Is there a module Run Block equivalent in AngularDart? - dart

I am looking for a way in dart to do the following in AngularJS:
angular.module('myModule', []).
run(function(injectables) { // instance-injector
// This is an example of a run block.
// You can have as many of these as you want.
// You can only inject instances (not Providers)
// into run blocks


Jenkins Shared Library Recursive Function Calls

I have declarative pipeline and uses jenkins shared library. I am trying to make recursive function call within jenkins shared library.
My shared lib structure is something similar to below :
Inside xyz.groovy I have method foo, to whom I call from my pipeline which works.
However recursive call from
foo() // says No such DSL method //says no signature of method:
I am trying to understand how to calls functions within jenkins shared library.
this.methodName is rightway to call function recursively inside shared library. All though method is not a part of class. But using worked for me.
I was trying something similar to invoke a recursive function with a method declared in the same file .groovy
At the end, the option #Sagar gave didn't work for me
As a workaround, I created the recursive function in a new file (b.groovy) and invoke it from the original file (a.groovy). it worked like a charm :)
* recursive function to compare semantic version form package.json and tag version, only evaluate x.x.x version
* 0 same version
* 1 package.json version is GREATER than repo tag version
* -1 package.json version is SMALLER than repo tag version
int call(ArrayList versionPackageJsonSplit, ArrayList versionTagRepoSplit, Integer iteration) {
if (versionPackageJsonSplit[iteration].toInteger() == versionTagRepoSplit[iteration].toInteger()) {
if (iteration == 2) {
println 'return 0'
return 0
return utility_cdkCompareVersions (versionPackageJsonSplit, versionTagRepoSplit, iteration+1) // --> recursive invocation
} else if (versionPackageJsonSplit[iteration].toInteger() > versionTagRepoSplit[iteration].toInteger()) {
println 'return 1'
return 1
} else if (versionPackageJsonSplit[iteration].toInteger() < versionTagRepoSplit[iteration].toInteger()) {
println 'return -1'
return -1
compareVersionsResult = b (versionPackageJsonSplit, versionTagRepoSplit, 0)
println compareVersionsResult
So far the least awful way I've found to do this reliably is to create a top-level wrapper method with a recursive closure inside it:
def recursiveMethod(args) {
Closure rec
rec = { arg ->
if (recursiveCase) {
return rec(…)
else {
return baseCase
return rec(…)
The upside is that you can reference method args or method-scoped state variables from within the closure without having to pass them around the recursive stack, so recursive calls may look a little cleaner. The downside is a little extra boilerplate to do the wrapping, and also that the closure args have to be named differently than the method args or Groovy raises an error.

Dart testing Command line program

Suppose I have the following program increment.dart,
import 'dart:io';
void main() {
var input = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync());
and I want to test it similar to expect() from test package like,
test('Increment', () {
expect(/*call program with input 0*/ , equals(1));
Elaborating my use case:
I use this website to practice by solving the puzzles. They do have an online IDE but it doesn't have any debugging tools and the programs use std io. So what I have to do for debugging my code locally is to replace every stdin.readLineSync() with hardcoded test values and then repeat for every test. I'm looking a way to automate this.(Much like how things work on their site)
Following #jamesdlin's suggestion, I looked up info about Processes and found this example and whipped up the following test:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test('Increment 0', () async {
final input = 0;
final path = 'increment.dart';
final process = await Process.start('dart', ['$path']);
// Send input to increment.dart's stdin.
final lineStream =
// Test output of increment.dart
// Values match individual events.
'${input + 1}',
// By default, more events are allowed after the matcher finishes
// matching. This asserts instead that the stream emits a done event and
// nothing else.
Used to specify a Platform Selector.
Used to run commands from the program itself like, ls -l (code: Process.start('ls', ['-l'])). First argument takes the command to be executed and second argument takes the list of arguments to be passed.
Testing stream

How to wait for xtext service to complete before executing code

I am using the Xtext web editor framework and am having an issue with code being executed before its preconditions have been run. For instance, when I update my document It calls into the XtextServlet doService method. I have subclassed the XtextServlet class and overridden the doService method like this:
override doService(XtextServiceDispatcher.ServiceDescriptor service, HttpServletResponse response) {
super.doService(service, response)
switch (service.context.getParameter("serviceType")) {
case "update": {
// Execute other code
This other code that I am running relies on the document having been updated. But I have found that sometimes the document is not updated before my code runs. I assume these services are spun up in their own threads then. My question is, is there a way to trigger my code to run as a result of the service actually completing or do I need to completely override the update service to call my code?
EDIT: To clarify my question, where I call super.doService(service, response), this executes an edit onto the document. Where I have my comment // Execute other code I am trying to run some other side effect for the service. This other code relies on the doService method to have finished, but doService spins off an async task which is not finishing before my other code executes

How do you run an interactive process in Dart?

The test below attempts to run the less pager command and return once
the user quits. The problem is that it doesn't wait for user input, it
just lists the entire file and exits. Platform: xubuntu 12.04, Dart
Editor build: 13049.
import 'dart:io';
void main() {
shell('less', ['/etc/mime.types'], (exitCode) => exit(exitCode));
void shell(String cmd, List<String> opts, void onExit(int exitCode)) {
var p = Process.start(cmd, opts);
p.stdout.pipe(stdout); // Process output to stdout.
stdin.pipe(p.stdin); // stdin to process input.
p.onExit = (exitCode) {
The following CoffeeScript function (using nodejs I/O) works:
shell = (cmd, opts, callback) ->
child = spawn cmd, opts, customFds: [0, 1, 2]
child.on 'exit', (code) ->
callback code
How can I make this work in Dart?
John has a good example about how to look at user input. But doesn't answer your original question. Unfortunately your question doesn't fit with how Dart operates. The two examples you have, the Dart version and CoffeeScript/Node.js version, do two completely different things.
In your CoffeeScript version, the spawn command is actually creating a new process and then passing execution over to that new process. Basically you're program is not interactively communicating with the process, rather your user is interacting with the spawned process.
In Dart it is different, your program is interacting with the spawned process. It is not passing off execution to the new process. Basically what you are doing is piping the input/output to and from the new process to your program itself. Since your program doesn't have a 'window height' from the terminal, it passes all the information at once. What you're doing in dart is almost equivalent to:
less /etc/mime.types | cat
You can use Process.start() to interactively communicate with processes. But it is your program which is interactively communicating with the process, not the user. Thus you can write a dart program which will launch and automatically play 'zork' or 'adventure' for instance, or log into a remote server by looking at the prompts from process's output.
However, at current there is no way to simply pass execution to the spawned process. If you want to communicate the process output to a user, and then also take user input and send it back to a process it involves an additional layer. And even then, not all programs (such as less) behave the same as they do when launched from a shell environment.
Here's a basic structure for reading console input from the user. This example reads lines of text from the user, and exits on 'q':
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
final StringInputStream textStream = new StringInputStream(stdin);
void main() {
textStream.onLine = checkBuffer;
void checkBuffer(){
final line = textStream.readLine();
if (line == null) return;
if (line.trim().toLowerCase() == 'q'){
print('You wrote "$line". Now write something else!');

Is it possible to pass command-line arguments to a new isolate from spawnUri()

When starting a new isolate with spawnUri(), is it possible to pass command line args into that new isolate?
eg: Command line:
dart.exe app.dart "Hello World"
In app.dart
main() {
var options = new Options();
print(options.arguments); // prints ["Hello World"]
In other.dart
main() {
var options = new Options();
print(options.arguments); // prints [] when spawned from app.dart.
// Is it possible to supply
// Options from another isolate?
Although I can pass data into other.dart through its SendPort, the specific use I want is to use another dart app that hasn't been created with a recievePort callback (such as pub.dart, or any other command-line app).
As far as I can tell the answer is currently no, and it would be hard to simulate via message passing because the options would not be available in main().
I think there are two good feature requests here. One is to be able to pass options on spawn() so that a script can run the same from the root isolate or a spawned isolate.
The other feature, which could be used to implement the first, is a way to pass messages that are handled by libraries before main() is invoked so that objects that main() depends on can be initialized with data from the spawning isolate.
Your example doesn't call print(options.arguments); in other.dart using the current stable SDK.
spawns an Uri. So how about spawnUri("other.dart?param=value#orViaHash"); and try if you can find the param/value pair via
