Joining two tables based on observations in a seperate table (in EG)? - join

In Enterprise Guide, I have a table (called, COUNTRIES) containing the name of some countries of the world in one column, and the currency of that country in a second column.
This table is only a small subset of all the countries in the world, and ranges from anywhere between 10 to 20 observations depending on preference. The number of entries in this table can change at any time.
For each country specified in COUNTRIES, I have a table containing information about that country, (e.g. for the example above, I have tables called CTRY_UK, CTRY_US, CTRY_FR, CTRY_AU, etc) and the same goes for their currencies (so I also have CRNCY_GBP, CRNCY_EUR, etc)
Now for each observation in COUNTRIES, for example (UK and GBP), I want to join the CTRY_UK table with the CRNCY_GBP table, but I don't know a way of doing so in SAS.
In other words, I want to join two tables together based on the entries given in a seperate table. How can this be done?

You can read the data values into macro variables using the call open and call set functions, and then write whatever code you need using the macro variables.
%macro Combine;
** open Countries data in input mode;
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(Countries, i));
** set up reading of values into macro variables of the same name;
%syscall set(dsid);
** read first observation;
%let rc = %sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));
%do %while (&rc = 0);
** merge data sets using the auto-filled &Cntry and &Crncy macro variables;
data merged_&Cntry;
merge CNTRY_&Cntry CRNCY_&Crncy;
by ID;
** read next observation;
%let rc = %sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));
** close data set;
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
** actual macro call;

The best approach here is likely to create the code from the initial table, and then run that as a macro call.
So imagine the call is something like
%macro join_my_Tables(country=,currency=);
create table &country. as
select whatever stuff from ctry_&country., crncy.&currency.
%mend join_my_Tables;
Then you would create calls ot that:
proc sql;
select cats('%join_my_Tables(country=',ctry,',currency=',crncy,')')
into :calllist separated by ' '
from tbl1;
*not technically needing to be a separate proc sql here, just to show it is doing something else;
proc sql;
That would do what you want, I suspect. You might need to modify it some if your various tables have different aspects to them (why are they separate, anyway; that's a silly way to store data, unless the columns are very different and you really don't want a vertical structure for some reason).
If you have very different sets of columns, and don't want to rely on select *, then you may need to create a dataset that stores this information and pull it out during the macro execution.


Bigquery - parametrize tables and columns in a stored procedure

Consider an enterprise that captures sensor data for different production facilities. per facility, we create an aggregation query that averages the values to 5min timeslots. This query exists out of a long list of with-clauses and writes data to a table (called aggregation_table).
Now my problem: currently we have n queries running that exactly run the same logic, the only thing that differs are table names (and sometimes column names but let's ignore that for now).
Instead of managing n different scripts that are basically the same, I would like to put it in a stored procedure that is able to work like this:
CALL aggregation_query(facility_name) -> resolve the different tables for that facility and then use them in the different with clauses
On top of that, instead of having this long set of clauses that give me the end-result, I would like to chunk them up in logical blocks that are parametrizable, So for example, if I call the aforementioned stored_procedure for facility A, I want to be able to pass / use this table name in these different functions, where the output can be re-used in the next statement (like you would do with with clauses).
Another argument of why I want to chunk this up in re-usable blocks is because we have many "derivatives" on this aggregation query, for example to manage historical data, to correct data or to have the sensor data on another aggregation level. As these become overly complex, it is much easier to manage them without having to copy paste and adjust these every time.
In the current set-up, it could be useful to know that I am only entitled to use plain BigQuery, As my team is not allowed to access the CI/CD / scheduling and repository. (meaning that I cannot solve the issue by having CI/CD that deploys the n different versions of the procedure and functions)
So in the end, I would like to end up with something like this using only bigquery:
tablename STRING;
active_table_name STRING; ##get list OF tables CREATE TEMP TABLE tableNames AS
table_name = tablename;
tableNames) >= 1 DO ##build dataset + TABLE name
active_table_name = CONCAT('`',table_catalog,'.',table_schema,'.' ,table_name,'`'); ##use concat TO build string AND execute
`aggregation_table_for_facility` (timeslot, sensor_name, AVG_VALUE )
parameter2) ),
parameter2) )
USING active_table_name as active_table_name;
table_name = tablename;
I was hoping someone could make a snippet on how I can do this in Standard SQL / Bigquery, so basically:
stored procedure that takes in a string variable and is able to use that as a table (partly solved in the approach above, but not sure if there are better ways)
(table) function that is able to take this table_name parameter as well and return back a table that can be used in the next with clause (or alternatively writes to a temp table)
I think below code snippets should provide you with some insights when dealing with procedures, inserts and execute immediate statements.
Here I'm creating a procedure which will insert values into a table that exists on the information schema. Also, as a value I want to return I use OUT active_table_name to return the value I assigned inside the procedure.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE `project-id.dataset`.custom_function(tablename STRING,OUT active_table_name STRING)
SET active_table_name= (SELECT CONCAT('`',table_catalog,'.',table_schema,'.' ,table_name,'`')
WHERE table_name = tablename);
#multine query can be handled by using ''' or """
Set query =
insert into %s (string_field_0,string_field_1,string_field_2,string_field_3,string_field_4,int64_field_5)
with custom_query as (
select string_field_0,string_field_2,'169 BestCity',string_field_3,string_field_4,55677 from %s limit 1
select * from custom_query;
# querys must perform operations and must be the last thing to perform
# pass parameters using format
execute immediate (format(query,active_table_name,active_table_name));
You can also use a loop to iterate trough records from a working table so it will execute the procedure and also be able to get the value from the procedure to use somewhere second procedure to perform a delete operation.
FOR record IN
(SELECT tablename from `my-project-id.dataset.table`)
SET tablename = record.tablename;
call `project-id.dataset`.custom_function(tablename,out_value);
select out_value;
To recap, there are some restrictions such as the possibility to call procedures inside a execute immediate or to use execute immediate inside an execute immediate, to count a few. I think these snippets should help you dealing with your current situation.
For this sample I use the following documentation:
Data Manipulation Language
Dealing with outputs
Information Schema Tables
Execute Immediate

Left join table on multiple tables in SAS

I've got multiple master tables in the same format with the same variables. I now want to left join another variable but I can't combine the master tables due to limited storage on my computer. Is there a way that I can left join a variable onto multiple master tables within one PROC SQL? Maybe with the help of a macro?
The LEFT JOIN code looks like this for one join but I'm looking for an alternative than to copy and paste this 5 times:
SELECT a.*, b.Value
FROM Old a LEFT JOIN Additional b
ON a.ID = b.ID;
You can't do it in one create table statement, as it only creates one table at a time. But you can do a few things, depending on what your actual limiting factor is (you mention a few).
If you simply want to avoid writing the same code five times, but otherwise don't care how it executes, then just write the code in a macro, as you reference.
%macro update_table(old=, new=);
SELECT a.*, b.Value
FROM &old. a LEFT JOIN Additional b
ON a.ID = b.ID;
%mend update_table;
%update_table(old=old1, new=new1)
%update_table(old=old2, new=new2)
%update_table(old=old3, new=new3)
Of course, if the names of the five tables are in a pattern, you can perhaps automate this further based on that pattern, but you don't give sufficient information to figure that out.
If you on the other hand need to do this more efficiently in terms of processing than running the SQL query five times, it can be done a number of ways, depending on the specifics of your additional table and your specific limitations. It looks to me that you have a good use case for a format lookup here, for example; see for example Jenine Eason's paper, Proc Format, a Speedy Alternative to Sort/Merge. If you're just merging on the ID, this is very easy.
data for_format;
set additional;
start = ID;
label = value;
fmtname='AdditionalF'; *or '$AdditionalF' if ID is character-valued;
if _n_=1 then do; *creating an "other" option so it returns missing if not found;
label = ' ';
And then you just have five data steps with a PUT statement adding the value, or even you could simply format the ID variable with that format and it would have that value whenever you did most PROCs (if this is something like a classifier that you don't truly need "in" the data).
You can do this in a single pass through the data in a Data Step using a hash table to lookup values.
data new1 new2 new3;
set old1(in=a) old2(in=b) old3(in=c);
format value best.;
if _n_=1 then do;
value = .;
rc = lk.find();
drop rc;
if a then
output new1;
else if b then
output new2;
else if c then
output new3;
%create_hash() macro available here.
You could, alternatively, use Joe's format with the same Data Step syntax.

Count occurrence of values in a serialized attribute(array) in Active Admin dashboard (Rails, Active admin 1.0, Postgresql database, postgres_ext gem)

I'd like to have a basic table summing up the number of occurence of values inside arrays.
My app is a Daily Deal app built to learn more Ruby on Rails.
I have a model Deals, which has one attribute called Deal_goal. It's a multiple select which is serialized in an array.
Here is the deal_goal taken from schema.db:
t.string "deal_goal",:array => true
So a deal A can have deal= goal =[traffic, qualification] and another deal can have as deal_goal=[branding, traffic, acquisition]
What I'd like to build is a table in my dashboard which would take each type of goal (each value in the array) and count the number of deals whose deal_goal's array would contain this type of goal and count them.
My objective is to have this table:
How can I achieve this? I think I would need to group each deal_goal array for each type of value and then count the number of times where this goals appears in the arrays. I'm quite new to RoR and can't manage to do it.
Here is my code so far:
column do
panel "top of Goals" do
table_for Deal.limit(10) do
column ("Goal"), :deal_goal ????
# add 2 columns:
'nb of deals with this goal'
'Share of deals with this goal'
Any help would be much appreciated!
I can't think of any clean way to get the results you're after through ActiveRecord but it is pretty easy in SQL.
All you're really trying to do is open up the deal_goal arrays and build a histogram based on the opened arrays. You can express that directly in SQL this way:
with expanded_deals(id, goal) as (
select id, unnest(deal_goal)
from deals
select goal, count(*) n
from expanded_deals
group by goal
And if you want to include all four goals even if they don't appear in any of the deal_goals then just toss in a LEFT JOIN to say so:
all_goals(goal) as (
values ('traffic'),
expanded_deals(id, goal) as (
select id, unnest(deal_goal)
from deals
select all_goals.goal goal,
count( n
from all_goals
left join expanded_deals using (goal)
group by all_goals.goal
SQL Demo:!15/3f0af/20
Throw one of those into a select_rows call and you'll get your data:
Deal.connection.select_rows(%q{ SQL goes here }).each do |row|
goal = row.first
n = row.last.to_i
There's probably a lot going on here that you're not familiar with so I'll explain a little.
First of all, I'm using WITH and Common Table Expressions (CTE) to simplify the SELECTs. WITH is a standard SQL feature that allows you to produce SQL macros or inlined temporary tables of a sort. For the most part, you can take the CTE and drop it right in the query where its name is:
with some_cte(colname1, colname2, ...) as ( some_pile_of_complexity )
select * from some_cte
is like this:
select * from ( some_pile_of_complexity ) as some_cte(colname1, colname2, ...)
CTEs are the SQL way of refactoring an overly complex query/method into smaller and easier to understand pieces.
unnest is an array function which unpacks an array into individual rows. So if you say unnest(ARRAY[1,2]), you get two rows back: 1 and 2.
VALUES in PostgreSQL is used to, more or less, generate inlined constant tables. You can use VALUES anywhere you could use a normal table, it isn't just some syntax that you throw in an INSERT to tell the database what values to insert. That means that you can say things like this:
select * from (values (1), (2)) as dt
and get the rows 1 and 2 out. Throwing that VALUES into a CTE makes things nice and readable and makes it look like any old table in the final query.

Firebird: simulating create table as?

I'm searching a way to simulate "create table as select" in Firebird from SP.
We are using this statement frequently in another product, because it is very easy for make lesser, indexable sets, and provide very fast results in server side.
create temp table a select * from xxx where ...
create indexes on a ...
create temp table b select * from xxx where ...
create indexes on b ...
select * from a
select * from b
Or to avoid the three or more levels in subqueries.
select *
from a where id in (select id
from b
where ... and id in (select id from c where))
The "create table as select" is very good cos it's provide correct field types and names so I don't need to predefine them.
I can simulate "create table as" in Firebird with Delphi as:
Make select with no rows, get the table field types, convert them to create table SQL, run it, and make "insert into temp table " + selectsql with rows (without order by).
It's ok.
But can I create same thing in a common stored procedure which gets a select sql, and creates a new temp table with the result?
So: can I get query result's field types to I can create field creator SQL from them?
I'm just asking if is there a way or not (then I MUST specify the columns).
Executing DDL inside stored procedure is not supported by Firebird. You could do it using EXECUTE STATEMENT but it is not recommended (see the warning in the end of "No data returned" topic).
One way to do have your "temporary sets" would be to use (transaction-level) Global Temporary Table. Create the GTT as part of the database, with correct datatypes but without constraints (those would probably get into way when you fill only some columns, not all) - then each transaction only sees it's own version of the table and data...

Create Select clause within Stored Procedure?

I have two tables coming which has data from two different systems. I need to reconcile the data in these two tables
The column mapping needs to be made configurable.
Table A Table B
Col1A, Col2A Col1B, Col2B
Col1A = Col1B
Col2A= Col2B
So I would need to have two result sets like this based on the mappings in the table.This needs to be decided dynamically. i.e. Select _____ from A. The _____ needs to be filled dynamically.
Select Col1A, Col2A from A
Select Col2B, Col1B from B
Is this possible in MySQL?
Use a UNION clause if the column sets are similar (if they're not you won't be able to combine their results in a meaningful way, anyway).
select col1a, col2a from A
select col1b, col2b from b
