template matching? object recoginition and feature matching or what is the solution? - opencv

Problem: I have a photo of an object (a manufactured part like the attached photo below), using my Andoird phone camera I want to verify if the object in camera preview matches to the template or not. (in other words, is it the same part as the template or not)
I can make the user to move the camera in order to have similar view of the template in camera preview as the template however there will be different noise level and/or lighting and maybe different background.
Question: What do you recommend me to use for solving this problem? I was thinking of Canny edge extraction and then matching the camera frames towards the canny edge extract from template? is this a good idea? if yes would you please tell me how can I implement this? any resources? samples? (I can do the Canny edge extraction but couldn't find a way to do the matching)
if Not a good idea then what do you recommend?
Things I have tried:
Feature Extract and Matching: I used few different extractor and matcher implementations from OpenCV and my app is working and drawing the detected feature points and matches, etc. however being a beginner with image processing I cannot make sense of the result and also how to know what is a match. any idea, help, good resources?
Template Matching: I used OpenCV template matching however the performance was horrible and I decided that this cannot be the solution.

I tried object recognition with my phone on your test image and the results were positive.
Detector used :ORB(Binary Detector).
Descriptor used :ORB.
Matching Technique : Brute-force matching .
Image Size 640x480.
I was able to detect around 500 feature points (number of keypoints is around sufficient but it might produce false matches when you have more images with similar looking objects.you need to refine your matching to avoid false matches).
Result of object recognition on two different scales.
Regarding you finding difficulties in understanding object recognition. What exactly did you not understand(Specific topic).
I recommend you to go thru the these two books
Learning OpenCV by By Adrian Kaehler, Gary Bradski
OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook by by Robert Laganière(chapter 8 & 9).

from what I understand canny edge detection might not be an optimal solution. according to me after some basic pre-processing of the test image find its sift features and compare it with the sift features of the template. sift being really versatile should work here too.
you can also try opensurf feature they are faster than sift but i havent had an opportunity to work alot with them to be able to comment on its accuracy


SIFT not working when the image is angled in z direction, is there any way i can make this possible?

This is my template image:
This is my test image where in which i am trying to find template image
I am able to find good match when the test image is pretty much straight and not angled something like this
but whenever it is angled or slant as in my first test image, i am failing to identify good match points
I am using SIFT for extracting keypoints and descriptors and FLANN based search for matching the keypoints, I am pretty much doing everything according to this https://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_feature2d/py_matcher/py_matcher.html
what can be done to improve the accuracy of finding a match?
Ordinary feature detectors such as SIFT have limited angular invariance up to 30 degrees. In your case you need much more, so you can use ASIFT algorithm that is able to match features extracted from images which angular difference is much higher. Note that the computational requirements of this method are very high so you need really powerful hardware if you want to use it in real time. Unfortunately it is not included in OpenCV but there are plenty of implementations around the web, for instance on the mentioned website.

Automatic face verification with only 2 images

The problem statement:
Given two images such as the two images of Brad Pitt below, figure out if the image contains the same person or no. The difficulty is that we have only one reference image for each person and what to figure out if any other incoming image contains the same person or no.
Some research:
There are a few different methods of solving this task, these are
Using color histograms
Keypoint oriented methods
Using deep convolutional neural networks or other ML techniques
The histogram methods involve calculating histograms based on color and defining some sort of metric between them and then deciding upon a threshold. One that I have tried is the Earth Mover's Distance. However this method is lacking in accuracy.
The best approach therefore should be some sort of mix between 2nd and 3rd methods, and some preprocessing.
For preprocessing obvious steps to perform are:
Run a face detection such as Viola-Jones and separate the regions containing faces
Convert the said faces to grayscale
Run eye,mouth,nose detection algorithms perhaps using haar_cascades of opencv
Align the face images according found landmarks
All of this is done using opencv.
Extracting features such as SIFT and MSER generate accuracy of between 73-76%. After some additional research I've come across this paper using fisherfaces. And the fact that opencv has now the ability to create fisherface detectors and train them is great and works fantastically, achieving the accuracy promised by the paper on the Yale datasets.
The complication of the problem is that in my case I don't have a database with several images of the same person, to train the detector on. All I have is a single image corresponding to a single person, and given another image I want to understand whether this is the same person or no.
So what I am interested in knowing is`
Has anyone tried anything of the sort? What are some papers/methods/libraries that I should look into?
Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle problem?
Since you have only one image, you can give this method using DLib a try. I have used 3-4 images per person and it is giving good results.
Detect face (sample_face)
Get face descriptor (128 D vector) using dlib compute_face_descriptor (Check link)
Get the new picture in which you want to recognise the face
detect face and compute the descriptor(lets call test_face).
Compute euclidean distance between test_face descriptor and all sample_faces descriptor
assign the test_face with class(person name) with least euclidean distance.
Give this a whirl, you can play with face aligning if you start getting good results.
This is one of the hot topic for computer visin area. To handle as you have written there are many kind of solutions are available.
But i suggest to look OpenFace which has very high accuracy. There is a implementation of that project at Github.
You need to understand that machine learning doesn't work that way, there are intensive training carried out before your model can give some good results.
with the single image of a person you just cannot predict that its the same person, cause you need to train your model over different images of the person under different light intensities, angles and many other varying scenarios.
Still i would like to try this link :
you may find some match for the image atleast.
So what I am interested in knowing is` Has anyone tried anything of
the sort?
Yes. This is 2017 and facial recognition has been researched for decades.
What are some papers/methods/libraries that I should look into?
Anything google throws at you searching "single image/sample face recognition"
Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle problem?
See above
Extracting features such as SIFT and MSER generate accuracy of between 73-76%.
I doubt humans, who's facial recognition is unmatched perform much better with only 1 image as reference. I mean I couldn't tell for sure if that's Brad Pitt or if one is just a look-alike and I have seen him on houndreds of pictures and hours of movies...

Medical image processing feature descriptors

I'm looking for local and global descriptors for medical image processing. I know about SIFT/SURF/GLOH/HOG, that are mainly applied to computer vision problems, but I would like to know if they are also applied to medical images to describe features or if there are specific descriptors in this field.
I would really appreciate any hint.
Thanks in advance,
If you want to use standard SIFTs for the multimodal matching, you have to a adjust it a little bit - make it invariant to image inversion.
There is a good paper about it by Kelman et.al "Keypoint Descriptors for Matching Across Multiple Image Modalities and Non-linear Intensity Variations"
There are also more special descriptors for multimodal matching, see "An efficient approach for robust multimodal retinal image registration based on UR-SIFT features and PIIFD descriptors" by Ghassabi et.al.
I assumed you need the descriptors for matching.
I'd personally submitted a poster submission and got it accepted for using SIFT as part of the feature detection and matching framework that my work was intended to do.
The feature detection methods you mentioned are good for general images and will work as a good general initial input for your framework, too. Now, since every anatomical region and every modality lives in its own feature domain(ie. brain regions done by MR, live regions done by CT, they all probably imply distinctive landmarks); its best that you first identify what it is unique in your or near your target anatomical region and then see if the aforementioned algorithms would locate your distinctive features(distinctive enough that it has to be in your region and no where else), then find ways to differentiate from the bag of features(that get detected along with your distinctive features). And the result sets would be the key features/descriptors that you would like to keep.
So, Yes, many feature detection algorithms have been extensively used for various areas in medical imaging.

Identify pattern in image

what is the best approach to identify a pattern (could be a text,signature, logo. NOT faces,objects,people,etc) in an image, given that all images are taken from the same angle, which means the pattern to identify will be ALWAYS visible at the same angle, but not position / size/ quality / brightness, etc.
Assuming I have the logo, I would like to run a test on 1000 images, from different sizes & quality and get those images that have this pattern embedded or at least a high probability to have this pattern embedded.
Perhaps you can show a couple of images but it seems like template matching (perhaps with a distance transform) seems like an ideal candidate to your problem.
Perl? I'd have suggested using OpenCV with python or C since you're on the Linux platform.
You could check out SURF and SIFT (explains how to do this with OpenCV and C++ with code attached) which can do decent template matching (logos, etc.).
Text detection is a different kettle of fish, I'd suggest Robust Text Detection in Natural Images with Edge-enhanced maximally stable extremal regions paper which is the latest I've seen that does robust text detection from natural scenes without becoming overly intricate.
Training a neural network with the expected patterns seems to be the best way all-round, though the training process will take a long time. Actual identification is almost real-time though.
Here's a discussion on MSER implementation in two libraries: a) OpenCV, b) VLfeat
Have you checked AForgenet.com ? It has great libs for blob processing. Its in .NET

image segmentation techniques

I am working on a computer vision application and I am stuck at a conceptual roadblock. I need to recognize a set of logos in a video, and so far I have been using feature matching methods like SIFT (and ASIFT by Yu and Morel), SURF, FERNS -- basically everything in the "Common Interfaces of Generic Descriptor Matchers" section of the OpenCV documentation. But recently I have been researching methods used in OCR/Random Trees classifier (I was playing with this dataaset: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Letter+Recognition) and thinking that this might be a better way to go about finding the logos. The problem is that I can't find a reliable way to automatically segment an arbitrary image.
My questions:
Should I bother looking into methods other than descriptor/keypoint, or is this the
best way to recognize a typical logo (stylized, few colors, sharp edges)?
How can I segment an arbitary image (or a video frame, in my case) so that I can properly
match against a sample database?
It would seem that HaarCascades work in a similar way (databases of samples), but I
can't figure out how the processes are related. Is there segmentation going on there?
Sorry of these questions are too broad. I'm trying to wrap my head around this stuff with little help. Thanks!
It seems like segmentation is not what you want. I think it has to do more with object detection and recognition. You want to detect the presence of a certain set of logos, in a certain set of images. This doesn't seem related to segmentation which is about labeling surfaces or areas of a common color, texture, shape, etc., although examining segmentation based methods may be useful.
I would definitely encourage you to look at problem and examine all possible methods that can be applied, not only the fashionable ones (such as SIFT, GLOH, SURF, etc). I would recommend you look at older, simpler methods like simple template matching, chamfering, etc.
Haar cascades became popular after a 2000 paper by Viola and Jones used for face detection (similar to what you see in modern point and click cameras). It does sound a bit similar to the problem you are interested in. You should perhaps also examine this part of the problem, but try not to focus too much on the learning part.
