Progress 4gl - Dutch Language Conversion to English - translation

We are working on a product which is developed using progress 4gl but with Dutch naming conventions.
Source code has (naming convention, procedure description, on screen messages, table/fields/variable) all in Dutch language. Could anyone suggest if there is some way to map the table/fields to their corresponding English names?
We have tried to google but we didn't reach to a fixed solutions. All suggestions are highly appreciated.

For texts (labels, strings etc) Progress offers translation software.
Take a look at the documentation and if it seems good contact your Progress salesperson for a demo (the translation package is a separate license).
Linking to the 11.3 version of the documentation. If you need to look at another version search for it on
Visual Translator
Translation Manager
The source code is a different thing. Perhaps you can COMPILE with the XREF and LISTING options - perhaps that will create output that you somehow can run through a translator (after some parsing).
XREF xref-file.txt [STRING-XREF string-xref.txt] LISTING listing-file.txt.
You can also replace XREF with XML-XREF and a XML-file will be created instead of a flat text file.
Check in on documentation (link above) on formats for these files.


SAP Business Objects InfoView translation

I need to translate SAP BO InfoView interface. The language we require doesn't have native BO language pack.
I discovered a bunch of .properties files, translated them, but not all of the texts was converted.
Maybe someone could give me some advices, or some ideas for solution?
I would think any text not in the properties or xml config files are in 2 main places:
Hard coded in the JSP files. A general search and replace should work at finding where these are.
The Java applet WebI controller. This one is compiled and packaged jar. I believe this is where the text that you haven't been able to translate yet resides. This one will be trickier to update and changes to it will most likely end any support from SAP if you run into troubles.

Find differences in a .po file

I have a .po file where most translated strings are identical to original ones. However, few are different. How do I quickly find the ones that differ from original?
use podiff
I used it, an it workd for me. Its in C, so you have to compile it. make is your friend
I would suggest using one of the many web-based localization management platforms. To name a few:
Amanuens (disclaimer: my company builds this product)
Web Translate It
This kind of platforms allows you to keep your resource files in sync, edit them in a web-based editor (useful for no-technical translators) and most importantly to highlight/see only the changed/untranslated strings.

How to integrate Sphinx-generated Latex code in existing Latex documents?

I've used Sphinx to document a Python library. So far this works great, I get nice HTML and LaTeX output. Concerning Latex, Sphinx generates a complete standalone document with lots of special packages and configurations.
But, I would like to integrate the generated Latex files within an already existing Latex project (more precise: in the appendix of a book). In particular I want the Sphinx-generated documentation pages to have the header, footer and section heading styles of the parent document. I guess I could somehow transfer the relevant parts by manually removing unneeded stuff and adjusting various options in the tex files generated by Sphinx. However, probably this is going to be a very tedious fiddling taking too much of my time (thinking of conflicting packages and options I have to detect and fix).
Does Sphinx' Latex-Builder support such a use case? If not, is there a more general approach how to merge independent Latex-documents?
Thanks for any hints!
It seems there is no generally valid answer to this question. I've asked this question on the sphinx mailing list and received an answer which basically says one has to manually extract and partly convert the relevant parts of the latex code generated by sphinx - a less expensive solution does not yet exist.

Are there localized resource strings available for the JCL (JEDI Code Library)?

Is there a translation/localization sub-project for the JEDI Code Library?
I'm especially looking for German, French and Italian versions of JclResources.pas and JclVclResources.pas (and might be able to contribute to a German translation myself). Is anything like that already in the works or did I even just fail to find it in the original sources?
So far Google has turned up nothing...
I don't know more than what I understand from their Contributing page; it is done through the jvcl.po file that you can get from the repository and that should be installed under \locale :
If you speak another language than english, you can contribute by translating the texts in JVCL into other language(s) you know.
Translating JVCL is a matter of creating a copy of the jvcl.po file in the \locale folder of the JVCL installation and translate it using poEdit ( Once you are done, you can upload the translated po file to either our bug tracker or to the jedi.binaries newsgroup and a JVCL developer will take care of adding it to CVS.
As far as I have been able to determine there are no translated resource strings available to date.

Tools and methods for localization of ASP.NET application needed

We have a multilingual site that is currently using 2 languages, but with several others coming soon. The site is localized primarily by resx files, but with some localized data in a database.
We need to find some tools to manage localization of the site - something that picks up on changes in resx files so translators will only need to translate new or updated texts.
Any ideas or recommendations? We're also interested in any articles about the logistics of localization if anyone has some.
I'm researching this area as we speak and I came across your post. I'm not sure if this is any help but in the past we used RCWinTrans for our localization. This was for mutiple C++/MFC products although it does support .Net . We would have a RCWinTrans project for each language/product we intended to support although you could have multiple languages in a single project. It kept track of state (i.e. not-translated, translated, changed, etc) and would allow us to export the strings to an excel spreadsheet which we could then send onto a translator. They would updated the spreadsheet and we would reimport the data.
Hope this helps, apologies if I'm on the wrong track and I'm teaching grandma to suck egss. I will be creating another thread today with a similar requirement to this btw, but with a few more snagettes - might be worth a look to see if I get any answers. Cheers, Roger
An idea might be to have all the localization data the database (or a localization database), this way one could build the localization tools/interface as part of the application and poyentially use it for many applications?
There is a free tool called Resource Translation Helper ( )
Install it
Point it to your project directory
Export to excel (.xls)
Give the excel to your translaters and let them update the columns.
Import the updated xls file again
The tool creates also a file to map the resx translation to the excel rows. Don't remove that or you will not be able to import again.
Works very good, but backup your data before adjusting things ;-)
You cant try to use this Visual Studio extension
It allows to export/import your project resources to/from excel and to add new cultures.
Old question, but I would like to add
Free tool for .NET resource files.
This directly edits the resource files, no need to ex-/import.
