CSS for Safari and Apple - ios

I have a site I am building for a client and in need of a bit of help...Everything looks great in all browsers except for Safari and any Apply device.
If you take a look at the link below on Chrome or FF you will see the social icons on the top right look good, but when viewed on a Safari or Apple devices they stack on top of each other.
Would like to know what I could do to get this to be cross browser compatible....

i am not quite sure why it doesnt work on safari, but why not apply float:left to the 4 <a> and give header_html a known width let it be 350px so something like this:
.social_btns { /* give all your <a> this class */
.header_html {
line-height: 30px;
padding-right: 10%;
width:350px; /* add this line */
tested on safari 7.0.3 with web inspector


iOS Mobile Browser scrolling issue with position:fixed, Page jumps back to top when scroll ends

I found a number of issues with the POSITION:FIXED property on iOS Mobile. But it didnt resolved my issue. In desktops and in Android devices, works perfectly. Even in MacBook Air also.
I have a position:fixed header, and a position:relative content (using padding-top:height-of-header for alignment). When i scroll fast, it starts scroll and then suddenly, it jumps back to the top of the page. But this issue is not showing when we scroll slowly.
This is the code for header
.site-header {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
top: 0;
z-index: 9999;
this is the code for main-content
.main-content {
padding-top: 80px;
Tried with -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; , transform: translate3d(0,0,0);.
Its an e-commerce website, developed in SHOPIFY.
the issue was, in shopify, there were some third party applications (that's how they used to call plugins) are used. so, somehow jQuery plugins got conflicts and once i remove the plugin, issue got resolved. i don't know how jQuery effects my css code. but it got resolved when i remove/update the library.

iframe in xcode has a overflowing width when I embed a google doc

I have an xcode project with html files. I am embedding a google doc using an iframe, but when I run the simulator, the width overflows on the right for iphone 6 and larger. It looks fine on iphone 5.
I've tried to change the margins in google docs and attempted some styling of the iframe.
iframe {
width: 100%;
display: block;
<iframe src="thesrc"></iframe>
I have also tried to embed it a container, but that didn't work either. I'm not sure if it's a css issue or I can't get a responsive iframe within xcode. Again, seems to be working fine on iphone 5.
If I understood your question correctly, I think you need to provide the correct media CSS rules. I don't know though if you can this in the external html of an iframe.
to perform media queries, you can do something like
#media screen and (min-width:500px) {
body {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 768px;

Strange mobile nav issue on iOS

I'm trying to create a simple mobile nav menu. It looks fine on desktop Chrome, but I have noticed a couple of issues on my iPhone 6 Plus:
Safari: When tapping the hamburger to open the menu, the cross is moving when it should be in the same place as the hamburger.
Chrome: Above issue isn't present, however I have noticed an intermittent issue where the hamburger/cross get mixed up and show at the wrong time (eg: cross showing when menu closed).
I presume I've done something fundamentally wrong here - can anyone please help? :)
Codepen: https://codepen.io/sad_muso/pen/pbkLNW
I presume it may be related to this CSS that is applied when menu is open:
ul.topnav.responsive li a {
position: relative;
display: block;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 10px 5px;

Why does a normal web page appear zoomed way out on iOS?

Why does this jsfiddle page appear so far zoomed out when viewed on Mobile Safari on iOS 6.1? I'd expect it to take up the entire width, but it zooms way out instead. I have pretty boring CSS as follows, but I'm missing something.
.foo {
overflow: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
height: 100px;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
white-space: nowrap;
.foo ul li {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px blue solid;
max-width: 100px;
overflow: auto;
white-space: normal;
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0,width=device-width" />
inside the <head>
Working example (standalone)
Working example (jsfiddle)
Background: By default, mobile Safari displays pages with a canvas width of 980px (see this answer), the 'width' parameter overrides this and 'device-width' automatically sets it to whatever size (or portrait/landscape orientation) you're using. It was initially introduced by Apple but pretty much everything now supports it.
For this to work in jsFiddle, you need to add the meta tag to the CSS pane but wrap it in a </style> / <style type="text/css"> tags so it appears in the head. Also, the ordinary embed sharing link won't work, as everything is wrapped in an iframe, so you need to break out the contents of that directly: .../show/light/
(If you have a Mac, the iOS Simulator is handy for this kind of thing - requires installing XCode. Also Chrome Dev Tools > Settings (cog icon, bottom right) > Overrides > Device Metrics)

z-index not properly rendered on iPad and Google Chrome 22

I have attached two pictures, the first shows the "desktop" of the webapp I work on, some of the icons you see open dialogs made of a <div/> containing an <iframe/>, but while on a normal pc it all works properly, on the iPad it seems there is a problem with the z-index of some elements, as shown in second picture.
The small red rounds with number inside are defined as follows:
.countComunicazioni {
position: relative;
background: url(/images/admin/menu_sgs/counter.gif) no-repeat center center;
height: 35px;
width: 35px;
color: #FFF;
top: -105px;
left: 120px;
z-index: 0;
font-weight: bold;
display: none;
.countComunicazioni p {
margin-top: -5px;
padding-top: 10px;
The markup is a <div class="countComunicazioni"/> tag and a <p/> tag inside.
I also noticed that now the problem also appears in Google Chrome V22, the numbers in red circles are always on top even if they have z-index == 0 and the dialogs have z-index > 1000.
As per this bug report ( http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=144518 ), the change seems to be intended, even if I would bet it'll broke many layouts, not only ours.
This problem was not present in previous versions of Google Chrome, nor is present on Firefox V15 or Internet Explorer V9, where everything is rendered problem.
How can this problem be solved? I'm no CSS expert, so I must admit I have tried little, if anything, so far... And also, who is "right" here? Is our markup incorrect, or does the problem lie in google chrome new rendering strategy?
It seems I've been able to solve the issue shown in the two pics: all the dialogs generated from my web app are placed inside a <div/> with position:fixed placed on the very top of the body, now I tried to move the div to the very bottom of the page, and the layout seems now correct.
There is one more problem though: when opening a modal dialog, the opaque layer that is supposed to be created between the dialog and the below content, is actually created above it, see new screenshot.
How could this problem be solved? Does it require modifying our javascript or is it an issue with jquery ui itself?
Just found out myself that the way that chrome 22+ handles z-index has been altered.
Check out this awesome explanation here that I didn't write here...
Basically the way I understand it is that elements which have
position: fixed
now get counted with their own z-index layer so you'll have to adjust your pages accordingly to suit.
Hope that helps!
