Executing Local Query with loaded metadata fails - breeze

I'm new to breeze, this looks like a bug, but thought I'd ask here in case I just don't get it.
Setup loading metadata:
var metadataStore = new breeze.MetadataStore();
queryOptions = new breeze.QueryOptions( {
fetchStrategy: breeze.FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache
mgr = new breeze.EntityManager({
serviceName: 'breeze',
metadataStore: metadataStore,
queryOptions: queryOptions
Executing local query explicitly works:
var q = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Boards")
.where('isImplicit', 'equals', withImplicits)
return manager.executeQueryLocally(q) // returns result
But using query.using doesn't:
var q = breeze.EntityQuery.from("Boards")
.where('isImplicit', 'equals', withImplicits)
q = q.using(breeze.FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache)
return manager.executeQuery(q)
UPDATE: To clarify, the above throws an error as it tries to fetchMetdata and there is no endpoint to fetch from. If I monkey patch the code below, it works fine. It seems like if the dataService .hasServerMetadata, you don't need to fetch it. I'm creating a test harness for a breeze adapter, so I want to be able to run without the backend
Looks like problem is this line in EntityManager:
if ( (!dataService.hasServerMetadata ) || this.metadataStore.hasMetadataFor(dataService.serviceName)) {
promise = executeQueryCore(this, query, queryOptions, dataService);
} else {
var that = this;
promise = this.fetchMetadata(dataService).then(function () {
return executeQueryCore(that, query, queryOptions, dataService);
I believe line should be if( dataService.hasServerMetadata || ..., but being new to Breeze thought I'd ask here before opening GH issue.

EntityManager.executeQueryLocally is a synchronous function and you can use its result immediately. i.e.
var myEntities = myEntityManager.executeQueryLocally(myQuery);
Whereas EntityManager.executeQuery is an asynchonous function ( even if the query has a 'using' call that specifies that this is a local query). So you need to call it like this:
var q2 = myQuery.using(breeze.FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache);
myEntityManager.executeQuery(q2).then(function(data) {
var myEntities = data.results;
The idea behind this is that with executeQuery you treat all queries in exactly the same fashion, i.e. asynchronously, regardless of whether they are actually asynchronous under the hood.
If you want to create an EntityManager that does not go to the server for metadata you can do the following:
var ds = new breeze.DataService({
serviceName: "none",
hasServerMetadata: false
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager({
dataService: ds


Missing Configuration File For Tests - Aqueduct

When implementing OAuth with aqueduct I mistakenly didn't follow the test driven development ideology, and I am paying for it now...
When I run my tests, I get the error:
"No configuration file found. See README.md."
Which is thrown from the initializeApplication method in my AppSink class.
As I understand it, tests make use of the config.src.yaml file so I have configured my test harness accordingly:
application = new Application<OdexSink>();
application.configuration.port = 0;
application.configuration.configurationFilePath = "config.src.yaml";
Since I was able to run the tests before I implemented the AuthServer etc, I suspect it happened along the way.
My test setUp is as follows:
var app = new Application<OdexSink>();
TestClient client;
setUp(() async {
await app.start(runOnMainIsolate: true);
client = new TestClient(app);
var ctx = ManagedContext.defaultContext;
var builder = new SchemaBuilder.toSchema(ctx.persistentStore, new Schema.fromDataModel(ctx.dataModel), isTemporary: true);
for (var cmd in builder.commands) {
await ctx.persistentStore.execute(cmd);
And my Test harness start() method is:
Future start() async {
RequestController.letUncaughtExceptionsEscape = true;
application = new Application<OdexSink>();
application.configuration.port = 0;
application.configuration.configurationFilePath = "config.src.yaml";
await application.start(runOnMainIsolate: true);
await createDatabaseSchema(ManagedContext.defaultContext, sink.logger);
await addClientRecord();
await addClientRecord(clientID: DefaultClientID, clientSecret: DefaultClientSecret);
client = new TestClient(application)
..clientID = DefaultClientID
..clientSecret = DefaultClientSecret;
My config.src.yaml file exits, and contains DB information.
Ah, just one small thing - in your setUp method, you are creating and starting an Application instead of that TestApplication harness. It should look like this
var app = new TestApplication();
setUp(() async {
await app.start();
All of the other stuff in setUp is already done in your test harness and you can use the TestClient as app.client:
expect(await app.client.request("/endpoint"), hasStatus(200));

angular2 http.post method throws typeerror{} exception

I tried to change the existing angularjs library to angular2 for my need. http.post method in the below code throws TypeError {} as exception. Someone please help as i am stuck on this.
login() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(typeof jsSHA !== "undefined") {
var signatureObj = (new OauthUtility()).createSignature("POST", this.magentoOptions.baseUrl+"/oauth/initiate", this.oauthObject, {oauth_callback: "http://localhost/callback"}, this.magentoOptions.clientSecret, null);
let headersInitiate = new Headers();
let url = this.magentoOptions.baseUrl + "/oauth/initiate";
let callback = "oauth_callback=http://localhost/callback";
this.http.post(url, callback,{headers: headersInitiate})
(result) => {
console.log("i am inside");
var rParameters = (result).split("&");
You should try something like that:
var signatureObj = (new OauthUtility()).createSignature("POST",
this.magentoOptions.baseUrl+"/oauth/initiate", this.oauthObject,
{oauth_callback: "http://localhost/callback"},
this.magentoOptions.clientSecret, null); let headersInitiate = new Headers();
let url = this.magentoOptions.baseUrl + "/oauth/initiate";
let payload = ' ... ';
this.http.post(url, payload,{headers: headersInitiate})
(result) => {
console.log("i am inside");
var rParameters = (result).split("&");
Here are the comments I would have on your code:
The second parameter of the post method should be a string corresponding to the payload not a callback. I see from your headers that you want to send url-encoded form, so you need to create it by your own
The try catch isn't necessary since executing an HTTP is asynchronous and errors can be "catched" within the second parameter (another callback) of the subscribe method.
You don't need at all a promise. For HTTP, Angular2 uses observables under the hood. They target asynchronous processing as well.
After fixing all of this, I think that you won't have error anymore...
Hope it helps you,
I found to stuck even after proceeding with the above all steps. The complete solution is as follows.
Remove try catch block and promise as suggested by Thierry.
Use dependency injection of http inside the constructor as follows to define http.
import {Http,HTTP_PROVIDERS,Headers} from 'angular2/http';
import {Injector} from "angular2/core";
constructor() {
var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([HTTP_PROVIDERS]);
this.http = injector.get(Http);

SignalR- send data to a specific client

I want to send data to a specific client. to do that I am trying with the following;
public Task GetWaitingOrdersCount(string id, string clientId)
DateTime today = Util.getCurrentDateTime();
var data = 10
return Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).loadOrders(data);
//return data;
In the above code, I want to send 'data' to the 'clientId' passed to this method.
BUT I m having an error in this line
return Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).loadOrders(data);
And the error is
'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<object>' does not contain a definition for 'loadOrders'
the client side code
con.loadOrders = function (data) {
function loadOrders(data) {
Any help about the error???
This is my full client code..
<script type="text/javascript">
var con;
$(document).ready(function () {
con = $.connection.messagingHub;
$.connection.hub.start(function () {
var myClientId = $.connection.hub.id;
con.getWaitingOrdersCount('<%:ViewBag.rid%>',myClientId).done(function (data) {
con.client.loadOrders = function (data) {
function loadOrders(data) {
I just tried out your code (slightly modified) and it works fine for me. What version of SignalR are you using? Judging by your server code I'd say 1.0Alpha1+ but your client code looks more like 0.5.3, that is unless your con object is assigned to $.connection.yourhub.client;
If you update to SignalR 1.0Alpha2 and change your client code to be:
var con = $.connection.myCon;// This is arbitrary and would change based on your naming
con.client.loadOrders = function (data) {
function loadOrders(data) {
That being said I believe your issue has to do with the version of SignalR you are using, server side that is: since you're receiving a task oriented error. Another piece of information that might be beneficial would be to know how GetWaitingOrdersCount is being called. Aka is it being invoked from the client directly via: con.server.getWaitingOrdersCount or is it being called from within the hub.
Hope this info helps!

How to add campaign tracking data to any url automatically?

I get a bunch of different URL from my sources and what I would like is to redirect to the same URL, but with campaign data added to URL (to track the referred clicks).
For example I have these URLs:
I want to add at the end the following: utm_source=SOURCE&utm_medium=MEDIUM&utm_campaign=CAMPAIGN
And the URLs to become
How to I correctly check and cover all the cases if a URL string has parameters, and add mine?
I want to do it in node.js
Thank you
Elaborating on #snkashis, a similar but arguably more elegant solution, again using node's url module, is:
var addQueryParams = function (cleanUrl) {
var obj = url.parse(cleanUrl, true, false);
obj.query['utm_source'] = 'SOURCE';
obj.query['utm_medium'] = 'MEDIUM';
obj.query['utm_campaign'] = 'CAMPAIGN';
delete obj.search; // this makes format compose the search string out of the query object
var trackedUrl = url.format(obj);
return trackedUrl;
This works, because url.format first looks for search and, if it can't find it, it composes the query string from the query object
(taken from node url module documentation http://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_url_format_urlobj )
search will be used in place of query
query (object; see querystring) will only be used if search is absent.
Here is a example showing different scenarios using Node's URL module.
var url = require('url');
var exurls = ["www.example.com/category/product/name.html","www.example.com/id_product=5?hasparam=yes"]
var to_append = "utm_source=SOURCE&utm_medium=MEDIUM&utm_campaign=CAMPAIGN";
for (i=0;i<exurls.length;i++) {
var parsedobj = url.parse(exurls[i],true,false);
//Below checks if param obj is empty.
if (Object.keys(parsedobj.query).length!==0) {
var newpath = parsedobj.href+"&"+to_append;
else {
var newpath = parsedobj.href+"?"+to_append;
Connect will help you:
var connect = require('connect');
var app = connect();
app.use(function (req, res, next) {

How to parse a XML string in a Firefox addon using Add-on SDK

I am trying to create a FF AddOn that brings some XML data from a website. But I can't find a way to parse my RESPONSE. First I used DOMParser but I get this error:
ReferenceError: DOMParser is not defined.
Someone suggested to use XMLHttpRequest, because the parsing is done automatically but then I get this other error:
Error: An exception occurred. Traceback (most recent call last):
line 208, in require
let module, manifest = this.manifest[base], requirer = this.modules[base]; TypeError: this.manifest is undefined
I really don't know what else to do. I must note that I am using the AddOn Builder to achieve this.
Below the code that doesn't seem to work.
Option 1:
exports.main = function() {
id: "widgetID1",
label: "My Mozilla Widget",
contentURL: "http://www.mozilla.org/favicon.ico",
onClick: function(event) {
var Request = require("request").Request;
var goblecontent = Request({
url: "http://www.myexperiment.org/search.xml?query=goble",
onComplete: function (response) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xml = parser.parseFromString(response.text, "application/xml");
var packs = xml.getElementsByTagName("packs");
Option 2:
exports.main = function() {
id: "widgetID1",
label: "My Mozilla Widget",
contentURL: "http://www.mozilla.org/favicon.ico",
onClick: function(event) {
var request = new require("xhr").XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", "http://www.myexperiment.org/search.xml?query=goble", false);
if (request.status === 200) {
DOMParser constructor isn't defined in the context of SDK modules. You can still get it using chrome authority however:
var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
var parser = Cc["#mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser);
nsIDOMParser documentation.
That said, your approach with XMLHttpRequest should work as well. You used the new operator incorrectly however, the way you wrote it a new "require object" is being created. This way it should work however:
var {XMLHttpRequest} = require("xhr");
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
Please consider using an asynchronous XMLHttpRequest object however, use request.onreadystatechange to attach your listener (the xhr module currently doesn't support other types of listeners or addEventListener).
If you use XMLHttpRequest (available via the xhr module) you can easily avoid the use of DOMParser. Bellow I provide an example supposing request is an XMLHttpRequest object which request is successfully completed:
Instead of:
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(request.responseText, "application/xml");
var xmlDoc = request.responseXML;
An then you can:
var packs = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("packs");
Or whatever.
