I have a custom method in my rails app that looks like this below.
I have tested the sql in the rails console and it returns a hash like this id => vu.
def self.vu ids
results = User.select('tests.dpi, sum(worker) as vu')
.where("tests.dpi in (?)", ids)
hash = {}
results.each {|record| hash[record.dpi] = record.vu}
For show in my controller I have this:
def show
ids = User.find(params[:id])
logger.debug "test: #{ids.id}"
#See ID at this point and SQL query runs
vu = Hash.new
vu =User.vu ids.id
logger.debug "value: #{vu}"
vu = vu[ids.id]
logger.debug "value: #{vu}"
#blank no hash value?
I can see the SQL query running correctly, and it works in console, but it doesn't set a value in the hash? What am I obviously missing? Thank you.
def show_category
category_selected = params[:genre]
all_movies = Movie.all
#movies_in_category = all_movies.where(:category => category_selected)
puts "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
puts category_selected
puts #movies_by_category.length
I have the above controller function which gets called with a parameter.
the above line print out the parameter just fine.
all_movies = Movie.all
#movies_in_category = all_movies.where(:category => category_selected)
But the above 2 lines of code don't seem to be executed at all (I don't see the SQL queries for the above 2 lines being printed on the Rails console.
I also tried this but still couldn't see the SQL on the Rails console:
#movies_in_category = Movie.where(:category => category_selected)
What am I doing wrong here?
I want to look into a hash but the last value should be there :
params send to controller
def set_users
#users = params[:user][:email]
logger.debug "#{#users.split(",").each { |e| puts e }}"
["a#a.fr", " lol#lol.fr"]
The point is that #each takes a value (["a#a.fr", " lol#lol.fr"]) which is not in the hash. How can I apply #each to the whole hash except on this value
I'd do:
Namely, take everything but the last.
logger.debug #users.split(",")[0..-2].join(', ')
Seems you just need:
logger.debug #users
You should use the String#gsub method like this:
def set_users
email = params[:user][:email]
params[:user][:email] = email.gsub(/,.*/i, '')
Rewrite your method:
def set_users
#users = params[:user][:email].split(',')
Then you can use #users without last one and get last one's info by the return value from set_users method.
I want to put each string from #enc into each field of column_name as a value
#enc=["hUt7ocoih//kFpgEizBowBAdxqqbGV1jkKVipVJwJnPGoPtTN16ZAJvW9tsi\n3inn\n", "wGNyaoEZ09jSg+/IclWFGAXzwz5lXLxJTUKqCFIiOy3ZXRgdwFUsNf/75R2V\nZm83\n", "MPq3KSzDzLvTeYh+h00HD+5FAgKoNksykJhzROVZWbIJ36WNoBgkSoicJ5wx\nog0g\n"]
Model.all.each do |row|
encrypted = #enc.map { |i| i}
row.column_name = encrypted
My code puts all strings from array #enc into a single field?
I do not want that.
Rails by default won't allow mass assignment. You have to whitelist parameters you want permitted. Have you tried doing something like the following?
#enc.each do |s|
cparams = create_params
cparams[:column_name] = s
def create_params
You will need to specify the column names you are saving to. By setting each column separately you can also avoid mass-assignment errors:
#enc=["hUt7ocoih//kFpgEizBowBAdxqqbGV1jkKVipVJwJnPGoPtTN16ZAJvW9tsi\n3inn\n", "wGNyaoEZ09jSg+/IclWFGAXzwz5lXLxJTUKqCFIiOy3ZXRgdwFUsNf/75R2V\nZm83\n", "MPq3KSzDzLvTeYh+h00HD+5FAgKoNksykJhzROVZWbIJ36WNoBgkSoicJ5wx\nog0g\n"]
model = Widget.new
column_names = [:column1, :column2, :column3]
#enc.each_with_index do |s, i|
model[column_names[i]] = s
I think you are looking for something like this:
#enc.each do |str|
m = Model.new
m.column_name = str
I'm developing an app that allows a user to answer a survey once, when they answer it (the first time) I'm capturing the users ip address and user agent (in the Test_users model).
What I'm trying to do is if the user navigates to the survey again they are redirected to a page telling them that they can only complete it once.
In the test controller, I'm thinking this should be:
def new
#Find the Test
#test = Test.find(params[:test_id])
if [[a record in test_users exists with the test id / ip address / user agent]]
redirect_to already_completed_path
I'm struggling with what this if statement, any help would be greatly appreciated
You can use the exists? method if you don't need the object for something else:
if Test.exists?(:test_id => params[:test_id], :ip_address => request.remote_ip, :user_agent => request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
redirect_to already_completed_path
Use the where clause and put all your conditions in it:
#test = Test.where("test_id = ? or ip_address = ? or user_agent = ?",
test_id, ip_address, user_agent)
This should work, assuming you are storing request.remote_ip and request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] values in your tests table:
if #test.where(ip: request.remote_ip, user_agent: request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']).exists?
redirect_to already_completed_path
You Should be doing like this
In your Test Controller
def new
#Find the Test
#test = Test.find(params[:id]) #it should be `:id` not `:test_id` because the model wont be having its own foreign key in its own record
#test_user = TestUser.where("test_id = ? or ip_address = ? or user_agent = ?",
test_id, ip_address, user_agent)
if #test_user.exists?
redirect_to already_completed_path
redirect_to new_path
Probably been working on this too long, sloppy design, or both. My issue is I have a model I wish to initialize. The object has like 52 attributes, but I'm only setting a certain ~25 depending on which object I've just scanned. When I scan an object I get the columns and match them up with a hash_map I've created.
Example Hash Map
This just matches the scanned text to their respective attribute name.
hash_map = {"Pizza."=>"pizza_pie","PastaBowl"=>"pasta_bowl","tacos"=>"hard_shell_taco","IceCream"=>"ice_cream","PopTarts"=>"pop_tart"}
What I want to do
menu = RestaurantMenu.new(pizza_pie => var1, pasta_bowl => var2, ...)
My only problem is in my code at the moment I have this...
t.rows.each do |r|
for i in 0..r.length-1
#hash_map[t.combined_columns[i]] => r.[i]
puts "#{hash_map["#{t.combined_columns[i]}"]} => #{r[i]}"
the puts line displays what I want, but unsure how to get that in my app properly.
Here is several ways to fix this:
hash_map = {"Pizza."=>"pizza_pie","PastaBowl"=>"pasta_bowl","tacos"=>"hard_shell_taco","IceCream"=>"ice_cream","PopTarts"=>"pop_tart"}
attributes.each do |attribute, element|
message.send((attribute + '=').to_sym, hash_map[element])
or like this:
class Example
attr_reader :Pizza, :PastaBowl #...
def initialize args
args.each do |k, v|
instance_variable_set("##{k}", v) unless v.nil?
for more details click here
I ended up doing the following method:
attributes = Hash[]
attributes["restaurant"] = tmp_basic_info.name
attributes["menu_item"] = tmp_basic_info.item_name
t.rows.each do |r|
for i in 0..r.length-1
attributes["other"] = t.other_information
attributes[hash_map[t.combined_columns[i]] = r[i]
row = ImportMenuItem.new(attributes)