does UIL support Google webp format - webp

Since Android 4.0 below doesn't support Google webp format, what happened if I pass webp format as the uri parameter under Android 4.0 below? Will UIL decode webp format to bitmap automatically, or I have to implement the decoding method myself? If so, which class should I implement or which method should I override?


Tracking upload progress of asset upload

Can I track the upload progress of asset when attaching to an entity using the javascript SDK? Also my image is base64 encoded and embedded within a div (indeed as a img src attribute). When I try to attach this as a binary content I get the error as "readAsBinaryString is not an object". I used atob to do this conversion. Will this SDK request this in some specific format or do I just need to pass this binary content which I got as result?
Currently this is not supported by the Usergrid API or Usergrid SDKs. You could probably work around it using HTML5, but more than likely you'd have to fake it.

Apache Tika alternatives for ios

I know that Apache Tika is a text extractor. It can extract text from doc, pdf, ppt and lots of other file formats. Now I need this function in ios, so I want to know is there any alternative to Apache Tika for ios?
If there is no such library for ios, you can tell me tools that can extract specified file format.
Thank you in advance.
libopc for extracting text from docx, xlsx, pptx.
Antiword for older MS formats.
You can extract strings from a PDF using CoreGraphics also, and
using PDFiPhone too.
If you're also looking for extracting text from a HTML document, have a look at NSXMLParser.

ImageMagick create PDF version 1.4 from image?

I know that I can use ImageMagick's convert tool to turn different image files into PDF documents. However, is there some way to specify what version of PDF document I want to use for the output? Can I convert an image to a PDF v1.4 document?
I am trying to find a way to automate the conversion of image files (probably SVG) to PDF files that need to be sent to a printing service. The printer's service requires the PDF files to meet certain requirements, and one of them is that the PDF file is v1.4. My version of convert is "6.5.7-8 2010-12-02 Q16".
This question on
will give you some hints how to change the version number in the PDF afterwards.

How do i display favicon.ico on blackberry devices?

I want to display the favicon.ico from websites on my blackberry application. I would normally use the EncodedImage class to convert the byte[] into a recognizable image file. However EncodedImage only supports PNG, BMP, JPG, TIFF, and GIF. Is there another method for me to display the ICO file on the device?
You right. Encoded image don't support icon files.
You may try to find and/or port to J2ME one of open-source library.
Also you can try to create yourself realisation of EncodedImage.
And, in the end, you can use services like to convert .ico online or write yourself simple web-side script.
I have decided to use Google's supposedly undocumented favicon service that converts .ico to .png in a 16x16 format. will return blackberry's favicon as 16x16 png.

Create thumbnail from Adobe Illustrator file?

Does anybody know how to create a thumbnail from an Adobe Illustrator file without using Illustrator? I have a php/linux based application and I'd like to do so.
By default, Adobe Illustrator saves files as PDF compatible. Unless the file was saved in a strange way, you should be able to use ImageMagick directly to generate a thumbnail. For example:
convert -thumbnail 250x250 -unsharp 0x.5 thumbnail.png
Note: If the file has multiple artboards (which are interpreted as pages as a PDF), it will generate multiple files or, if saved as a GIF, an animated GIF.
If you can save it in PDF, PS, or EPS format you may be able to manipulate it in things like ImageMagick or Ghostscript.
I think you can actually use ImageMagick's convert with *.ai files as well.
