Preventing calls to my JSON api outside the html app - ruby-on-rails

I've separated my front-end from my back-end, so that they communicate via JSON calls (generated by rails back-end).
i.e, my app calls get_info.json which runs a controller that returns ajax information to the front end.
How do I prevent a random user from directly running the get_info.json script, and thus directly accessing the JSON information?

You need to implement authentication for the json api.
It can be as simple as passing an api_key param to every request.
Or you can restrict the access to the route to a specific IP.
get "/posts" => "posts#show", :constraints => {:ip => ''}

If front-end and back-end are in the same RoR application, then you can use CSRF token.
just pass a param to json call like get_info.json?token=<%= form_authenticity_token.html_safe %>, then in your back-end controller check if if params[:token] == form_authenticity_token.
hope this helps you.


Rails - Sending a GET Request

I'm trying to retrieve a user's Google account information when a form is submitted. In order to do so, I have to make a GET request to an url. Here's what it says in the YouTube API documentation
To request the currently logged-in user's profile, send a GET request
to the following URL. Note: For this request, you must provide an
authentication token, which enables YouTube to identify the user.
How do I make it so a custom (or specificall this) GET request happens when the form is submitted, and how do I provide the authentication token? Information that might help: When the form is submitted, it will go to the VideoController's new method.
Also after making the request, how do I access the information? I need to see whether <yt:relationship> is present or not in the given information.
I find HTTParty gem as very useful for working with external APIs in rails.
You can make requests as
response ="", :timeout => 5, :body => "my body content", :query => { hash_of_params_here } ,:headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'AuthKey' => "your_key_here"})
response object will have 'statuscode', 'headers', 'body' etc (whatever youtube send back in your case). You can access its content using
same for get requests too
Please do read more about it for better understanding before getting started.
Sources : Documentation & Tutorial
Yuo can use excon gem to make specific CRUD or only get requests to external resources, for example, it should be something like this:'', :body => 'token=sjdlsdjasdljsdlasjda')
PS: But seem you not requied the direct gems, tru useing google-api gem, as it described here in the documentation.

Get raw parameter data in Ruby on Rails

I have a ruby on rails api where I want to sign my request data by appending a hashed version of all passed in parameters to the request and rebuild this one at the server side as well to validate the integrity of the requests.
When I simply use the params method in the controller I have different parameters (e.g. for an update-method which is specified by this:
put 'login' => 'login#update'
I get as parameters on the server:
{"timestamp"=>"1399562324118", "secured"=>"xxx",
"login"=>{"timestamp"=>"1399562324118", "secured"=>"xxx"}}
although I only send the request from the client with
{"timestamp"=>"1399562324118", "secured"=>"xxx"}
Does any one have an idea how to get rid of this "login" parameter in the params list in a generic way? I do not want to exclude this for every single request of my api.
Thanks a lot!
Per the Rails Edge guide on ActionController:
"If you've turned on config.wrap_parameters in your initializer or calling wrap_parameters in your controller, you can safely omit the root element in the JSON parameter"

Rails 3 - is link_to with parameters secure?

As a general rule of thumb you aren't supposed to trust any input of data from users. If you had a simple link_to with a parameter:
link_to "Click me", test_path(:my_param => "test")
The route might look like:
How do I know if the param, or any injected data for that matter, is being filtered properly? The Rails 3 API doesn't specify that it filters data that is passed to the controller, but I want to make sure that the params[:my_param] is filtered securely in the controller before I utilize the params data.
Any thoughts?
Rails framework doesn't secure things by default for GET request. link_to tag is sending a http get request.
If it is a POST/PUT/DELETE request then the Rails uses protect_from_forgery for verify the data sending url
However in your case, its not hard to write a simple method to verify your data for get requests ,
you could write a before_filter to check the sending parameters for a GET request

How to route one URL to different controller/action with json data in Rails 3

I am writing server end of a JavaScript app. But engineer who write js and design APIs of this app decided all of ajax send json data to "one" URL, like this:
So, I must provide different service for different "method_name". And the Rails router can not address this problem.
I can use the Object.send method routes the different service to different method, but, I want to distribute my code to different Controller class.
Can I parse the json data in route.rb file? Then route the /url/method_name to controller/action ?

Utilizing A Devise Session Through Flex With Rails3-AMF

I have a Flex front end and a Rails 3 back-end that I would like to establish a session to. Before you can access the page embedded with the flex front-end, you are prompted with a html login page through Devise.
I am able to login fine through the html page but cannot get access to the session with Flex using amf requests.
I have the rails session token in flex but cannot pass them into rails correctly. I am attempting to pass the sessiontokin in through a "send" service call like '###', _csrf_token: '###' )
and rails is receiving the session param in a hash as like
instead of like
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue or to utilize a session with Flex/RubyAmf/Rails are welcomed.
It's been a while since I've done anything with integrating flex & rails, but I have a vague memory that the params come through as {0 => params} if not explicitly mapped in the configuration. The rails3-amf readme on github uses this example:
config.rails3amf.map_params :controller => 'UserController', :action => 'getUser', :params => [:session_id]
If your not already, perhaps explicitly defining the session_id in the :params would make the difference?
