Adding Header Search Path when trying to incorportate GPUImage in my xcode project? - ios

I am trying to add the GPUImage framework/library according to this:
and I am stuck at the point of setting the Header Search Path. I tried setting a path but when I tried importing#import "GPUImage.h" I got an error saying it is not found. Maybe I put in the wrong path? I'm confused about what I should do because I have never used this before (very new to programming). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

First, if you're developing using Xcode 6, you might look at using the new framework support present in iOS 8 (and back to iOS 7, near as I can tell). The project has a true iOS framework that eliminates the need for setting paths to headers, like static libraries require. See the "Adding this as a framework (module) to your Mac or iOS project" section of the instructions for how to use this.
If you're targeting an older version of iOS and/or using an older version of Xcode, you'll need to set the Header Search Paths value in your build settings to be the path to where you installed GPUImage from where your application resides. For example, the sample applications in the examples/iOS directory use a path of
The .. elements in that tell it to step one directory back from the location of your application project. Since the examples reside in GPUImage/examples/iOS/[project], the above relative path leads to GPUImage/framework. If you placed your project and GPUImage in the same encompassing directory, you might use
In that path setting, make sure you set the option on the right to "recursive" as well.
Use the sample applications as templates, and compare how they are set up to your application to find areas where you might have deviated from the listed setup instructions. About the hardest part of those instructions is getting the relative path right.

I suggest you use cocoapods. It handles gracefully library dependencies and GPUImage is present there.
It is also fairly easy to install and use


Using a modified PDFTron Tools Framework

I'm working on a iOS Framework (using CocoaPods) that, as of today, uses PDFNet.framework as its only dependency.
Everything works as expected when I use the resulting framework in another "top level" project.
Now I'm trying to make this same Framework use the Tools.framework, as I intend to use the annotations from the Tools library.
Is there a common approach in doing so?
I've tried building the Tools source code but it fails as the dependency isn't found.
Everything you need should be in the following guide.
If that guide does not help, then please answer my comment above.

27MB IPA with just GStreamer iOS Framework... how do I make much smaller?

I'm very interested in using GStreamer's iOS framework for video streaming, but when I add the framework to a blank project and add a few lines of code to take advantage of its powerful features, the final IPA is 27MB. This is just way to big to be adding to my project, what is the best way to go about stripping this down the the bare necessities as I'm sure I'm only using a small percent of the code that is included in the SDK.
Here's a pic showing the package contents of the IPA:
In the gst_ios_main.h you can disable all the plugins that you don't need (make sure to enable linker optimizations so that unused code is removed). If that's not enough, you can build your own stripped down version of the iOS binaries with (you need to remove things from the .package and .recipe files to only build what you need). Just disabling things from gst_ios_main.h should be enough in 99% of the cases though.
Note that by default you'll build applications for multiple architectures, as such the resulting application will be rather large. Depending on your use case you can drop some architectures.
On another note, is providing an completely outdated version of GStreamer and is in no way related to the GStreamer project. The official website is .
SDKs have their source code encapsulated away from you, the user. You get access only to header files. Thus you just can't extract some class from it because you don't have access to the implementation file.
Of course if this library is opensource you can attempt to isolate one class, but sometimes everything is so deeply connected, that it is close to impossible.

Ensembles Idiomatic app not working

Is the Ensembles example app, Idiomatic, supposed to work without having to configure it or link it to libraries like dropbox? When trying to start it I get this :
[...] Ensembles Basic Support/Ensembles 2.2/Source Code/Ensembles/Framework/Extensions/
CDEDropboxSyncCloudFileSystem.h:13:9: 'Dropbox/Dropbox.h' file not found
Does anyone know how to get it working? (I'm using Ensembles 2.2)
It seems when I was adding the DropboxSync framework, I accidentally included a full path, rather than a relative path, in the frameworks search path.
You can easily fix it by selecting the Idiomatic iOS target, going to Build Settings, locating the framework search path setting. Change it to $(SRCROOT)/../../Vendor/DropboxSyncSDK/iOS

iOS - missing Platform Libraries

First of all, I've never worked on iOS, so this may or may not be a stupid question, I don't know :)
I have an iOS App, and I need to run it.
In the 'Project Navigator' I have a folder/package called 'Reuse and Platform Libraries'. Inside, I have another four folders but 3 of them seem like missing.
I am not sure if this is the case. I've tried googling their name but without results so I assume they are not some open source libraries.
Can someone clear this up for me? Do I need to install some XCode packages?
I suggest you search the folder of the project for those files, sometimes when copying a project the paths get screwed up because they were set as absolute paths and not relative paths.
If you can't find the files, it's most likely that the library is a private one used by the previous developers, and usually kept out of the project folder so they probably forgot to send it along. I'd suggest simply asking them to send the files over :).
There is also a slight chance they are not needed to run the file, in which case, just deleting them from the sidebar should make the project run.

xcode build settings for imported libraries (xcode 5)

I'm having a small issue with xcode (I'm assuming it's mostly due to being unfamiliar with xcode itself) and was hoping someone could lend me a hand.
I'm working with a group of people and we're using the GPUimage framework.
The problem is this:
For every person referencing GPUimage we get additional entries in the build settings for the xcode project.
For example build products path would be:
I would rather it be:
The reason I want to fix this is because we need to package up our application and library together so that whoever wants to use it only needs to open the xcode project file to see what we've done (to mark it, school project).
Can anyone suggest what I should do or look for here?
Try adding the following to the beginning of the user path:
That should instruct XCode to use the user path of whoever is using the library
Hope this helps!
