Trying to upload .zip file to Application Loader and I get "No .app bundles found in package"? - ios

I am working in Swift and Xcode 6 beta 5.
I'm new to the whole process of publishing apps to the app store and I don't really understand this- what is the .app file? The file I have been working in is .xcodeproj.
I just zipped up the whole folder (with the tests and .xcodeproj file) and selected it in the Application Loader because I need to submit my binary, and I got the error "No .app bundles found in package". What do I do?

You won't be able to upload an app developed in Xcode 6 until it is officially released. And zipping is not part of the upload process.
Have a look at the Ready Today section at
The .app is the package that contains all the resources that your app will need. When you come to publish it, you will create an archive on the Xcode Product menu, and then to validate and upload, go to Window -> Organizer and select Archives on the top bar. Here you are shown your archives and can validate to make sure it's all code signed etc, and submit them.


How to download and install iXGuard for iOS apps?

There is no any document for working with iXGuard.
How to download?
How to install?
How to working with it?
I have searched in website but not find any guid.
You need to request your quotation first before start using iXGuard, after you enroll they will give you access to guardsquare dashboard, And you can download iXGuard package (Documentation include on package)
Here is a small post be me - Getting Started with iXGuard — an obfuscation & app shrinking tool.
In this Tutorial, you’ll learn how to implement iXGuard in iOS project and how to strip down your app size by making use of iXGuard — an app shrinking and obfuscation tool. This is a step by step process tutorial for installing iXGuard. Let me know of any issues. I have briefly explained the process below.
It is not possible to write or explain the whole tutorial with images in the stackoveflow answer so a link is provided.
Installing iXGuard
Install iXGuard for your version of Xcode using the standard procedure of installing a package file.
Create an IPA using Xcode
1) Create a file for distribution with Product -> Archive in Xcode
2) Select the archive created in Organizer and select Distribute App.
3) Select iOS App Store then Next
4) Select Export and click Next.
5) Include bitcode for iOS content and Upload your app’s symbols to receive symbolicated reports from Apple After checking the items click Next
6) After setting the certificate related settings, export and save
Create ixguard.yml
a. The file may be different for each app. For details, please refer to the Configuration page of iXGuard.
b. From the folder where the exported ipa file is located to the terminal
ixguard.yml -o [Obfuscated IPA file name] [Generated IPA file name]
When you input the command, ixguard.yml default file is created.
Sample — ixguard.yml (This may vary from Project to Project
Apply iXGuard From the folder where the exported ipa file is located to the terminal ixguard. Please enter the following command in the terminal. config ixguard.yml -o [After obfuscation IPA] [File name] [Generated IPA file name] to apply iXGuard.
If there are no error’s in the operation, an obfuscated ipa file is created.
In the case of [warning] of the log in the terminal, the solution for each case is the same as that of the iXGuard manual
On the Troubleshooting -> Runtime Issues page. — Note: Appearance
Note: Result screen
Test your app
Test the function of the app by using methods such as TestFlight on the actual device.
In particular, tokens, authentication keys, etc. are required for logic-oriented testing.
Obfuscation verification
This part has been verified using the MachOView tool.
1) Perform step 2 to create an ipa file. Include bitcode for iOS content check - Release and create two obsolete ipa and two ipa files that are not obfuscated.
2) Change the extension of the corresponding ipa file to zip and unzip it.
3) There is a Payload folder in the unpacked folder, and check the application file with the app name in it.
4) Right-click on the application and select View Package.
5) Copy the executable file with the name of the app in the package and extract it to an arbitrary directory.
6) Open the executable extracted before obfuscation and executable extracted after obfuscation with MachOView app,
Check the name of the debris and confirm that obfuscation is applied.
Image for reference in tutorial. (Above: prior to obfuscation, below: after obfuscation)
Finally , deploy the app in the App Store –
Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader.
Application Loader is not available now. You can use Transporter app which is available in Mac app store.

How to create .dsym file in Xcode 6.4

I know this should be a simple problem to solve, but I'm stumped.
Using Xcode 6.4, how can I create the .dsym file (this is for submission for Veracode scanning, if that matters).
All the instructions I can find are for Xcode <=5, and don't fully translate to Xcode 6.x
After archiving your app, in your derived data
Go to your application
your .dsym file will be in this folder.
Finding the dSYM of a particular build through the Terminal can be quite cumbersome. Instead, use Xcode to do that. In the Window menu, choose Organiser. A list of your apps and archives appears. Select the one you are interested in. Right-click on it, and choose Show in Finder. You will end up in a directory with files called <AppName>-<ArchiveDate>.xcarchive, with the archive you selected in Xcode already selected in the Finder. Right-click again on it, and choose Show Package Contents. And you'll find here a dSYMs folder.

ipa app could not added to our itunes library, it is not a valid app

I have made an unsigned .IPA app using xcode 6 and swift language.
I have compressed the .app file and change its extention to .ipa.
When I want to install this .ipa file on my jailbreaked iPhone, this error is appeard:
"the app 'youtapp.ipa' could not be added to your iTunes library because it is not a valid app".
Would you please let me know what the problem is.
In my case I was using the "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment" option from Organizer to create an ipa file. It appears however that this is broken in XCode 6. Your answer from Jan 1 got me thinking so I did a little digging.
I renamed the exported ipa file to .zip and opened her up. XCode is now putting the .app file inside a folder named "Applications". So I went ahead and renamed this folder to "Payload", zipped it back up, and renamed the zip back to .ipa. Sure enough when I dragged this new ipa file to iTunes it works fine and can be installed on my phone.
Seems to me a bug in XCode, I think I should report it to Apple.
I had this exact same problem using Xcode 6.3 when building my iOS app. It seems that the packager does not complain when the following setting is enabled even though the target is an iOS device:
Application requires iPhone environment:NO
You need to set the this to YES and it will name the folder correctly to Payload.
I had a similar issue while trying to create an .ipa for adHoc distribution for one of the Old project (built a year ago by ex-developer). After a lot of research in google and following this link - here. By replacing the .plist file with the existing working projects (obviously - the relevant icons/bundle display name/identifier) and renaming with the current .plist name. It worked for me.
I literally spent about 3-4 hours to fix this issue. Hope it helps some one.
environment was native - iOS app.
My problem was that I forgot to put the .app file in the Payload folder. After putting the .app file in to the Payload Folder, I zip the folder and change its extension to .ipa.
It works correctly.

Xcode creates wrong IPA folder structure

We normally have 'Payload' folder as root once we unarchive IPA files. However, suddenly Xcode has started creating IPAs with 'Applications' folder as root. Hence MDM is failing to locate files.
Has anyone has faced a similar issue? We are running Xcode version 6.1.
Make sure the key "LSRequiresIPhoneOS" in the info.plist has the value "YES", and make sure the key has the correct case, i.e., IPhone versus Iphone. Earlier versions of Xcode were not as picky about that.
I assume your Deployment Target is 8.0
Validate your Settings from the Editor Menu
Double check info.plist for the following entries.
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion | String | 6.0
LSRequiresIPhoneOS | Boolean | YES
Without it, the archive export will build an iOS IPA file with the OSX Applications folder.
I followed the steps in this post and other posts (adding CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion and LSRequiresIPhoneOS to .plist file) but nothing worked. Here is what happened on my end:
I renamed my project and for some reason, the rename seem to "unlink" my .plist file from my project. I had to go to the project - Info tab and edit the list of parameters there. Add
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion | String | 6.0
LSRequiresIPhoneOS | Boolean | YES
Custom iOS Target Properties
I have created .xarchive file using xcode 6.1 and then created .ipa file as per my answer here How to convert .xcarchive to .ipa for client to submit app to app store using Application Loader.
Now i have unarchieved my ipa file and it is having same folder structure as normal one, i.e. folder named "Payload" is available(no any Applications file). Also MDM is also working fine with that. Please check the way you have used, or else try this way.
Here's what I did - instead of "zipping up" the project file, go into XCode (I'n on version 7.x), and go to PROJECT >> ARCHIVE - and archive that sucker.
It auto archives as an IPA in the proper structure.
The way I did it before was by ZIPPING it up from the FINDER app, and then changing the extension to IPA -- DONT DO THAT.
Once it's archived (from within XCode), it shows up under ORGANIZER, so go there to submit it to apple as a new build.
This was my fix after half of night of trying to submit with Application Loader and it worked fine - had a dozen other issues prior to this but each issue was knocked off the list one by one, so maybe it wouldn't have submitted had I not fixed those, but the above process submitted the first time I tried it - and that was after using Application Loader probably 15 times with no dice.
I just Clean (Command + Shift + K) the project and the error has not appeared

iPhone device: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

I am having an issue when trying to load my application using the application loader.
Getting error message when trying to load the .zip file using the application loader...
"The application wrapper must end in .app /var/folders//5g/...."
I did the Product/Archive, but Archive is gray out .... I am not able to load my application neither from Xcode nor application loader. I am new to iOS... I have looked my application files and I don't see any .app file. is that it? I have created an application by using storyboard... any tips?
When using the Application Loader you need to upload an .app file. The ipa (or .zip) file that you have is an archive that contains an directory (Payload) with the .app file that has the name for your application. That's the file you need to upload from Application Loader
For uploading it from XCode you need to archive it, or go to Organize->Archives and select submit to AppStore from there.
If you have the Archive option disabled from the Product menu you need to select iOS Device as target in the run target drop down. You probably have iPad/iPhone Simulator X.X selected now.
Hope this helps.
