UIBarButton unclickable in empty ViewControllers - ios

i've created a tabBarController subclass and linked 3 viewcontrollers to the TabBarController in the storyboard. In the 3 ViewControllers which is directly connected with the tabBarController the UIBarButtons wont react when i click. They wont show the log message and does not do the highlight color. It seems like the navigationBar interaction is disabled or something. When i present a view modally on top of one of the 3 ViewControllers i have no problem with interaction with a UIBarButton in the modally presented View. I'm wondering what could result in such? i've struggled with this for ours.
i don't know if this has anything to do with it aswell, but in the modally presented views this does also result in white statusBar textColor, but it does not change it in the 3 views connected to the TabBarController.
What could this issue be?
self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
i've simply manually added a UIBarButton in the storyboard and then connected this action.
-(IBAction)testAction :(id)sender {

Try this
You just take 3 Navigation Controller as your tab bar view controller rather than simply view controller.
And connect tab bar view controller with navigation controller.
On navigation controller there is one view controller, on that navigation bar put your bar button item and connect to IBAction Method.
Its works for me.


Swift: how to make tab view controller button not show?

Ok, I have all my view controllers managed by a tab bar controller, and obviously when you connect in the storyboard the relationship between the controller and the Vcs as "view controller" a button appears on the tab bar. These are then accessible via the tab bar controller.
My problem is I need to have one VC be the in view controller array but NOT BE SHOWN IN A BUTTON on the tab bar. It should not be accessible to the user, but I need to be able to switch to that VC in code with selectedIndex
I do not know how to do this. I have tried disabling the button and doing
self.tabBar.items?[3].accessibilityElementsHidden = true
But the button is still there on the tab bar. How can I have the VC in the array of the tab bar controller but not shown in a button?
This is not possible using the UITabBarController as is.
Not 100% sure on why you need to have a VC in that array but never visible on the bar, consider subclassing UITabBarController if thats the case.
Changes to the viewControllers or items property of a UITabBarController will encourage iOS to reload the Component and hence why you are seeing the VC in the TabBar.

SWRevealViewController switching between ViewControllers

I have a problem with SWRevealViewController. In my app I have a long chain of UIViewControllers connected to a single UINavigationController. After adding a side menu and setting the "reveal view controller push controller" segue for cells I see only ViewControllers connected with a segue. I can't move between my UIViewControllers in the chain any more. And navigation bar is missing. Is it possible to use a side bar and UINavigationBar at the same time?
I see your image I think you have to add another navigation controller before the C****** S****** View Controller or the view controller you want to go
the reason is that there is no UINavigationController before the C****** S****** View Controller and that's why Navigation bar is hidden and you can't move

Remove navigation bar from main controller in Xcode?

I have a main view controller in Xcode 6 (program is in swift) on which I have a few buttons that lead to certain navigation controllers. When I test the app, the first time I see it it looks fine (without a navigation bar at the top). When I click on a button on main view controller, it shows the navigation controller I selected, everything acts perfectly again. The problem happens when I click on the bar button "back" on that nav controller in order for it to show me my main view controller again. When I'm back to the main view controller, there's a navigation bar at the top that isn't supposed to be there. I want my main view controller to have no navigation bar at the top. I tried to use push, modal and show segues to see if it might be the problem, but I still can't figure it out. Any thoughts on what might be happening?
Sounds like you need to re-hide your navigation bar. To do that, add:
self.navigationController?.navigationBarHidden = true
to the viewWillAppear of whatever view controller for which you'd like to hide the nav bar.
Updated for Swift 3:
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true
In mainViewController, write code to hide navigation bar in viewWillAppear method.
in Objective-C
[super viewWillAppear:YES];
[[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:NO];

Navigation bar button unresponsive in child view controller of UITabBarController

I instantiate my UITabBarController by calling navigationController.viewControllers = #[[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"tabController"]];
My Tab bar controller has a child view that is embedded in a navigation controller. However the bar button (item) is unresponsive when I touch them (the buttons in the navigation bar). I have tried logging the action but it appears as if the button is not firing at all.
The only thing that I have done differently is the way i instantiated the tab bar controller. Am I missing something?
I connected the navigation bar button from the storyboard to an action so it is hooked up successfully. Please note there is also a navigation Controller pointing to the UITabbarController not shown below.
The unwanted behaviour maybe because this flow (navigation controller to tabbar controller) is ill advised in the Apple HIG. More information can be found here: Storyboard with NavigationController and TabController. The solution I found was to hide the navigation bar on the navigation controller that links to the navigation bar (can be done in interface builder), then make it reappear in the new navigation controller that the tab bar links to. Confusing I know, I can help anyone who ever has a similar issue.
Is there any specific reason you are doing this:
navigationController.viewControllers = #[[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"tabController"]];
You can simply drag an outlet from the UITableViewController to the UINavigationController using only the Storyboard.
I think you forgot to add the navigationItem. In the storyboard, add a navigation Item to your viewController and move your bar button items to the navigation bar that appears on the top.

Change from one navigation controller to another

I have application with 2 tab bars. In second tab bar I have navigation controller. I want to change this navigation controller to another navigation controller when "Change" button is pressed. How can I do that? Please help me.
You'd have to replace the View Controller in the TabBar using the viewControllers property of UITabBarController or setViewControllers:animated:if you want to add some animation.
But maybe you should think of having 2 views in a controller of yours and hide/show them when you click a button, maybe even pushing/popping view controllers without animation (pushViewController:yourController animated:NO) on the navigation stack of your navigation controller and just hide the back button (self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES)
