Configure Jndi names in Netbeans 8 - jndi

In Netbeans 7.4 I used to create a Persistence Unit by choosing a JNDI name and then a database connection. In Netbeans 8 I repeated the same process and started to give the old error
Invalid resource : jdbc/something__pm
I also created a JDB resource with a new connection pool and the problem still remain. My way to solve this mistery was to delete line jdbc/something from persistence source.
Is there any problem with this solution?


Error occurs when creating a new database under Neo4j 4.0

I'm using Debian 9.9 and the version of Neo4j is 4.0. I'm having problems creating a new database using the neo4j browser. The instruction I followed is this.
I have tried the following Cypher command:
create database myNewDatabase
However, an error pops up like this:
Unsupported administration command: create database myNewDatabase
Please let me know what the error message means and how I can solve it. Thx in advance:-)
In v. 4 (release Feb. 2020) of the professional version of Neo4j, it's easy to create new databases. Documentation
In the community edition, it takes a hack:
1. Edit the file NEO4J_HOME\conf\neo4j.conf
2. Un-comment the line: dbms.default_database=neo4j
3. Change the neo4j to whatever database name you want for a new database. Note: names must have between 3 and 63 characters. For example: dbms.default_database=mydatabase
4. Save the file
5. (If applicable) Kill the database server, and close the browser window with the Neo4j UI
6. Start the neo4j server, and open a new browser window, pointed as usual to http://localhost:7474/
7. Both the old (default) database, "neo4j" and the one you just created will show up. However, attempting to switch between them causes an error. If a switch is desired, repeat the above steps starting from (3)
Note: the above steps will create a folder named mydatabase (or whatever name you used), in NEO4J_HOME\data\databases , and it will populate its contents.
I personally think that switching between databases is such a BASIC operation that Neo4j ought to make it easily accessible in the Community edition!
I think I've got the answer to my question. It turns out that my license (the community edition) is not supported for working with multiple databases. An alternative could be this.

Umbraco + YAF integration - connection issues

I'm working to try and get a migrated Umbraco/YAF installation working, but I'm having issues with connectivity.
I've already asked for help with the Connection Strings, so this bit is sorted.
However, I still get a 404 error when I try and navigate to mysite/forums, as it redirects to mysite/install
This site tells me that this could be because of a few issues:
It will connect you to install\default.aspx if
: its connect to a db but thinks there isn't a YAF version present in its data, or
: database version doesn't match and thinks it needs updating.
I know it's connecting to the DB, because the CMS connection string works, and it's connecting to the same database.
There are YAF_* tables in the database, so I know it's content is there.
By process of elimination, it might be a version issue, but I'm not sure how to compare the DB version to the ASP files version.
I'm running Umbraco 4.6.1
I never quite worked out what version I was running, but I did find out this issue was fixed by:
Assign yaf database user db-owner privileges.
And there you have it.
check that you have the following line in web.config
<add key="umbracoConfigurationStatus" value="4.6.1" />

Adding a Team Project Collection in TFS2010

I’m trying to add a team project collection to a TFS2010 instance. The instance already has project collections set-up and in use, but when I try to add another I get warnings from the Data Tier Configuration. The warnings are as follows:
TF255153: Service is not set to start automatically: SQL Server Database Services:
TF255437: An error occurred while querying the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface on the following computer: MYTFSSERVER. The following error message was received: .
TF255437: An error occurred while querying the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface on the following computer: MYTFSSERVER. The following error message was received: .
(TF255437 is reported twice)
I’ve had a good look around, and found a couple of articles that implied TF255437 is caused by WMI compatibility not being enabled in IIS (TFS2010 is running on IIS7.5). However, this is enabled as far as I can tell.
Has anyone come across either of these errors before? The admin console seems happy for me to create the TPC regardless, but without understanding the errors fully, I’m reluctant to do so.
This was all caused by the "SQL Server Agent" service not being started on the server.

Connection issue in JayBird

I am new to Firebird using its Java version Jaybird, But unable to connect from database (.fdb file). The problem comes like this:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initilize Jaybird native library. This is most likley due to a failure to load the firebird client library.
Using following code:
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS /FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
Having following files in build path of Eclipse project:
Also using the JVM arguments as -Djava.library.path="D:\Shared\Firebird\Jaybird-2.1.5JDK_1.5"
Tell me what is wrong in my approach?
Thanks RRUZ for giving repsonse.
Actually there was no space after "C:/XLNKREPOS" in my connection string, It was a copy past mistake. Again & again I got the following SQL Exception:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
And that database is no where used in other program.
Hope my this post makes you understand my problem.
The OP is mixing two jdbc url formats supported by Jaybird.
Either use
{...} used to indicate optional part
I think the problem must be the connection string, there is a blank space after "C:/XLNKREPOS"
Try this
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS/FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
When I got this error it was because I was using x64 Firebird version instead of the standard x86 version. I thought since I was running a 64bit OS that those embedded binaries corresponded to me... Hopefully that fixes your problem.
Troubleshooting Tips:
I was also able to further diagnose additional Firebird problems by adding the latest log4j jar from apache's site to my project/classpath. I then added a file to my default/root src directory with the following properties set inside:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%c{1},%p] %m%n
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, stdout, stdout
I also had to set System.setProperty("FBLog4j", "true"); in my code.
Another thing you can do is make sure you're running the latest and greatest from their repository at
Just unzip the tarball and compile it using their supplied build script (build.bat/ After compilation look in the 'output/lib' directory and you'll find the latest version of the jaybird jar (as of right now it's 2.2.0). You'll also need the latest jaybird dll (as of right now it's 22) which is located in the 'native' directory. I went through a lot of pain trying to figure this crap out. The documentation on Firebird's site is very outdated and poorly written.
I had the same problem, it was caused by those slashes before localhost.
That URL should be:

Deploying an application

What is the correct proceedure when deploying an MVC application? I am using the built in forms based authentication and deploying using the publish function in VS2008 but when deploying it doesn't seem to deploy the ASPNETDB to the server and I end up with errors like
An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 1802 and the SqlException message is: CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\HOURS3\APP_DATA\ASPNETDB_TMP.MDF'.
I looked this up and attempted to change the sql server to run under the local system account as per
but that doesn't seem to have helped.
When you try to publish this way, I believe you're going to overwrite your database with the one you are currently developing with. This means if you had any changes in your web environment, such as new users, you would lose them when you overwrote them in a publish. Additionally the reason you're probably getting permission denied, is because the file is already in use by the website, and Windows doesn't like it if you try deleting a file that is in use.
Typically I set my databases to publish in a different methodology than the files. I often generate an upgrade script using a tool such as RedGate SQL Compare. This allows me to upgrade the one live on the server instead of copying a new file.
