Rails: in controller, a new view is always rendered by `show`? - ruby-on-rails

I want to implement a search function in the controller, which contains "show, new, create, etc..."
I added in route.rb:
get 'apps/search' => 'apps#search'
and in apps_controller.rb:
def show
#app_info = App.find(params[:id])
def search
# get parameter and do search function
but each time when i request the /apps/search?xxx=xxx then it will be rendered by show... and then search?xxx=xxx is the parameter for method show...
should I rather create a new controller for search? Or is it possible to implement search as my requirements?

Your routes are incorrectly prioritized - somewhere else in your routes file (before the get 'apps/search' line) you have resources :apps, which defines a route that matches the same regex as apps/search.
Routes match from top to bottom, so if you check the output of rake routes, you'll see that your request to apps/search is actually matching apps/:id - which is the show route of your apps resource.
Either move the apps/search route above the resources :apps declaration, or alternatively declare your search route as part of the apps resource, eg.
resources :apps do
get :search, on: :collection
(this will define apps/search in the way you want).
For more information on routing: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html

I think you should edit route.rb as the following:
get 'apps/search' => 'apps#show'

The Rails' way to "say" search is a new route to the apps controller is using collection. So, for example, supposing you already have a resources :apps, you can do:
resources :apps do
get 'search', on: :collection #or you can use another HTTP verb instead of get
And that would give you:
search_apps GET /apps/search(.:format) apps#search


rename rails route

I have a route/path using CcpaAcknowledgmentsController
I would like the route to be, BUT I would still like it to use the CcpaAcknowledgmentsController
Since I have these two routes...
resources :customers
resources :ccpa_acknowledgments
match '/customers/ccpa_acknowledgments', to: 'ccpa_acknowledgments#index', via: [:get]
I keep getting a conflict stating
NoMethodError in CustomersController.
Is there a way to get the desired route I want without putting the method/code in the CustomersController?
This is the way to do that
resources :customers do
get :ccpa_acknowledgments, to: 'ccpa_acknowledgments#index', on: :collection
Inside the customers block for two reasons:
we are fine with the beginning of the path /customers
we don't want to mess with the other customers' routes. In this way your route inside the block is before the customers default routes and it's not seen as you are calling customers/:id with ccpa_acknowledgments as id because rails takes care of that for you defining that route before the show
get :ccpa_acknowledgments
because we need the second part of the path /ccpa_acknowledgments
to: 'ccpa_acknowledgments#index'
we want to specify the controller and action pair, because we want to use the CcpaAcknowledgmentsController even though we're inside the customers block
on: :collection
because we don't want any :id inside our route. It's a route defined on the customers collection
alternative using resources as asked in the comment. Try
scope :customers do
resources :ccpa_acknowledgments, only: :index
but you need to put this before the resources :customers

Rails Routing: Set specific controller action to a different path

I am looking to set the show action for a controller to a specific path (a path without the controller prefix). I know this can be done by controller by doing this
resources :items, path: ''
But is there a way to do this on only one specific action within the controller?
My end goal is to be able to say www.example.com/my-item-name and take the user to the item without changing the URL. I tried using a catchall route but redirecting adds the prefix back which I do not want.
Any ideas?
You can specify which controller and action respond to a certain route in your routes.rb file, like this:
get 'something', to: 'controller_name#action_name'
See Rails Routing Guide.
You can define single routes manually with the match, get,post, put, macros:
get :bar, to: 'foos#bar'
get :bar, controller: 'foos' # works the same as above
post :bar, to: 'foos#bar'
You can also use scope if you want to route multiple routes to the same controller more elegantly:
scope controller: 'foos' do
get :bar
get :baz

What is the purpose of adding routes for additional new actions?

The guide Rails Routing from the Outside In has a section named Adding Routes for Additional New Actions in chapter 2, Resource Routing: the Rails Default, with this example:
resources :comments do
get 'preview', on: :new
which generates the following route:
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
preview_new_comment GET /comments/new/preview(.:format) comments#preview
The same result can be achieved at least in two other ways:
1) Adding a collection route inside resources :comments like get 'new/preview', to: :preview, on: :collection (if you don't bother about the route name)
2) Adding just this route to the corresponding singular resource:
resource :comment, only: :preview do
get 'new/preview', to: :preview, as: 'preview_new', on: :collection
which has exactly the same behavior.
So why there is a on: :new option? Is it just a shortcut? If it is, why it's just for 'new actions' and there are not any similar options for the other default REST actions, like on: :edit or on: :delete?
This is a shortcut that is unique to the RESTful action new, in which an object is instantiated but not yet persisted.
For example, if you are filling out a form for a new object, you would provide yourself with a link_to "preview", which sends all of the attributes to your preview action (instead of directly to create). This is similar to a show view, but for an object that only exists in memory.
This functionality isn't logical for destroy, update, index, show or create. I suppose you could use a preview on an edit action after assigning new attributes before sending to update, but you'd have to create the route manually.
Actually there is a subtle difference.
If you add it to the resources :comments the path helper generated has a pluralized resource name so it will be preview_new_comments and the path will be /comments/new/preview. If you add it to the corresponding singular resource it doesn't pluralize the resource name in the path so you get /comment/new/preview but the helper will be preview_new_comment. Using :on will generate the path helper with the singular resource preview_new_comment but the route will have the pluralized resource /comments/new/preview.
To get the same behaviour you could use the following more verbose route outside the resource
get 'collections/new/preview', to: 'collections#preview', as: :preview_new_comment, on: :collection
I'm not sure why there is no on: :<action other than new> option. They advise against having too many new actions in the documentation but if you are going to have a new 'new' it seems a reasonable possibility you might need an new 'edit' to edit your new 'new'. However, things become more complicated because to edit you would need a path like collections/<id>/edit/preview and the path helper of the solution above stops working as you might expect. More importantly at this stage maybe you start veering away from the original intention of the option.

Including attributes in custom Rails routes

I hope the title is not to misleading, as I don't know a better title for the problem I'm working on:
I have a doctor which belongs to location and specialty. I'd like to route to show action of the doc controller like this:
I defined my routes like this:
get ':specialty/:location/:id', to: 'docs#show'
And in my views create the following url to link to the show action of the doc controller:
<%= link_to doc.name, "#{doc.specialty.name}/#{doc.location.name}/#{doc.id}" %>
Is this a good solution to the problem? If not, is there a cleaner way to construct urls like this possibly using resources? What the heck is the name for a this problem?
Thank your very much for your help in advance.
For references, you should have a look at this page (especially the end of section 2.6)
If it is only for a single route, it's okay as you did. But then if you want to have more than one route (like /dentist/berlin/7, /dentist/berlin/7/make_appointment, etc.) you might want to structure a bit more your routes so as to take advantage of rails resources.
For example, instead of
get ':specialty/:location/:id', to: 'doctors#show'
get ':specialty/:location/:id/appointment', to: 'doctors#new_appointment'
post ':specialty/:location/:id/appointment', to: 'doctors#post_appointment'
You could have something like this (the code is almost equivalent, see explanation below)
resources :doctors, path: '/:specialty/:location', only: [:show] do
member do
get 'new_appointment'
post 'create_appointment'
resources will generate the RESTful routes (index, show, edit, new, create, destroy) for the specified controller (doctors_controller I assume)
The 'only' means you don't want to add all the RESTful routes, just the ones specified
Then you want to add member actions, ie. actions that can be executed on a particular item of the collection. You can chose different syntaxes
resources :doctors do
member do
# Everything here will have the prefix /:id so the action applies to a particular item
# OR
resources :doctors do
get 'new_appointement', on: :member
By default, the controller action is the same as the path name you give, but you can also override it
member do
get 'appointment', action: 'new_appointment'
post 'appointment', action: 'post_appointment'
Rails has some wonderful helpers when it comes to routing !
The correct approach is to give your route a name, like this:
get ':specialty/:location/:id', to: 'docs#show', as: 'docs_show'
Then you can use it like this:
<%= link_to doc.name, docs_show_path(doc.specialty.name, doc.location.name, doc.id) %>
Note 1:
Rails appends _path at the end of the route names you define.
Note 2:
You can see all the available named routes by executing rake routes.

How to remove controller name in REST design in Rails3?

Given a User resource, it goes like this
But how can the controller name be removed to get just
How can I declare this in routes.rb while keeping all CRUD functionality instant?
Updated: After reading this I'm moving to Sinatra over Rails to handle this API-like design better.
Define a custom match:
match ':shortname' => 'users#action'
Replace action in users#action with the name of the action that is supposed to receive the request. Just remember to place it in the appropriate order in your routes file. Rails looks at each line of your routes file starting at the top and selects the first matching route. ':shortname' would match any first-level path, including /users! So put it below any routes using a first-level path, which would include all of your resource routes. Here's an example:
resources :users
resources :posts
match '/blog' => 'posts#index'
match ':shortname' => 'users#action'
In routes, you should be able to do something like
resource :users, :path => '/:shortname'
Try that out and rake routes to see if that comes out as expected.
