this views class is only marking that this view should behave as this class (you are not creating it there, so you can't set it's IBOutlets). As well this to items won't have anything with tat view, as it's not it creation, that will just be two separate views and YOUR view will be as parent. The only thing you need to understand is that you can create IBOutlet only if it's views creation part, as it's only controllers creation part it's won't give you possibility to create such for his inner view.

Unable to add an action to my controller from storyboard iOS

This has been asked before but as you can see from the picture a simple control+drag from the story board to the controller doesn't work. I made a new Cocoa Class subclass of UIViewController. After I try to hook up my Map View to it and it simply does not respond.
You have most likely not set your View Controller's class to your newly created class.
You can do this by going to your View Controller's Identity Inspector and changing the class from UIViewController to MapViewController.
You'll then be able to connect UI elements.
You might have forgotten to set the class of the view controller you have in the storyboard. Make sure the class is set to "MapViewController"
Here is where you set it :
Setting the Class of a VC in Storyboard
It's your own issue.
1) Storyboard on left side
2) class(ViewController) should be automatic in right side.
See image below:

Interface Builder : cannot assign custom class to table view controller

I am trying to create a simple app for iOS that uses a tab bar controller to present either a map view or a table view. Both the map view and the table view have the same navigation bar button items:
A Logout button on the left, and Refresh, Add New buttons on the right side of the navigation bar. So I have started experimenting the idea of having a parent controller called LocationViewController, which inherits from the UIViewController.
For the table view, I have a controller called TableViewController: LocationViewController, and another controller called MapViewController: LocationViewController.
On the storyboard, I added a set of two buttons (for refresh and add new) to the top header section of each view (very small, may be hard to see). See the image attached below:
There is no problem for me to assign the custom view controller MapViewController to my map view panel, but I cannot find the custom controller class TableViewController in the panel (see the below screenshot)
I found a similar post on stackoverflow, and a reboot solved that problem, which I also tried, but did not solve my problem at all.
You have added youe buttons in the wrong place. I do not know the right name for the bar, but it contains "associated objects". What you want to achieve should look something like this :
Unfortunatelly, you cannot add two UIBarButtonItems to one side of navigation bar via interface builder. You can either drag a UIView instead of UIBarButtonItem to that "slot" and add two UIButtons there, or you ca add multiple buttons from code.
Also, it seems that the name of your question is a bit misleading :) After carefull reread of your post I found the "right" question.
Answer - you have added a UITableViewController in your storyboard, but your class doesn't inherit from UITableViewController. If you want to keep the base class, you will have to make it a "plain" UIViewController and add a UITableView to it. Note, that this way you won't be able to have prototype cells.
You may need to subclass it from UITableViewController. Replace the UIViewController parent class for UITableViewController, like this:
class ViewController: UITableViewController {
Then make sure you selected the View Controller where blue color is all around it and then you can place the name of the class that inherits from UITableViewController.

How do I add a custom class to a storyboard?

I am currently trying to implement a custom radio button class that I have been messing with (located at This radio button solution draws everything programmatically.
I was wondering if there is a similar solution using buttons that were added via Storyboard. I already have my design exactly how I want it through Storyboard and would much rather somehow "link" the buttons with my radio button class.
Any newer ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You can change the class of an object on Storyboard in the identity inspector (you can manually enter the class instead of relying on the drop down menu). You can then link the object however you like.
If Storyboard doesnt accept the RadioButton class for some reason you could also create a custom class of UIButton that would inherit from the RadioButton class and then use that in the same way.
That control is based on UIView, so in your storyboard just add a new View object, select it, and then set the class (at the top of the image) to RadioButton:
You won't be able to see anything but a blank view where you place it, but it will work properly when you launch the application. This will at least make it easier to resize, position, etc.
If I understand your question right, to refer to a button added to a storyboard programmatically, you have to link the variable name in your .h file to the actual button in your .xib file. If you add the following line to your .h file
#property (nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *theButton;
Then when you return to the .xib, there should a yellow cube (file's owner) to the left of the storyboard panel. If you right click on that cube, you should get a list of outlets. At the end of the line that has your button's name, there should a circle. If you Ctrl+Click and Hold and drag it to the button in the storyboard, it should like the variable in the .h file to the button in the storyboard.
So now when you refer to the variable name you created, you will be referring to the button in the storyboard.

Can't set custom class name

I can't seem to be able to set the identity of my view to GraphViewController in Xcode 4.2.
I dragged a regular UIView in storyboard on a UIScrollView.
I create a new file called GraphViewController extending UIViewController (.h and .m) but when I click on my view in storyboard and try to set the custom class name (its identity) to GraphViewController, it doesn't set it. It doesn't even show it in the dropdown list.
Am I missing something here a connection or something?
You can set any class inherited from UIView to a UIView instance.
But you have created a UIViewController subclass, not a UIView subclass.
You can assign your custom class to the controller, not to the view.
In case anyone ever makes the dumb mistake I just did... ensure you have created an appropriate storyboard for either iOS or OS X. Adding the wrong one to your project will certainly cause issues like this.
My solution was making sure I was clicking on the controller's top tool bar, and not the "screen" UI frame. If you select the frame or anything in it, your Identity Inspector will be looking at the View, or other elements in the storyboard, instead of the controller itself.
