Input text not working on Cordova - jquery-mobile

I'm writing a WebApp for Android using Cordova 3.5
When i compile and run my application, all the input text's don't work, i try to input some text but no work.
I try to do some CSS tricks like *{user-select: text;}, but also don't work.
I build my app using jQuery mobile 1.4.3
Someone knows what's happening?

Delete position:absolute from the CSS of container


Meteor - searching for WYSIWYG

I am searching for an WYSIWYG editor for my Meteor project.
It's Meteor version with Angular 5.
I have already tried [Froala][1].
Which was working fine local, but after creating a Docker container it showed multiple errors (
So I am looking for either fixing this problem, or another simple/lightweight WYSIWYG editor working with Meteor and Angular 5.
Thank you ;)
I will suggest The CKEditor - I recommend version 4, since I worked with it and I can say that it works very well with Meteor. Put the code (CK Editor library) in the public folder of your project, after that you can simply use it everywhere. It has a download page ( were you can built your editor, add everything that you need and remove the things that you don't need, so it's pretty nice to use it.
Initializing it is that simple:
HTML: <textarea id="ck_editor" rows="5">
JS: CKEDITOR.replace('ck_editor');
To get the text content:
P.S.: I worked with this editor in Meteor 1.5 and I haven't tested it with 1.6, but it should work in the same way. Also I deployed the project on a docker container, without any problems.
I would suggest TinyMCE.
I would recommend self-hosted and you can install it via NPM:
npm install tinymce
Once you have required the packages see the docs

phonegap 2.0 at ios has an error

My code works well at android platform(phonegap 2.0 and before).But when i try to run it at ios, it has some problems.
If i add cordova2.0.js like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/cordova-2.0.0.js"></script>
But my app will alert a lot. like these:
When i romove cordova-2.0.0.js tag. The index.html load normally without any alert.
I don't know why.
We had a similar problem that got fixed by always using the cordova-2.0.0 that xCode creates automatically for you when starting a phonegap-project.
Are you using the android version of the javascript?
Try using cordova library for ios. It seems that you are using the android one, or the path is wrong.

iOS Phonegap Infinite Dialog error when running application?

I'm having an issue developing a phonegap app for iOS. I just copied all the html / css / javascript markup into a phonegap application. I'm using xcode3 on a Mac with 10.6.8
When I go to run the application, I get these dialogs once it loads and install:
gap:["Network Status","getConnectionInfo","Network Status0",true]
usePolling: gap_callbackServer
getPort: gap_callbackServer:
getToken: gap_callbackServer:
Then is stays forever at gap_poll:
While I'm getting these dialogs, I can see the app's home screen all loaded in the background.
This application was successfully built, deployed and is currently on the App Marketplace for Android, never had problems like this developing for it.
What could be causing this?
More than likely you are using the Android version of phonegap.js. Each platform has it's own phonegap.js so you have to make sure you are using the right one. I know it is confusing but we are working on it.
Just change the script tag from:
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.2.0.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="phonegap.js"></script>
Another solution that I found was to just use "phonegap.js" (and I don't even have that file included) and when I added my .zip file to build it seemed to automatically add the correct version for me. I noticed the phonegap getting started app didn't include an version of the .js file and that gave me the idea.
Main reason is for using the cordova.js which mainly for Android. I've searched the cordova-1.8.1.js for iOS, bad-luck for me.
And finally I create phonegap-1.8.1 project for iOS from terminal then tried to create another project with phonegap-2.1.0 from template and found the cordova-2.1.0.js. This JS then used for phonegap-1.8.1 project ...
I've got my success, now my application is running successfully on iOS 6(new version iPAD)

jQuery Mobile v1.1.0 loader/progressbar do not show on android Internet browser

Hello I have problem with jQuery Mobile v1.1.0. When I try to use this function.
The progress indicator is not shown. The progress indicator(loader) is shown in regular browser, like FF, but in Android Internet browser, the PI is now shown. Do you have any Idea why the loader is hidden in android browser? I tested it on samsung nexus mobile phone, with the android version v2.3.4. I tried to call the function with parameters like this
$.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg("b", "test message test", false);
But this works only on my PC web browsers FF, Chrome IE etc.
did you try the examples in the docs?
On my android 2.3.3 the loader is shown but the loader image is not animated.
If the examples work for you, be sure that you replaced/removed all old JQM files with the 1.1.0 version (css, js, images) and that they are linked correctly in the document.
When the themeroller was deployed for v1.1.0 there was a small error with the loader images in the zipfile and the style sheet.
This was fixed within a few hours, but it might be that the version you downloaded tries to load ajax-loader.gif, while ajax-loader.png was in the zipfile.
Getting your theme again from the themeroller might fix it for you
I had the same problem. The progress-dialog was not shown when doing an ajax call afterwards. I incapsulated everything except the showPageLoading-call in a timeout-function-call.
setTimeout(function() {
...[here your code goes]...
Worked for me although the animation only worked until the function has been executed (here: 200ms) but that doesn't really matter to me.

BlackBerry BrowserField executing javascript

I tried a simple javascript [Example: document.getElementById("mydiv").style.display = "none";] on a web page and tested it on BlackBerry 4.5 simulator browser and it worked.
Now I have an app (JRE 4.5 - Eclipse Plugin) with a BrowserField embedded in a browser and I access the same page in the BrowserField. I do have the following code added to my app
myrenderingSession.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, RenderingOptions.JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED, true);
But the java script is not working. Do I need to add custom code to ensure java script executes? Anything in the Event.EVENT_EXECUTING_SCRIPT? Please help!
I simply can confirm I have the same code on OS 4.5 to enable JS, and the page with JS works OK for me. However should also say I don't hide anything on the page via JS, so I can't confirm if the same JS to hide an element works for me.
Also - I don't handle Event.EVENT_EXECUTING_SCRIPT in any way. So I am sure the code you are using to enable JS is enough to expect JS support in your BrowserField.
